Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1238: Dark restaurant

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-eighth chapter dark restaurant

"What are you doing?" Zhao Tiezhu saw Lucy open his hand from his crotch and asked in surprise.

"I haven't driven for a long time, contact the gear." Lucy grabbed the small iron pillar and gently caressed.

"This is on the road, although you can't see what you are doing, but you always feel guilty, Lucy, self-discipline and self-discipline!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hahaha, I am not." Lucy smiled and said, "I like to be on the road."

"Hey? You still have this hobby?" Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, not squinting.

"Hey, don't you feel very irritating?" Lucy said, turning his body directly and bowing his head against Zhao Tiezhu's crotch.

"I am going to go, what is this playing!" Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly drove the car into a small alley, and then felt that the small iron pillar was bitten by something.

The next picture is imagined by everyone.

Half an hour later, Zhao Tiezhu started to drive back to the road with a relaxed face, while Lucy was looking like a silky spring face with some **** liquid left in the corner of his mouth.

"You are wild, Lucy." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"I... I have been jealous for too many days." Lucy teased and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You are not coming to help me."

"There is a chance, there is a chance!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled, because it was not clear when Su Yanni would touch his bed, so Zhao Tiezhu simply did not dare to be intimate with Lucy in the villa, but generally broke his body. The needs of women are very strong, not to mention the Westerners who are known for their openness and enthusiasm. Zhao Tiezhu often sees Lucy’s eyes with fire. Today, it’s finally a chance to come out together. Zhao Tiezhu always feels that he will continue to What will happen.

The car quickly came to a furniture city. This is the largest furniture city in fj. There are furniture in it. Zhao Tiezhu took Lucy in the furniture city for a long time and bought things like sofas, tables and chairs. A lot of furniture, through Lucy's suggestion, Zhao Tiezhu bought furniture that is more western-style, although Zhao Tiezhu still likes the original oriental flavor, but since the villas in the villa have said that they want Western style, Zhao Tiezhu Naturally, I won’t say anything.

Picking and selecting, the time passed quickly. After the furniture was almost selected, Zhao Tiezhu paid the money and sent the furniture home. Su Yanni did not go to work this afternoon and will wait at home. And now the time is not too late, it is a little bit of lunch, Zhao Tiezhu also intends to think about a place to eat with Lucy.

The two strolled around the street, outside a large store, Zhao Tiezhu saw a huge signboard, dark restaurant!

"What is that?" Zhao Tiezhu curiously pointed to the signboard of the dark restaurant and asked.

“It’s a dark-themed restaurant,” Lucy said. “In our US, there are many such restaurants, it’s fun!”

"Oh? Dark theme? What is the dark theme?"

"Simply, it’s a black light bonfire. Nothing can be seen." When nothing was said, Lucy’s eyes lit up and said, "Iron, let’s go eat that."

"The black light is bonfire, what is delicious." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"It’s just a black light, it’s delicious!” Lucy threw a wink at Zhao Tiezhu. “The black light is sizzling, isn’t it a good thing to do something that you don’t want to see?”

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and immediately looked at Lucy with a smirk and said, "You mean..."

"You know!" Lucy picked an eyebrow.

"I understand, let's go!" Zhao Tiezhu took Lucy's hand and directly went to the big store.

After arriving at the location of the dark restaurant on the sixth floor, the two men ordered food outside and were led into the dark restaurant by the waiter with night vision.

After opening a thick curtain, Zhao Tiezhu and Lucy were shrouded in the darkness.

Lucy walked beside Zhao Tiezhu, clutching Zhao Tiezhu’s hand tightly, and Zhao Tiezhu was like a strolling walk. Because of his powerful sixth sense, Zhao Tiezhu seemed to be with the waiter with night vision. Everything was perceived by Zhao Tiezhu, and then a pair of scenes were automatically formed in the heart.

Even Zhao Tiezhu could hear a slight sound of meat and meat colliding in a box next to him.

It seems that people who are lonely and unbearable are still a lot!

The waiter walked into a closed private room with two people. The main thing here is to take care of the privacy of the customers. Even in addition to the food delivery, the customers can not be the guest rooms of the golden guests, so the restaurant business is very good.

This private room is not big, it is about ten square meters. In the middle is a rectangular table with marble. There is a sofa next to the table. The sofa is quite big, about a length of one meter and five, and I don’t know if I just eat a meal. Why do you specialize in a sofa like this?

Zhao Tiezhu and Lucy are doing the right thing, the waiter said, "If the two don't like this completely dark environment, we have a night vision device for you to use. As long as you call us, we will arrive at the first time. of."

"Well, I know! Order it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "You can give us a few of your specialties."

"Okay!" The waiter said, and he walked out of the private room and then closed the door between the rooms.

At this time, Lucy was completely blind, and there was no darkness in the surrounding darkness. This feeling of being swallowed by the darkness made people feel a little uncomfortable. Lucy was looking around and hoped to see Zhao Tiezhu, one hand. It was quietly on Lucy’s face and then pinched.

"Oh." Lucy looked around, but couldn't see anything.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smirk, "Haha, can't you see anything?"

"Well, nothing can be seen, iron pillar, where are you?" Lucy reached out and touched it, not touching Zhao Tiezhu.

"Haha, you can't see it, I can see it." Zhao Tiezhu said with amazement, "You are waiting for the buddy to play hide and seek with you!"

"Oh, iron pillar, you touch me, or I am afraid!" Lucy said.

"Come here." Zhao Tiezhu extended his hand to candle Lucy's hand and said, "Okay, I am holding you!"

"Then your other hand?" Lucy asked curiously.

"The other hand, of course, is to do something fun." Zhao Tiezhu’s voice just fell, Lucy was whispering, "Oh, you touch my chest!"

"Haha, is there a strange feeling?" Zhao Tiezhu asked as he put his hand into the collar of Lucy.

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