Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1257: Perfect solution

The first two hundred and fifty-seven chapters are the perfect solution

Zhao Tiezhu finally understands the meaning of a sentence. Don't look at some people who are usually very reliable. The key moments are really not tested. For example, the villa is a woman. Usually, everyone plays together. Sometimes, you can go to bed and learn mechanics. However, I really have to deal with things that are not related to them and related to other women. They really feel that they really don’t care. This makes Zhao Tiezhu tangled. Since the sisters of this villa don’t go, then Who can Zhao Tiezhu call?

Suddenly, there was a person in Zhao Tiezhu’s mind, Su Shi!

Since Su Shi’s woman has been taken by Zhao Tiezhu for the first time, she has collected the intelligence of Zhao Tiezhu’s Blood Soul Hall in the upper class of fj, and Shenmao’s investment consulting company Shenma’s investment has relied on many times. The information provided by this woman, if it is necessary to calculate in detail, this woman has brought at least eight-digit profits for Zhao Tiezhu! Of course, in return, Su Shi is now the world's top, whether it is the car clothes and bags, the money spent on Su Shi alone, conservative estimates are also in the eight-digit number, this is a win-win society, Su Shi The better the packaging, the more you can become the core of the so-called Lady Alliance, and the news that you can get is more informed.

Since this Su Shi is a member of the Women's Alliance, if you let this Su Shi help to pull people, it will certainly be able to pull a lot, and certainly must be the top group of fj! Although the so-called top-level figure in Zhao Tiezhu seems to be not the same, but Zhao Tiezhu is a gangster, people are white, and there is no comparable.

When I thought of it, Zhao Tiezhu naturally returned to his room and made a phone call to Su Shi. This Su Shi is his captive canary. Naturally, it is impossible for a woman who might have a terrible love story with her. People talk.

"Iron brother, how can you call me!" Su Shi’s voice was very pleasant.

"Where are you?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I am eating out with a few friends now. Why, do you have anything to do with me?" Su Shi whispered.

"There is nothing wrong with me. I am planning to introduce a gv brand promotion meeting the next night. Can you help me find someone?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“gv?” Su Shi’s voice paused. “gv...what is it?”

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu finally understands why there is no future for the cottage. This is called the domestic first-class brand gv. Even the Su Shi remembers that there is no way to do it. This is enough to see how the brand is in the end. Even if the rhyme and what he said are the domestic first-class brands, Zhao Tiezhu is a bit unbelievable.

"I think of it, it seems to be a domestic brand, right?" Su Shiran suddenly realized.

"Yes, it is a luxury brand. We need some people to be guests when we introduce the evening. Do you know a lot of ladies? Give me a hundred people to come." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This... I am afraid it is a bit difficult." Su Shi said tangled.

"Oh? Don't tell me that you have been mixing in the so-called Lady Union for so long, even a hundred people can't pull it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a puzzled voice, "Do you women like to buy luxury goods if they are not okay?"

"Just, our luxury goods are all genuine, this gv, I have heard, are engaged in the cottage, imitation lv ah Gucci what, there are, in those of us, who buy this kind of thing, are Let them go to participate in this kind of cottage promotion meeting, they estimate that no one wants, something like gv, to be honest, is biased towards the kind of second-three streams want to use top luxury goods Unexpected people, fj these real ladies, not one of the tens of millions of pocket money, buying that kind of thing, really shameful."

"I am going, how can we even make the guests so difficult to recruit now?" Zhao Tiezhu muttered in a depressed mood.

"Actually, if you really need it, I can still talk to them, but I can only tell them that they are friendly, let them look at my face, it is estimated that it will not go for a long time. Su Shi said.

"This is all right, as long as there is going, it will be able to bring people's popularity up." Zhao Tiezhu said, "When the popularity is brought up, I will naturally arrange for people to speculate."

"That's it, I told them, how many people do you want? I am going to pull a few top ladies, and then pull some times. Now, on the side of the Women's Alliance, there are still many women. Comparing the second and third tiers, they all got us, and it is ok for me to let them go to the scene." Su Shi said.

"The more people make appointments, it is best to give me one or two hundred people. When the time is all women, how spectacular is it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That's it, I will contact them now, I will give you the letter of confidence at the latest tomorrow." Su Shi said.

"That's good, first!" Zhao Tiezhu said, just want to hang up the phone, Su Shi is shouting, "Iron brother, wait a minute."

"How?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... the promotion meeting of the day after tomorrow, you will also go, right?" Su Shi asked.

"Yeah, of course I go back, I am the chief conductor!"

"That... then I won't find a male companion. When will you be able to be my male companion?" Su Shi said cautiously.

"This, no problem, when you directly tell people that I am your male partner, you can also tell your friends that you are holding my field to let them go to the promotion meeting. Anyway, you can do it yourself. Of course, I am not allowed to mention my identity. I am playing role-playing recently. I am a small staff member now." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"I know I know!" Su Shi was obviously happy. "That's it, Iron Pillar, what else are you doing?"

"It's okay, just like that."

"bye bye."

After hanging up the phone, the guest’s affairs finally got better. Next is the media responsible for the day-to-day promotion meeting. Zhao Tiezhu’s first thought was Lin Lei, because Lin Si and Zhao Tiezhu are the trading relationships of the red fruit. Lin Lei, Zhao Tiezhu is still quite a bit pitiful to this girl, the boss is not small, and finally a little bit to look like, the result of a Lin Si has been pressed on her body, and finally forced her to sacrifice the color to plead for Zhao Tiezhu. Although Zhao Tiezhu opened the net, or said that she was not merciful, she did not eat her, but since Zhao Tiezhu decided to help such a woman, she would not help her because she did not eat her.

Not too late at this time, Zhao Tiezhu thought about this woman estimated that she had not slept, she gave her a call.

"Iron column, how can I give it to me today?" Lin Lei’s voice was a bit lazy, but it still seemed to be very happy.

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