Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1258: Everything is ready

The first two hundred and fifty-eight chapters are all ready

When Zhao Tiezhu heard this voice, he suddenly felt that what the buddy did was like a woman. Today is what Hongyun has to do for himself. Then he relies on dust and sacrifice to get a discount. Then, just now, let Su Shi invite him to invite those guests. Now, he wants to let Lin Lei take the day. People went to interview the promotion meeting, it seems that the buddies have become a kind of stallion. Where are the women everywhere, no women are not happy?

"Iron column?" Lin Lei at the end of the phone did not hear Zhao Tiezhu's voice for a long time, curious and shouted again.

Zhao Tiezhu wakes up from his thoughts and then smiles and says, "Where are you sleeping?"

"No, I just took a shower. You shouldn't be your confidante at this time? How can I call me?" Lin Lei asked with a smile.

"I don't want you anymore?" On the mouth of the martial arts, Zhao Tiezhu really did not smash anyone, the fluttering tune, let the phoneline Lin Lei face blush, for Zhao Tiezhu this one to help her without asking Lin Lei is also very grateful to the person who returns. Lin Lei’s ambition is not as big as Lin Si’s. Lin Lei just wants to win Lin Si. Even if only once, Lin Lei feels satisfied, and Zhao Tiezhu’s appearance makes Lin Lei’s idea of ​​a dream-like idea has finally come true. Lin Lei is not only excited and grateful. In her heart, who has never lived a man for more than 20 years, it seems that she has a man. Figure, this can not be said to be Lin Leihua, as long as a woman, when she is most helpless, such a man who can save her in the fire, there will always be inexplicable gratitude and some want to get along with The impulse, especially Zhao Tiezhu, is still very attractive. Of course, this is what Zhao Tiezhu said. But in a word, it is undeniable that Zhao Tiezhu has already appeared in Lin Lei's heart. As for Zhao Tiezhu, can you completely walk into Lin Lei's heart, which depends on the creation of two people in the future. Perhaps, Lin Lei will be Zhao Tiezhu's canary, lover, just like Su Shi, maybe, Lin Lei will become Zhao Tiezhu's true woman, the future, who knows?

"This, iron pillar, I miss you too, I will not see you to see me!" Based on my feelings, Lin Lei also replied to Zhao Tiezhu's ridicule. After the talk, Lin Lei's face was even more red, just Zhao Tiezhu could not see anything from the phone.

"Then I will go see you now, will you wash me and wait for me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smirk.

"I have already washed it!" After experiencing the shame of the beginning, Lin Lei has slowly adjusted her mentality.

"Is it white? Is it really white?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

Lin Lei asked curiously. "Really, everything is washed, and I can clean it!"

"Hey, in some places, you women can't wash themselves. We have to clean the negative distances of our men with their own protrusions, so that they can be cleaned!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile.

As long as it is a woman, when she hears the negative distance, how can she not know what Zhao Tiezhu said? Lin Lei did not think that Zhao Tiezhu was so vulgar and directly said such a thing, a pretty face is anger, but he did not talk much. Instead, he laughed and said, "Well, don't say this, iron pillar, call me at this time, don't tell me just miss me! What's the matter, let's talk."

"Haha, or you are smart, naturally there is a good thing!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and pulled the topic to the top of the matter, saying, "I am going to start a gv product promotion meeting, I hope that your TV station can send a reporter what to go. Shoot the report and broadcast it on TV as a second wave of referrals."

"gv? That cottage brand?" Lin Lei asked.

"Yes, yeah, that is, can you pull out people?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, you can be regarded as a category of entertainment news. However, iron pillars, you better call a star to sit down, so if you broadcast it, you can attract more attention! You can ask for the second and third line, as long as it is a star, you can!" Lin Lei said.

"Star?" Zhao Tiezhu’s mind suddenly appeared Sun Jiaying. If the day after Sun Jiaying was able to give himself a platform, the day after tomorrow’s promotion would be an unprecedented grand promotion because Sun Jiaying, who is a queen. what! However, the women in the villa do not want to go to this cottage promotion meeting, Sun Jiaying as an international day, will go to participate in this promotion? Even if she is willing to participate, does the gv company have an appearance fee?

"It's a star, anyway, you can do it yourself. As long as you can pull one or two stars to dance and sing a song, it's the best. Of course, if you don't have it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the night after tomorrow, I personally. Bring people in the past, and then promise to give you two entertainment news in the next day!" Lin Lei proudly said.

"Hey? I didn't expect you to be so bullish now?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"That is, but you are helping me, iron pillar, thank you." Lin Lei said with emotion. "If it weren't for you, there would be no me."

"Hey, what you said, you don't leave a name for good things. Okay, this is the case. You will remember to bring people on time. I can see if you can find a star. I will let you know if you can."

"Come on!"

"Okay, this is the case first." Zhao Tiezhu said, he hung up the phone.

"Wait a minute." Lin Lei’s words have not been said, and he heard the busy tone of Dudu.

"Who, besides talking about work, wouldn't you talk to me about something else? Hey, the guy who doesn't understand the style!" Lin Lei frowned and threw the phone aside, then opened the towel on her body. A graceful bumpy carcass was exposed to the air, especially the pair of jade feet. No matter which man saw it, he couldn’t resist the temptation of the jade foot. Even Zhao Tiezhu saw this jade. At the time of the foot, there will be a kind of evil fire rising from the bottom of my heart, which is enough to see the powerful attack power of the jade foot.

Lin Lei was so naked sitting on the edge of the bed, then pouted and took out a pair of stockings from the side of the cabinet, saying to himself, "Which day do I want to wear?"

Zhao Tiezhu doesn't know if Lin Lei is entangled in what pair of stockings to wear. After hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu wants to make a phone call to Sun Jiaying and asks if she will not sell him a body for his landlord... No, no, yes Friendship for Zhao Tiezhu this landlord to support the field, but this phone has not been played yet, I heard the sound of a doorbell coming downstairs.

Zhao Tiezhu, at this time, who will find himself at this time?

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