Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Counterattack

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-six chapters counterattack

"You told me how he died?" Zhao Tiezhu’s horror in his heart is simply impossible to add. This Lin Yubin can be regarded as the most important person’s card for Li Gang Li Danhe. It’s so confusing to die. This... what is this all about? Was he condemned?

"I don't know!" said Wang. "I just let my people watch it. Then it didn't take long for my men to come back and say that Lin Yubin was dead, as if he suddenly died!"

"You wait, I will pass." Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone and directly gave Wang Cai a foot to let him go home, then drove to the fj city bureau.

In a hurry to the city bureau, Zhao Tiezhu saw an anxious director in the yard.

"Where is Lin Yubin's body?" Zhao Tiezhu came down from the car and asked with a sullen face.

"Just in the interrogation room, did not move him!" Director Wang said, walking in front of Zhao Tiezhu led the way.

“Does anyone come to see Lin Yubin?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This... there!" Director Wang hesitated and said.


"It is Lin Yubin's wife, and one of his cousins. They said that it is cold now. I am afraid that Lin Yubin's body is frozen. I am thinking about nothing. The two men have also searched. If nothing is found, let them I sent clothes to Lin Yubin."

"Lin Yubin's wife?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and walked into the interrogation room. In the interrogation room, Zhao Tiezhu saw Lin Yubin's body.

Lin Yubin’s body was covered with a piece of white cloth. Zhao Tiezhu walked to the front and squatted down, and opened the white cloth covering Lin Yubin.

I saw Lin Yubin's entire face was very pale, and the expression was abnormal, and some of the skin on the face had already ulcerated.

"Who was watching him when he died?" Zhao Tiezhu stood up and asked.

"It’s Xiao Xu." Director Wang pointed to a policeman standing next to him and said, "This is a guy who has been with me for ten years. There is absolutely no problem."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the little Xu, Xiao Xu's eyes were full of heavy and annoyed, but there was no hidden expression, naturally understand that this person has nothing to do with Lin Yubin's death.

"What did Lin Yubin look like before he died?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"A few minutes before his death, he seemed to say that he had difficulty breathing, and then he took a deep breath and took a deep breath. I thought he was playing tricks, and he ignored him. Later, his face turned red and I knew him. There was a problem with the body, but I had not had time to call someone. He fainted and then twitched. After a few moments, he broke his breath." Xiao Xu said cautiously.

"These are all you see?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, it was what I saw with my own eyes!"

"I will know this." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lin Yubin's body and said, "This is potassium cyanide poisoning."

"Kana cyanide? That is poisonous!" Director Wang apparently also heard the prestige of potassium cyanide. "

"Well, the symptoms basically coincide with the potassium cyanide poisoning." Zhao Tiezhu squatted down and carefully looked at Lin Yubin's face. At his shoulder, Zhao Tiezhu found a slight white powdery substance. These things are very Small and very small, looking like ordinary dandruff, no attention can not be found.

"That's it!" Zhao Tiezhu pointed at the white powder and said, "You collect it and go to the laboratory for testing, but be careful, this thing is deadly!"

"Well, I know!" Director Wang found a few masked men, cut the white powder-like body with the following clothes, and then took it to the laboratory for inspection, while Zhao Tiezhu was sitting. On the chair, the brow is locked.

Obviously, this is because some people have poisoned Lin Yubin by sending clothes, and the purpose of poisoning Lin Yubin is very simple and ruined! As for who wants to destroy the mouth of Lin Yubin, it is also said that it is not Li Gang, but Li Danhe.

"Hey, Li Gang has been invited to drink tea. It seems that it is Li Danhe's hand!" Zhao Tiezhu thought, and immediately called Zhang Yihuang.

Zhang Yihuang’s secretary answered the phone.

"It's the iron pillar, the secretary is in a meeting, you can call it later!" Secretary Chen said with a smile.

"That's good, I will fight later." Zhao Tiezhu pressed the phone, and his heart was still a little lucky, because he had already collected the evidence of Lin Yubin's possession of Li Danhe and Li Gang's corruption and bribery. This is Lin Yubin. The role of it has not been as important as before. Although Lin Yubin’s testimony will play a very good role in the whole incident, if there is no Lin Yubin, the materials on the hands of Zhao Tiezhu and Zhang Yihuang will be supervised by themselves. This Li Danhe, still can't run!

The development of the matter was very rapid. Li Danhe’s counterattack was also very fast. Ten minutes after Lin Yubin’s death, Zhao Tiezhu was connected to the telephone. His own industry was stopped by the municipal government in various names, and the bars he controlled were Private clubs have been inspected by law enforcement agencies, and since they are bars, they are not completely clean. Naturally, they find out a lot of things that are not very good. At around 9:00 in the evening, in addition to the name of Blood Soul. In addition to the **** lingering, almost all industries have been raided by law enforcement agencies, and no one has been spared, all of them have been sealed!

"Hey, this is a quick start!" Zhao Tiezhu listened to his report, and there was no trace of horror on his face. Zhao Tiezhu understood that the quicker Li Danhe started, the more he was impatient, and Li Danhe’s current behavior It is nothing more than hoping to let Zhao Tiezhu get rid of it. As long as Zhao Tiezhu squats, then, negotiations can be held. At the beginning of the negotiation, it will be a long time. This time, Li Danhe is enough to seek more people. The help of a city party secretary is still very powerful.

It was at this time that Zhao Tiezhu fully realized the meaning of such a sentence. "It is terrible to block me seriously!"

A city party secretary can make almost all of his industries fall into awkwardness. If it is the main leader of the provincial party committee? Is it the provincial party secretary?

Don't say anything to play black, Zhao Tiezhu as long as dare to let his own hands move the leaders of the provincial party committee, do not have to fight back, the National Security Bureau will directly send people to try Zhao Tiezhu, even Zhao Lao can not protect Zhao Tiezhu! This is a question about the authority of a country's government! In front of the country, any organization or individual is a cloud.

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