Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1256: Puzzle!

The first thousand two hundred and fifty-six chapters are difficult!

A few non-mainstreams even if they didn’t have enough time to say a few lines, they were given a complete spike. Zhao Tiezhu didn’t have any big moves. Instead, he used a one-handed technique to pinch the person’s hand and let it go. A few people who want to drink alcohol in the dark but are fascinating with the rhyme and beauty are afraid to say that they ran away. The boss who did not receive the money was depressed while he was not afraid to chase the other side but it was against Zhao Tiezhu. Resentful, what kind of dumplings do you bring with such a beautiful beauty at night? At this time, aren't you all in the nightclub at the bar in the hotel bed?

"This dumpling is really good!" Zhao Tiezhu, while eating dumplings, poured Lafite into the bowl that he took casually in the store, and then handed a bowl to the red rhyme.

"Hey, you are such a violent thing!" Red Yun took a sip of the bowl and said, "However, this taste is authentic!"

"Laughing dead, no one dares to sell me fake!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled proudly, then picked up the bowl and followed the red rhyme and said, "Come, cheer."

"Hahaha, do you have a toast to drink this kind of thing? This bowl is a few thousand!" Red rhyme laughed.

"Do it, do so much nonsense? Want to drink me and let people take it!"

The red charm of the faint pick up the bowl, throwing a wink to Zhao Tiezhu, said, "You want to get people drunk at night?"

"This, why am I drunk you?" Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"After you get drunk, I can do whatever you want, right?" Red Rhyme's eyes are almost fascinating.

"Don't I need to be drunk before you can do it? I don't want to do anything I want to do if I want to do it?" Zhao Tiezhu teased and looked at the red rhyme. "Don't say you don't do it!"

"Fortunately! Come, have a good evening, for your first day of staff!"

"Okay, dry!"

The two have been finished with a bottle of wine, and they have also eaten a pot of dumplings and a lot of cooking. When it is more than nine o'clock, Zhao Tiezhu will help the swaying red rhyme out of the dumpling hall, and then think about going to open an eaves. Because this time Gege is at home, Zhao Tiezhu even if he takes the red rhyme home, then can't do anything. It is a waste of the beautiful scenery at night, but what a pity?

Just when Zhao Tiezhu was looking for a hotel, he received a call from the night.

"What, you said that you can't find a guest?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely.

"Yeah, some of our old customers said that there is no time for that day. Now there are less than ten, but our goal is more than one hundred. How do you find it?" Spring said helplessly on the phone.

"You are sure that you are looking for more than one hundred, only less than ten contacts, and then willing to go?" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Yes! That's it! Iron column, I did my best, but I really can't find it. If you can, you can help find a few!" said Night Spring.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face sank, but the tone was very relaxed. “That, I will help you contact me.”

"Well, I am sorry, iron pillar!" Nightmare spring laughed on the phone.

"Nothing is okay!" Zhao Tiezhu said, he hanged the phone, and then the mood of Shenma opened the room, and returned home with the red charm.

In the eyes of Gege Yiyi, Zhao Tiezhu feels that in such an era of prosperity, it is absolutely impossible to come to the mother and daughter files, so it is too easy to envy and hate and even may be condemned, so Zhao Tiezhu does not make any stay, I drove home after driving.

Since the night is not going to find someone, then the buddy will find someone.

Zhao Tiezhu, who was thinking about the spring of spring, guessed when he answered the phone. No matter what kind of group or even the prison, the old man has certain privileges. If one day, a new person without any foundation suddenly becomes the whole team. The soul figure, the one who is most likely to be dissatisfied is the old man, and what is the way the old man expresses dissatisfaction? The simplest, negative absenteeism, this night is obviously negative work, more than a hundred people actually only found ten less than this, this is said to be out, it is like x cattle said that his milk will cause cancer because of grass, Who believes that who is eating more chlorine, and brain damage.

Since people have to be passively absent, Zhao Tiezhu naturally has to fight back, and what is the method of counterattack? Simple, are you not looking for someone? The buddy will find someone to show you!

Since I was looking for someone, Zhao Tiezhu’s first thought was the group of women in the villa. If the promotion would allow the beautiful women in the villa to participate, even if they were sitting under the stage, it would certainly attract a lot of The popularity of this promotion will be as soon as it is broadcast on TV. The effect of this promotion can be foreseen. How to convince the woman in the villa to participate in the promotion meeting the day after tomorrow is Zhao Tiezhu’s biggest problem tonight. The woman in the villa, except Su Yanni, looks like other people are very rich, but these people do not like luxury goods very much. Zhao Tiezhu has never seen how high-end luxury goods they use, nor have they seen them tweeting everywhere to show off their capital. They have money, but they are very low-key, and this TV is still a commercial type similar to advertising. The show, for those sisters, is like letting them go to the eyes of love action movies.

"This gv, what is it?" The first one was Lucy. For her, lv is quite familiar. After all, when I was in the United States, there were many rich women around me. This is a must for everyone. Something, but for what gv is, Lucy says she knows nothing about it.

"This is a luxury we made in China! And lv is actually a nature." Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Oh, this is what you call the cottage, isn't it?" Lucy suddenly realized.

"It can be thought of as pulling!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded quite shyly. In the era when the cottage has become synonymous with Shenzhou, such a nationalist Zhao Tiezhu was said to be very embarrassed by foreigners.

"I don't want to go to the lv promotion conference. Let me go to any gv promotion meeting. I don't want to lose that person." Lucy refused decisively, even Zhao Tiezhu secretly sent Qiu Bo to say that the buddy went to you at night to comfort you, Lucy. They all expressed their disagreement.

"Linger, what about you?" Zhao Tiezhu turned his fortune to Li Linger.

"I saw the so-called tender models, I have no interest in watching." Li Linger turned a blind eye to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yan Ni, you can help me!" Zhao Tiezhu looked pitifully to Su Yanni.

"Sorry for the iron column, I have to be on duty that day!" Su Yanni said helplessly.

Zhao Tiezhu had to cast his eyes on Cao Ziyi.

"Zi Yi, you are left!"

"What is it?" Cao Ziyi said with a sigh of his head.

Zhao Tiezhu collapsed.

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