Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: Wronged

The first two hundred and thirty-nine chapters are wronged

"It’s a weird feeling..." Lucy said after a moment of silence, "It’s like a hand that appears out of thin air. I can’t see my hand, but my hand is on my chest. This... it’s really amazing. what."

"That is of course!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "All kinds of senses of people are actually balanced. If you lose your sense of smell, and correspondingly, what does your sense of hearing feel, you will get some reinforcement. That's why there are dark restaurants, because when you can't see what's in front of you, you can use your heart to taste the food in front of you!"

"There is another reason."

"No, no." Lucy shook her head and said, "I... I already feel it."

"What do you feel?"

"Wet..." Lucy's voice sounded a bit low and a bit sticky. Zhao Tiezhu said with a low voice, "Hey? I have a good time in this hand!"

"Oh, this is because I can't see anything, so I feel particularly strong!" Lucy explained.

"Would you like a buddy to help you?" Zhao Tiezhu asked. "Research the mechanics in the case of complete loss of vision. You haven't tried it."

"Of course not," Lucy said. "But I am really curious!"

"That's not anxious, first add physical strength!" Zhao Tiezhu said, moving his hand away from Lucy's chest, at this moment, the door of the box was gently knocked.

“Hello, your food is ready, is it served now?”

"Yes!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

The door was slowly pushed open, and the waiter pushed in from a school bus and walked in, then placed the staple food and some other beverage snacks on the table. After putting it in place, I didn’t say anything more, but went straight out of the box and then closed the door.

"This service is really good!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "When you enter the door, you know how to ask first, so that people inside can have enough time to prepare."

"Really." Lucy said. "If you are having fun, people suddenly come in for you, how much is it, right?"

"Hmm, um, so you won't be afraid to see it later." Zhao Tiezhu said happily, "Let's eat first, then study the mechanics after dinner."

"Can't you wait?" Lucy whispered.

"I am fine!" Zhao Tiezhu said while cutting the meat on the plate with a knife. "You don't tell me that you can't help it!"

"What, how can I not help!" Lucy grumbled dissatisfied. "I still worry that you can't help it!"

"Eat first, eat first!" Zhao Tiezhu stuffed the food into his mouth. "I am hungry today."

"I am also hungry!" Lucy said, groping on the table, she is not like Zhao Tiezhu, there is a strong sixth sense, now she is basically in a state of total blindness, nothing can be seen. Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lucy and touched the food with his hands. He stood up with a smile and went to Lucy to sit down.

"I will feed you." Zhao Tiezhu picked up the knife and fork on Lucy's table, cut a piece of beef, and then extended one hand, gently resting on Lucy's chin, said, "Open. mouth."

Lucy honestly opened his mouth, Zhao Tiezhu sent the meat to Lucy's mouth, and then said, "You can bite."

"Oh." Lucy smiled directly and said with a smile, "How do I feel like you are my mother?"

"You are like your mother!" Zhao Tiezhu said on the mouth, but still carefully cut on the beef.

Perhaps it was because of the inability to see anything, Zhao Tiezhu and Lucy felt that the food was delicious and the taste was very good. After about half an hour, the two men swept the things on the table.

"It’s finished!" Lucy patted her belly and said, "I am really full."

"Me too!" Zhao Tiezhu was sitting next to Lucy, and took Lucy's belly with Lucy's hand. "You don't seem to have much change in your stomach, no matter how much!"

"Jokes, I taught dance. At the beginning, this waist naturally worked very well. You touched the meat!" Lucy grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and put it into his clothes.

Zhao Tiezhu gently kneaded on Lucy's flat belly and said, "Lucy, it's really hard for you."

"Nothing, since I chose to do it, then I don't have to worry about it. I can't make you embarrassed, right?" Lucy said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly moved up from Lucy's lower abdomen, and soon went to the place of underwear, and then Zhao Tiezhu walked along the straps of the underwear to the back of Lucy.

"How. Want to repay me?" Lucy asked.

"Well, I have to repay you well!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously, and then gently snorted, the strap of Lucy underwear was opened by Zhao Tiezhu's flexible fingers.

“Is it too exciting to be too obvious here?” Lucy asked.

"That's it, look for the hotel." Zhao Tiezhu is about to take back his hand. Lucy grabbed Zhao Tiezhu's hand and said, "I like to be irritating and obvious, hey, let them envy."

"Surely bold, I like it!"

It doesn't have to be said that the process has been two hours since the two of them came out of the box. Lucy's face has a satisfying look, and Zhao Tiezhu is also a relaxed face. After finishing the account and returning to the car, Zhao Tiezhu will not endure. I asked, "This, Lucy, would you think that we are like this, it seems like the relationship with the lover?"

"No!" Lucy shook her head and said, "I think we are like the gunners you said in China!"

"Cannon... Cannon friends?" Zhao Tiezhu looked strangely at Lucy.

"Yeah, your gods are not talking about the opposite **** who likes to have a good relationship, and then they like each other and often have a relationship together?" Lucy asked.

"Who is this to teach you!" Zhao Tiezhu said with anger. "The gunners, it is just a simple physical relationship without feelings. How can we call a gunner? Can you not like a buddy?"

"How is it possible, I like you very much, or I won't give it to you!" Lucy said wrongly.

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