Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1217: care

The first two hundred and twenty-seven chapters care

Zhang Yihuang looked straight at Zhao Tiezhu, and did not speak, so he kept watching, and Zhao Tiezhu looked at his hair, but still did not speak.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed and knew that if he didn't speak, this wing king would definitely not speak, so he said, "This is a copy, how to say it, something very important, at least I think it’s for us." Said that the things inside are too filthy."

"And then?" Zhang Yihuang did not ask Zhao Tiezhu what is in the memory card, but leaned back on the sofa and asked calmly.

Zhao Tiezhu was a bit helpless at the moment. Like Zhang Yihuang, he was observing the people who had been immersed for decades, and he was already standing at the peak of the whole of China. The intelligence and intelligence of his wrists were all one-on-one. He was so simple. It completely occupied the initiative of the two people’s conversations, and Zhao Tiezhu had a feeling of being killed by him. This feeling made Zhao Tiezhu’s sweat almost flow out. He had encountered Zhang Yihuang’s before. At that time, it was all a smile. The Zhang Yihuang that I met today is a completely different feeling to Zhao Tiezhu. This is the gas field that a provincial party secretary should have!

Zhao Tiezhu had to bitterly say a face. "This, Secretary Zhang, is a dark recording of the power and money transactions. I think, do you have that interest to listen to?"

"Directly speaking the key points." Zhang Yihuang is completely different from Zhao Tiezhu’s answer. Zhao Tiezhu is almost going crazy, but he can only suppress the depression in his heart and say, "We fj did not have a massacre together last year, public security The case supervised by the ministry? There is a hidden case in the case, and it involves some government officials and the most fundamental reason for the tragedy.” Zhao Tiezhu finished his speech and then looked at Zhang Yihuang and waited for Zhang Yihuang. The answer.

"Oh?" Zhang Yihuang's look did not change much, just a little bit of doubt, and then silenced for a long time. When Zhao Tiezhu almost thought that Zhang Yihuang was asleep, Zhang Yihuang suddenly Said, "Where, who?"

"There is Li Gang!" Zhao Tiezhu looked like a hi, he finally felt the interest of Zhang Yihuang, and quickly said, "There is Li Danhe's driver, Lin Yubin."

"It's the one you caught in the last two days, isn't it?" Zhang Yihuang asked.

"Well, that is, do you want me to listen to this video?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No. You give it to me." Zhang Yihuang said.

Zhao Tiezhu carefully placed the memory card on the table of Zhang Yihuang. The wing emperor waved directly at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You can go out. I will let Xiao Chen inform you later. Xiao Chen, Send him out."

what? Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhang Yihuang strangely, but the secretary came in from the outside and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Mr. Zhao, let me go."

Zhao Tiezhu was quite unwilling to look at Zhang Yihuang. The purpose of his coming here is to let Zhang Yihuang help himself, or let Zhang Yihuang say hello to the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and then he can let those The people of the Discipline Inspection Commission went down to check Li Gang, and the people of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission went down. Even Li Danhe could only help nothing. I didn’t expect Zhang Yihuang to promise nothing, and let Zhao Tiezhu go directly. How can Zhao Tiezhu be reconciled? ?

Out of the office of the secretary of the provincial party committee, Xiao Chen said to Zhao Tiezhu with a smile. "I don't mind if I call you this."

"I don't mind if I don't mind, Lin Mi called me so good!" Zhao Tiezhu said busy.

"Oh, what forest secret, you also called me Xiao Chen is." The secretary of Xiao Chen said, "I really envy you."

"Envy me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in confusion.

"From the time I followed Zhang Shuji eight years ago, you are the only one who cares so much about Zhang Shuji." Xiao Chen said.

"This... I didn't see it." Zhao Tiezhu said in confusion.

"Oh, not everyone has the qualification to wait for Zhang Shuji for half an hour, and no one is eligible to enter the secretary's office, not everyone is qualified to accept Zhang's dissatisfaction." Xiao Chen said "That, I can't say too much, I believe you can understand."

Zhao Tiezhu was silent for a long time and said, "Thank you Chen Secretary."

"Oh, this is what I should do. I will still rely on the Zhao brothers in the future." Secretary Chen said with a smile.

"Haha, then I will call you a brother."

"Oh, then I will call you Zhao Laodi!"

From the office of the provincial party committee secretary to the stairway, Zhao Tiezhu and Xiao Chen called the brothers and brothers. After Zhao Tiezhu left, Xiao Chen specially ordered with Zhao Tiezhu. "The secretary of the provincial party committee is always impossible to see things." People are on the same level, wait patiently! Nothing can be anxious."

From the provincial government, Zhao Tiezhu has been thinking about what the thought of this wing emperor is. It has been until the villa, Zhao Tiezhu has not figured out the way out, just as Cao Ziyi is painting, Zhao Tiezhu forcibly took Cao Ziyi to sit down. Beside yourself, I will raise my doubts and hope that Cao Ziyi can give myself a reminder.

"Zi Yi, you talk about this wing emperor, what do you think?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Actually, this is not difficult." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "Can you really not see it?"

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "I can't see it."

"No matter which place, blocking politics, there is no way to completely get along with each other!" Cao Ziyi said.

"and then?"

"The Li Danhe is the person of the governor Lu Jinhui." Cao Ziyi said, "This is the key point."

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is like a flash of a cockroach. Why did Zhang Yihuang react? Zhao Tiezhu understood it almost instantly.

"You mean, Zhang Yihuang, he stared at Li Danhe?"

"Well, then?" Cao Ziyi asked with a smile.

"As you said, the disregard of politics is almost universally known in China. No matter which place, including towns, counties, cities, and provinces, it is the same. For example, it is reasonable to say that the province is the largest. It is the governor, but the governor is guiding the government, and the secretary of the provincial party committee is guiding the work of the blocking committee. The governor must be a blocker, that is to say, the governor also has to listen to the secretary of the provincial party committee, but actually It is impossible for the governor to listen to the secretary of the provincial party committee. Therefore, there is often a phenomenon that the governor and the secretary of the provincial party committee are not in harmony. Since the two parties do not agree, they must cultivate their own snobbery on their own territory. Li Danhe is fj. The secretary of the municipal party committee of the provincial capital is also the member of the provincial party committee. Such a person, no matter who it is, will pay attention to it, but this person is the governor. If Zhang Yihuang can use this matter to give Li Danhe Get it down and raise another person from his party. For him, it’s almost nothing but harm!” Zhao Tiezhu said with his eyes wide open.

"That's it!" Cao Ziyi said with a smile.

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