Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1216: Gift to Zhang Yihuang

The first thousand two hundred and sixteen chapters give Zhang Yihuang a gift


The recording stopped here.

"Look, it's right." Lin Yubin said.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Yes, this voice is also Li Gang!"

"That's good, then, since I have helped you, please also follow our agreement to protect my life!" Lin Yubin said with a smile.

"That is of course, I speak, I have always counted words, you first signed this transcript." Zhao Tiezhu took a transcript from Director Wang and handed it to Lin Yubin.

"this is…?"

"This is about the material that you accused Li Gang of accepting bribes from others. After all, I can't excuse me for no reason. You have made a life. If you have these things, you can give me a sentence. It is okay to sentence you to death. After two years, I will change my sentence for an indefinite period of time, and then let your family members move, it is estimated that it will come out in ten years." Zhao Tiezhu said.

Lin Yubin looked at the transcript from beginning to end. As it was said, he just identified the material that Li Gang had accepted from others, and signed his name on it.

Zhao Tiezhu took the transcript and looked at it. He nodded at the smile of Director Wang, and then handed the transcript to Director Wang. Then he pressed Lin Yubin and left the basement and returned to the police station. Then Zhao Tiezhu took the recording that Lin Yubin gave to himself and came to the provincial government.

Zhang Yihuang was in the office of the provincial party secretary at this time. He heard the secretary say that Zhao Tiezhu had something to come to him. After Zhang Yihuang frowned and pondered for a while, he said to his secretary, "Don't worry about him, let him dry for half an hour. Let He made this thing for me all the time, hehe."

Zhao Tiezhu was still looking forward to waiting for Zhang Yihuang to see himself. I did not expect the secretary to come back and tell himself that Zhang Yihuang had something to do and let Zhao Tiezhu wait. Zhao Tiezhu asked the secretary that he had to wait a lot. The secretary hesitated and said, "This, the secretary did not say, but the secretary seems to be a little dissatisfied with your recent affairs."

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu eyebrows picked, looked at the secretary, nodded and said, "Well, Xiao Zhao I know, this love, Xiao Zhao I received."

The secretary smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and did not speak. He left.

Zhao Tiezhu sat in the reception room outside, and his brow was locked. This wing emperor was dissatisfied with what he had done the most difficult thing, and what he had done recently was the one that Li Gang had taken these days. The matter, picking up the girl must not cause Zhang Weihuang's dissatisfaction. The one who is dissatisfied with the wing is to get Li Gang himself.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed helplessly, although he tried to dilute himself to get Li Gang, and he tried his best to deal with it in the most formal way. He just did not expect that this still caused Zhang’s dissatisfaction. Zhao Tiezhu understands that he is the boss of a gang, his own world, the underground world, as long as he follows the pace of the provincial party committee, so that he can, and he has intervened once before the government. The affairs of Li Gang were transferred to the Cultural Relics Bureau. Now it is the driver of Li Danhe. This is an act that no matter what the provincial party secretary is not waiting to see. It is like the emperor’s appointment in the ancient palace. It is also true that the harem is not involved in government affairs. This is related to the authority of his Zhang Yihuang. If a city bureau cadre is smashed by a gangster, then what is his prestige? The appointment and removal of cadres, that has always been the skill of his Zhang Yihuang! Although Zhang Yihuang took care of Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu’s damage to his prestige would also make him very dissatisfied.

Zhao Tiezhu can only helplessly sigh in the reception room. He does not really do this thing. People take care of themselves, and they repeatedly offend the authority of the government. However, when Zhao Tiezhu squats to do it, No one can stop it.

Finally, after waiting for about half an hour, the secretary appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu and let Zhao Tiezhu go to Zhang Yihuang’s office.

Zhao Tiezhu took a few deep breaths and walked a little into the office of Zhang Yihuang.

As soon as he entered the office, Zhao Tiezhu saw Zhang Yihuang holding an internal reference and watching it. He did not look up at Zhao Tiezhu, so he let Zhao Tiezhu stand there.

This is the so-called learning time!

Leaders are learning the spirit of blocking the central, you are small, naturally have to stand there and wait for me, this is also a kind of down.

Zhao Tiezhu is not annoyed. The biggest advantage of him is that if he did something wrong, or if he was sorry, he would definitely accept the anger and criticism of the people with great guilt.

Anyway, standing at a stop will not be pregnant, so much.

After half an hour of study time, Zhang Yihuang slowly raised his head and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. He said with a slight surprise, "Hey, Xiao Zhao, how come you."

I used to call it Iron Pillar. Now I am called Xiao Zhao. This relationship has become a lot farther.

Zhao Tiezhu accompanied his smiling face and said, "Zhang Shuji, I don't want you, come see you."

"Hey, I think you can't do anything, just come to me for help?" Zhang Yihuang snorted with a face, and there was an invisible pressure on him to shrouded Zhao Tiezhu.

This is the kind of momentum formed by the so-called long-term high-ranking people. It is like the military people often contact, can cultivate the heart, and the long-term power figures standing on the heights will slowly derive a kind of repair. The thing that is almost the same as the heart, it is an invisible majesty, he will make those power figures look more stalwart! This is also why many ordinary people and leaders have a sense of restraint when they stay together. These are the pressures brought about by majesty.

However, this majesty is almost the same for the enchanting Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu still bends his hippie smile and looks at Zhang Yihuang. "This, Secretary Zhang, I really miss you. Today is the Christmas season. I am thinking about your old days. I am sure I can't live this festival. Come and see you."

"Christmas, that is the stuff of your young people, and it is also something in the West. We can only have that kind of holiday." Zhang Yihuang shook his head, but then he showed a strange smile and said, "But since You said, today is Christmas to see me, then, what kind of holiday gift have you prepared for me?"

Zhao Tiezhu was looked at by the smile of Zhang Yihuang’s smile. I thought that this fj provincial leader would not see that he was too handsome to move his mind. When he heard Zhang Yihuang’s words, Zhao Tiezhu smiled from the pocket. I found out the memory card that Lin Yubin gave him before, and said, "The gift is this."

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