Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1215: evidence

The first two hundred and twenty-five chapters of evidence

"Where?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This..." Lin Yubin hesitated and said, "I have been hiding that thing. It was also the handle of a white tiger that Li Bai was able to tie up with Li Gang better. If you need it, I can go back and get it!"

"Oh? Can't you tell me where?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This...the place is very secret, you can't find it." Lin Yubin said.

After Zhao Tiezhu’s silence for a while, he said, “I will take you there.”

"I have a condition." Lin Yubin said quickly. "I need you to give me a certificate. After I bring those things to you, you have to save my life!"

"This is not easy." Zhao Tiezhu smiled proudly. "What credentials do you want, let me say."

"You give me a letter." Lin Yubin said after a moment, said.

"Cheng." Zhao Tiezhu took a piece of paper from the side, and quickly wrote a sentence on it, and signed his own name, Zhao Kunlun.

"You call Zhao Kunlun?" Lin Yubin frowned and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Of course, don't you believe it?" Zhao Tiezhu stared at Lin Yubin and said.

"Letter!" Lin Yubin nodded and said, "I seem to have heard of your name, you are a Zhao family!"

"Since I know that I am a Zhao family, do you still worry that I don't have the ability to protect your life?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Lin Yubin shook his head and said to Zhao Tiezhu. "Well, can you let go of my handcuffs first? I can't go out like this!"

Zhao Tiezhu gave Wang Secretary a look. Wang Wei stepped forward to open Lin Yubin's handcuffs. Zhao Tiezhu grabbed Lin Yubin's arm and left the interrogation room directly.

When he arrived at the big yard, Director Wang personally opened a police car and Zhao Tiezhu took Lin Yubin to sit up, and then left the police station directly.

"Right, where is Li Ziqi now?" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly asked Wang, who seemed to have recently come to the police station and did not see the man.

"His Laozi lost power. I saw him unhappy, and he dropped him to the police in the Xicheng area." Director Wang said with a smile.

"Oh, you are too interesting, Director Wang." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

“It’s all learned from you.” Secretary Wang said modestly.

Under the command of Lin Yubin, the car has been going in the direction of the suburbs. It has been opened for more than 20 minutes. Finally, it stopped at a field. Next to the field is a small two-story building. The decoration is quite good. It just seems that there is no one in it.

"This is my house." Lin Yubin explained.

"Hey? It’s quite interesting. Make a house in such a place where birds don’t pull. There are fields here, and vegetables are grown!” Zhao Tiezhu joked.

"Oh, interest, interest." Lin Yubin said while leading the way.

Pushing open the heavy iron gate, the entrance is a small yard, the small yard is the floor covered with cement board, and then I saw Lin Yubin said, "This, can you please wait here, my stuff is placed A hidden place, but there are some things that I personally are more private, so please wait here, I will take it out when I take something."

"When are you a fool?" Director Wang shouted. "If you go in, if you run, who are we going to chase?"

"Nothing, let him in, he can't run." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "It's all around the wilderness, where can he go?"

"That is, you are waiting for me in this yard, I have to go and hide your words, huh, huh, or when you destroy the word, then I have no place to cry." Lin Yubin Said, while walking into the second floor of the small building.

Zhao Tiezhu held his chest with his hands and closed his eyes slightly, completely unfolding his powerful sixth sense.

Slowly, Zhao Tiezhu heard the sound of Wang’s breathing, the heartbeat, and the more outward, the voice of Lin Yubin walking.

I only heard that Lin Yubin had gone two steps first, then stopped, and after three more steps, stopped again, and then took a step.

According to the size of Lin Yubin's walking voice, Zhao Tiezhu judged very simply that the two steps that Lin Yubin took first were to turn away from his own direction, because the sound became smaller, and the next three steps were translational, and he sounded sound. There is no change at all, and the last step is oblique, but in which direction, Zhao Tiezhu has no eye, but I don’t know, but I know that Lin Yubin judges the location of his hidden things according to the pace of walking. .

Then there was the sound of digging for a moment. After a while, the sound stopped, and then after some noisy voices, Lin Yubin’s footsteps rang again. This time he went to the door.

When Lin Yubin appeared again in front of Zhao Tiezhu, Lin Yubin’s hand had a small box.

"The tape is inside." Lin Yubin handed the things to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu took the box and opened it. He saw that it was a memory card.

"Just here, you can bring it back and listen." Lin Yubin explained.

"Let's go." Zhao Tiezhu reached out and pulled Lin Yubin over, then left the yard and walked back to his car. Director Wang was the driver.

This time, Director Wang did not drive the car back to the police station. Instead, under the direction of Zhao Tiezhu, he came to the outside of fj University, the earliest birthplace of the Blood Soul Hall.

There is also a branch of the Blood Soul Hall, and those basements are still there. Zhao Tiezhu took Lin Yubin and Wang Wei directly into one of the basements, then found a computer, copied the data from the memory card to the computer, and then opened it.

At first it was a noisy sound, then the slow, noisy sound stopped, and a deep middle-aged male voice rang.

"Secretary Li, this is a little bit of meaning for my family."

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly heard it. This is Lin Yubin’s voice.

"What is this?" Li Gang's voice immediately sounded.

"This is a lottery ticket in more than one billion!" Lin Yubin said with a slight trembling voice. "My family, Baihu said, in the development of fj, you still need to rely on you a lot, so let me send you this lottery ticket. ""

"This is... the person who was killed last time?" Li Gang's voice is very low.

"I don't know about this." Lin Yubin said, "I have handed you over to Baihu anyway. I handed it over to you, that is, I have completed the task. However, Director Li, I suggest that you give this lottery to your child. After all, You are a national civil servant. If you win, you are not convinced."

"This... then I will thank Bai Qi for Ziqi." Li Gang said, "If there is anything in the future, just say it. You are all brothers, you have to do all these things."

"Yes, yes, everyone is a brother, they are brothers!"

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