Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1227: Get out of the way

The first two hundred and twenty-seven chapters are getting out

"Iron column, we don't do anything, wait?" Fan Jian said with a depressed face.

Since the holiday, Fan Jiantian has mixed with the eight fingers, and he has been shooting with the eight fingers every day. After so long learning, Fan Jian’s fat meat has not only not gone down, but has become more, although the shooting method is now Quite accurate, but every time Zhao Tiezhu saw Fan Jian’s huge body, he felt that Fan Jianxue’s shooting was really a bit of a mistake. The simplest thing is that a thin man and you are a gun, you are so big, that It is a target that is more conspicuous than anything else! People's guns are just a little bit, and you can hit your flesh when you play.

"Who said that we have to wait?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "We can't do anything to him, and I don't say that I can't do anything to his friends, right?"

"This, iron pillar, is it not a family member?" Fan Jian said with difficulty.

"Scratch, of course I know that we don't kill people and set fire, and we don't go to his family. It's fine."

"Who are we doing?"

"Of course it's the job!"

Half an hour later, the suburbs.

Xingwang Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a medium-sized company that manufactures daily necessities. The factory is located in the western suburbs of fj. Although it is already more than nine o'clock in the evening, the factory is still brightly lit and workers are processing the goods.

Just then, the roar of a big truck suddenly sounded outside the factory. The security guard at the door looked at the truck coming in, wondering if the materials were coming, just waiting for the truck to come, the security found that these trucks, There is no car with a license plate, and the car is not a material, but a person, a person with a steel bar!

"What are you doing!" The security guard took the flashlight and took it. When the security guard didn't come here, if the security guard saw these people, he wouldn't even look at it positively, but this time the security guard was courageous. Bigger, why? Because a shareholder of this son is the wife of the secretary of the municipal party committee! Although it is only the wife of the party secretary, but the discerning person knows that there must be a shadow of Li Danhe here. Therefore, the business of this prosperous company has been very good, and the security guards are behind the background of the prosperous company. I don't pay much attention to it. If you dare to come to the factory, the buddy will directly tell the director. The factory director told the secretary of the municipal party committee that the secretary of the municipal party committee told the secretary of the municipal party committee. When the armed police came over, you have to sing to me. .

"Doing a job at home, the idler is on the side, the knife and gun are blind, and the accident is not accompanied." A fat man with an Ottoman mask yelled, and the truck directly broke the railing at the door. A total of three cars entered the city. The factory area.

The security guard is furious, this is where the little rabbit scorpion, don't you know the background of the prosperous company?

The security guard rushed out with the baton, and before he had time to drink a few words, he was stunned by the people.

"Only playing things does not beat people, whoever dares to resist, then let him often stick our sticks." The fat man shouted and waved his iron bar in his hand.

A large group of people jumped from the big trucks and dispersed into the factory. Not long after, the noise of the broken things shook, and the fat man who was headed waved the iron bars on some things like computers. Kneeling, the fat hand can faintly see a ring, the ring seems to be engraved with a plaque.

At about the same time, in the urban area of ​​fj, several top private clubs have been beaten by the family. The moment is really a tsunami in the mountains, the sound of shouting and crying is loud and loud. Iron sticks, long sticks, rubber sticks, sticks, torrents.

Many people don't know what it means to beat a family. Here, you can take a simple science and hit a house. It is a group of people who specialize in money and money! This kind of person often collects the money of the employer, and then rushes to the opposite store like a locust, and does not hurt anyone. Anyway, it is to see things, and it usually takes about five minutes from start to finish. You can definitely clean up your shop.

The bosses of these detained private clubs are all confused, because they don’t know who they have recently offended, and they don’t know who is so courageous and dare to marry their own stores, because these stores are behind The relatives of Li Danhe, secretary of the municipal party committee!

What shocked these people was that after they reported the case and clearly stated that this was the clubhouse where some leaders and relatives took shares, the police officers even went to the ordinary people, and when the things were finished, they came slowly. Someone came. Uncomfortable, leaning on the back of the back, I wanted to vent some of these police officers to vent, I did not expect people to wave a big hand, but all who want to do something, all brought back to the bureau.

On this day, the fj police station was overcrowded, and it was amazing that the detainees were all people who were originally on the upper level of fj. After these people gathered together, they discovered that some of their friends were also Grab it in.

Everyone is not a fool. After a few words of communication, I understand that everyone is the same encounter, and what comes with it is more people’s panic because they feel that this fj’s day seems to be changed.


Zhang Yihuang’s voice came from the other end of the phone. “What are you doing for you? What are you doing? How old are you? What are you doing with this little child! Ah? Not you. Is the store closed? What a big thing? Waiting for Li Danhe to win it, do you still have those stores still open? Now it’s good, you are so stunned, although it doesn’t affect me, but you don’t know a lot. Are people watching me jokes?"

"This... He Li Danhe sealed my store, I have to make something to fight back." Zhao Tiezhu lowered his head and said dissatisfied.

"What is the fight back? What kind of arrogance, what do you get? Now people say that I am under no cure, you Zhao Tiezhu is in the fj is a hooligan, do you know that you are losing your face? Zhang Yihuang asked sharply.

"I didn't feel too shameful." Zhao Tiezhu whispered.

" didn't feel too shameful? It's not enough for you. You know how many people in the central area called me today? They are laughing at me, know? Dash!" Zhang Yihuang's face is red. Road.

Zhao Tiezhu stood in the same place, bowed his head, and did not top him any more. Anyway, everything was done. Can it be re-constructed? It is even more shameful.

"You go back, do something in the future, don't be so reckless!" Zhang Yihuang's voice slowly slowed down.

"I know Zhang Shuji." Zhao Tiezhu said with a blank expression.

"Oh, you still make a small temper with me? Get out of the way, look annoying." Zhang Yihuang waved his hand to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu lowered his head and left Zhang Yihuang's study.

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