Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1218: Thunderstorm's enemies

The first thousand two hundred and eighteen chapters of the enemy of thunderstorms

"Oh, Ziyi, you are so amazing. I thought about things that I haven’t figured in for so long. After you, I want to go through it! Come, give you a hug to repay you." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and smiled. Said with both hands.

"Oh, forget it." Cao Ziyi smiled and escaped Zhao Tiezhu's grateful embrace and said, "However, if this thing goes on like this, it will surpass your control at some stage. You can think about it yourself. Okay."

"This is not simple. Anyway, my purpose is on Li Gang. As for whether Zhang Yihuang wants to take Li Danhe or something, it has nothing to do with me." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and said casually.

After being separated from Cao Ziyi, Zhao Tiezhu went upstairs, but found that the sisters in the villa were not there.

"Where did they go?" Zhao Tiezhu called on the second floor.

Cao Ziyi replied, "Sun Jiaying went to the Christmas fans to meet, Lucy went to sell flowers. She said that today's business is particularly good. As a result, I just called and sent Linger out. Yanni went and said, I went to the office and went to work."

"Everyone is really busy." Zhao Tiezhu stood on the railing of the second floor and said, "That Ziyi, let's find something to do."

Cao Ziyi put the brush in his hand on the table and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Look for something we all love to do." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Otherwise, in this good day, we are both at home, it is a waste of time, right!"

"Then you said, I listen to you." Cao Ziyi said, picking up the brush again. "As long as you find something, I will do it with you."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled strangely, and the secret voice is hard to be a buddy. Now let you accompany me to play in bed. Do you still do it? It’s just that Zhao Tiezhu is not so bad. After he was thinking about doing something, a phone that made him a little surprised came in.

It turned out to be Michiko’s phone!

For this female slave, Zhao Tiezhu has almost forgotten, because it seems that since she returned to Japan, she has never contacted herself, and even let Zhao Tiezhu suspect that the spiritual hallucinogen has failed.

This time, after receiving a call from Michiko, Zhao Tiezhu walked back to his room and said, "What is it?"

"Master, I have already arrived in China!" said Michiko.

"What are you doing in China?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Abe Seimei asked me and the professor at Waseda University to come to you. It seems that I want to come to you fj to do a transaction. I am responsible for protecting the safety of that person!" Michiko replied.

“Professor?” Zhao Tiezhu frowned and asked, “Do you know who he trades with?”

"I don't know about this, he didn't say it!"

"Then you will give me a good follower. If there is any information, you must tell me the first time!"


Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu is thinking that this Japanese will come to the fj side, this phone rang again, this time is also a phone call from a more unexpected person.


It turned out to be a phone call from a thunderstorm.

"The gangster, do you want to be a teacher?" The thunderstorm's hearty voice came from the phone. Zhao Tiezhu was busy taking the phone away from his ear. After the thunderstorm's voice was small, Zhao Tiezhu said, "Master, I miss you." Ah, of course, I want to pull, how are you doing in Beijing?"

"I have been very good. Many old friends were still there. I have been drinking and drinking all day long, and there are beautiful women around me. This life is a fairy-like life."

"Hey, you will enjoy it all the time." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That is of course." The thunderstorm said, but the voice suddenly fell down. "Gangster, tell you something!"

"You say."

"Not long ago, I got a message. When you were a master, I went to fj when I was mixed abroad. My head was very powerful. I was as good as him. I didn't expect it. After so many years, he actually hanged his hatred with me and threatened to kill my loved ones. I estimated that he went to fj this time and was going to engage you."

"What?" Zhao Tiezhu cried in surprise. "Master, are you offending the enemy to come to me? Is there such a thing?"

"Ha ha ha, you know, some people's brains are different from us. It is a Russian, golden hair. Of course, he is not necessarily directed at you. After all, you are just my apprentice. Not my loved ones, but I will tell you first, just in case."

"This... Is it safe for you to be old?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I am safe, of course safe. My relatives are now your own master. Your master is in the capital, not to mention the Russian. Even the four people don't dare to offend. Nothing, take care of you." Own, if you are inexplicably killed, you can die and look good. This is also a master of Master."

Zhao Tiezhu was angry when he arrived. Nima, the person you offended, is going to kill me now. You even said that it was just for me to be killed and killed. Do you dare to be a master like this? Zhao Tiezhu is about to erupt, but the thunderstorm is awkward.

Listening to the busy tone of the phone, Zhao Tiezhu can't wait to drop the phone to the ground, but think about the phone is worth a hundred dollars, or forget it.

"This year, let's not let people relax." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, but did not put this matter in his heart, how to say it, now there are no ten or eight people who chanted Zhao Tiezhu. There is no difference in one more. Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu is like that. Whoever wants to kill me, then I will kill who is the first. It is as simple as that.

When I thought of killing, Zhao Tiezhu thought that his broken army did not seem to have been repaired. He took the broken army out of the secret and then walked down the building.

"Thinking about what to do?" asked Cao Ziyi.

"Well, go and repair my broken army again." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Would you like me to accompany you?"

"Let's be together!"


Driving the car, Zhao Tiezhu directly carried Cao Ziyi to the black dog's car modification shop. Since the last time he had had a drink with the black dog, Zhao Tiezhu arranged his own solitary emperor. They also drove the car to the side to modify it. I dare not say how to modify it, but at least the safety has been greatly improved.

"Iron column, are you using me as a blacksmith?" The black dog looked at the wreckage of Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said helplessly.

"Can't you fix it?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Although I am proficient in the modification, but this is a matter of iron, I can't, but I still have to come!" The black dog shook his head.

Zhao Tiezhu was distressed, but he heard the black dog continue to say, "However, just in my door to the door, there is an old ghost, and it is quite good to hit the iron."

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