Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1255: Small shop

The first two hundred and fifty-five chapters of small shop small things

After returning to the villa, Zhao Tiezhu followed the woman in the villa for a meal, and then thought about himself as an ordinary citizen. Naturally, he couldn’t be arrogant with a group of beautiful women, and he drove the company to the company. In the company, Zhao Tiezhu saw the red rhyme of overtime.

"Isn't I going back so late?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the time and it was almost eight o'clock.

"Well, there are still some documents that have not been read. Tell me about it. What have you done today?" Red Yun asked as he looked at the documents.

"I can do more things today!" Zhao Tiezhu said proudly. "I first took the Golden Dragon Convention and Exhibition Center at an ultra-low price, and then invited ten tender models to support the scene of our promotion that day. Going to the venue to implement it, then basically nothing, you say that I am amazing?"

"This is fine, but who will be invited tomorrow, have you sent invitations with others?" asked Hong Yun.

"This I let the night want to do it, I will call him later!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Don't do it, so late, do you expect to have dinner yet?"

"Not yet, isn't this no one to lenses for me?" Red rhythm said, "Hey, this woman, after thirty-five, the popularity has plummeted, how many people want to be in the past. Please eat me, now it’s good, it’s more than eight o'clock, and there isn’t a phone call for dinner.”

Wherein are you here. I have a meal, I will go over the red gyro and lift up my hand.

"You...willing to invite me to dinner?" Red rhyme looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a wink.

"Of course I am willing to invite a beautiful woman to eat, it is my pleasure!" Zhao Tiezhu owes a slight owe, and the gentleman is full of flavor.

"Well, I know that there is a new dumpling shop nearby, let's go eat dumplings!" Red Yun said with a smile.

"All with you, beautiful lady!" Zhao Tiezhu seems to be going to carry the gentleman to the end.

"We are going to eat dumplings, not to eat Western food, not such a gentleman!" Hong Yun laughed.

"Nothing, for a beautiful lady like you, any move can't be overemphasized!" Zhao Tiezhu controlled the amplitude of the corner of his mouth very well, and his teeth only revealed the above four, trying to make his expression reach the perfect state.

"Go, if you want this, I will eat a dumpling and add potatoes and beef stew, you have to use a knife and fork!"

"As you like!" Zhao Tiezhu gently reached the hand of the red rhyme and pulled the red rhyme. "We can also order a bottle of 82 Lafite."

“Drinking Lafite in the dumpling shop?” asked the rhyme.

"If you like!"

"Okay, no problem! Let's go!" Red rhyme said, slightly raising his head, like an arrogant queen, walking out of the office with Zhao Tiezhu's hand, and Zhao Tiezhu was with an ancient slave, bending With the waist, one hand dragged the hand of the red rhyme, and gently followed the red rhyme.

The Northeast Vegetable Dumpling House is located about 500 meters southwest of this commercial building. Zhao Tiezhu did not drive, but went straight to the dumpling hall with the hand of the red rhyme. On the road, Zhao Tiezhu also specially hit a place. The phone was given to the iron hand, and he was sent to send a bottle of 82 Lafite. When Zhao Tiezhu walked to the door, he saw the little brother who was carrying a hand of Lafite in his pocket and looked a little weird.

"Zhao Ge!" The younger brother saw Zhao Tiezhu, and smiled and bent down and said hello.

"I am so embarrassed to let you out so late!" Zhao Tiezhu said apologetically.

"It is my blessing to help Zhao Ge to do things. This is your wine!" The younger handed the wine to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Zhao Ge, are you going to eat?"

"Well, you want to eat dumplings, can you eat together?" Zhao Tiezhu asked casually.

"Nothing! I still have something to do, I have to go first!" The younger brother looked at the steaming look of the dumpling shop in a strange look, and then looked at the bottle of tens of thousands of wines on the hands of Zhao Tiezhu. How awkward it is.

"I want to come to you, this younger brother has never seen Lafite in the dumpling shop." Red Yun grinned.

"It doesn't matter, you are elegant, nothing to say!" Zhao Tiezhu proudly lifted his chin.

"You are pretending to be forced. Haha!" Red rhyme said, laughing into the dumpling shop.

The dumpling shop is small in size. Several simple tables and chairs are placed on the left and right sides of the dumpling shop. There is nothing between the table and the table. I am leaning back and leaning on it. A person sitting at another table next to yourself.

At this time, the business in the dumpling shop was still very good, but there was still a table left. After Zhao Tiezhu and Hongyun sat down, they each ordered a dumpling. The red rhyme really ordered the potato stew, and Zhao Tiezhu was very beautiful. The funny waiter asked for a knife and fork, and the result was a waiter’s eyes, and Zhao Tiezhu also gave up.

"Hey, Lafite!" A slightly ridiculous voice came from the next table. Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and looked at it. It was a few young people, probably in their 20s, this cold day, these People only wear a t-shirt and a coat, and the hair is messy. Zhao Tiezhu knows that there is a word that describes such a young person, called non-mainstream.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally does not care about these young people, and his eyes are open. There are fewer people who have entered the natural eyes. What level are these little gangsters? If Zhao Tiezhu is really just an ordinary staff member, these little gangsters will be extremely powerful, because you have no right to be powerless and will not fight. If you say something to everyone, you are not happy, it is light. This year, it is not that the people of Shenzhou are timid, but it should be said that the people of Shenzhou do not have the waist to commit crimes. Not everyone who is Li Gang is not a person who is easily beaten and can pull out a reinforcement. Even when we come out to support the scene, everyone is just an ordinary person. What is an ordinary person? Someday someone is calling you, my father is Li Gang, then you are an ordinary person.

"Man, this wine has a lot of money?" The man who spoke the first time after Zhao Tiezhu turned around and turned his hand on Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder and said, "Do you have 10,000?"

"Also okay!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

"Don't you mind that the brothers are looking for you to drink a bite? We have been poor since we were young, we have never seen this high-end thing, so let us open our eyes, do you say yes?" the man said.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said simply, "No."

"Oh, you, this person, isn’t it all a river society now? Everyone is talking about communism. We haven’t tried to find you, don’t you give us face, don’t give face?” The sound has improved slightly.

"Sorry, you can't stand it." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the red rhyme of a smirk, directly grabbed the young man's hand, and then used a little force.

"Oh, let go, my hand is broken!"

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