Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1263: Powerful dust

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-three chapters give strength to the dust

"Well, we all think the same, anyway, one step at a time, living in the moment is the most important!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Well, I have to go to rest, the day after tomorrow is said to have to go to work."

"Well, okay!" Cao Ziyi said, stepping forward, in the wrong eyes of Zhao Tiezhu, Cao Ziyi leaned over and put his face close to Zhao Tiezhu’s ear and said, "At night, thank you for protecting me!"

"Oh, it should be." Zhao Tiezhu screamed at the mouth and just wanted to come to a few words. Do you want to let him know what to do? Suddenly, a little cold lips gently touched his face, and Zhao Tiezhu saw it. The white shadow drifted, and Cao Ziyi had disappeared.

"I am going, now I am getting bolder, I dare to steal me!" Zhao Tiezhu reached out and touched the slightly cold lip print, and his face showed a bit of a silly smile. "This female fairy will come. Pro-I am a mortal, is the fairy really moving the heart? Oh, ha, this day, I want to put the fairy under my body, then my life is full of his mother!"

Zhao Tiezhu smugly sang a little song while he went upstairs and opened the door into his room. Zhao Tiezhu accidentally saw a person.

Sun Jiaying!

"How are you in my room!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying, sitting at his bed in amazement, wondering if the chick would not sleep because he was afraid of the baron, but he did not expect Sun Jiaying to smile. "Iron column, thank you very much at night."

"Nothing, you are my tenant, I am a landlord, have the obligation to protect my tenants, this is the principle, and I am a very principled man." Zhao Tiezhu proudly said, "Of course, if you have to I will repay you with my personal opinion. In order not to hurt your heart, I can still accept it selectively."

"Hey!" Sun Jiaying was amused by Zhao Tiezhu's words. He grinned for a long time, and finally stopped the laughter under Zhao Tiezhu's resentful eyes.

"Well, I won't say more, thank you, I have already finished, I am going to sleep." Sun Jiaying stood up and waved at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Worship, see you the day after tomorrow."

"Well, the day after tomorrow..." Zhao Tiezhu did not say this before, suddenly remembered a thing, busy shouting, "Jia Ying!"

"What?" Sun Jiaying turned to look at Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"This, are you free tomorrow night?" Zhao Tiezhu is embarrassed to directly open the door to help others, after all, if people have something, then they are bothering people.

"Oh? Why, are you going to ask me?" Sun Jiaying asked with a big eyes and curiously.

"I don't want you to ask you, if you have time, I intend to ask you to do me a favor." Zhao Tiezhu said shyly, "Of course, if you don't have time, then forget it."

"Oh the day after tomorrow? I think about it." Sun Jiaying stood in the same place for more than ten seconds, and then said, "There is nothing in the night after tomorrow, it is the morning and afternoon of the day, you talk about it, you want me to help you." What is it?"

"Things are like this. The day after tomorrow, we have to hold a promotion meeting for gv luxury goods. When you need to have a star to perform, I don’t know much entertainment stars. You are familiar with it. You can see if you have time. Can you help me with a scene in the past?" Zhao Tiezhu looked forward to Sun Jiaying.

"Of course!" Sun Jiaying agreed without hesitation. "You will call me the night after tomorrow, I will arrive on time!"

"That's really great!" Zhao Tiezhu said with delight, "That's it!"

"it is good!"

After receiving the letter from Sun Jiaying, Zhao Tiezhu is basically full of confidence in the so-called promotion meeting of the day after tomorrow. Of course, some people will say that Zhao Tiezhu is not relying on his relationship with him? This is actually not true. Even if it is an ordinary staff member, it has its own connections and relationships. Can Zhao Tiezhu always regard himself as a primitive person? No one knows who has no friendship, so how do you work? Zhao Tiezhu really wants to use the connections he can use now. It doesn't need to let the dust fall to the hue. If you go straight to a sentence, then the Golden Dragon Convention and Exhibition Center will have to empty the entire exhibition center to Zhao Tiezhu. And there is still a penny that does not charge, this is the real power of Zhao Tiezhu now! The real power has completely ignored many of the so-called rules! And Zhao Tiezhu is now willing to act according to the rules, can already be regarded as a large degree of compromise.

Early the next morning, after Zhao Tiezhu was awakened from Su Yanni’s arms, he simply ate a breakfast and did not say goodbye to everyone. He drove the company straight to the red rhyme because it was eight in the morning. Rhyme's company needs to punch cards, and Zhao Tiezhu, as a newcomer, naturally needs to punch cards. This is no exception.

After playing the card, Zhao Tiezhu walked into the company and chatted with some of the so-called colleagues in 7788. Many of these people have seen Zhao Tiezhu. They also know that Zhao Tiezhu often stays in the office of Hongyun, possibly with red rhyme. The relationship is very shallow, so I don't care much about the identity of Zhao Tiezhu's newcomer. As for the night, I don't know that Zhao Tiezhu often stays in the office of Hongyun. It is mainly because he recently joined the company, and Zhao Tiezhu recently because of many things. There are very few people coming to Hongyun.

After the card was finished, it was a routine return of the red rhyme. The whole company was sitting in the big conference room and listening to the red rhyme saying yesterday’s summary. Today’s mission, tomorrow’s goal, what Zhao Tizhu listens to. It’s a straightforward imprisonment. Fortunately, I’m doing a beautiful and lively front desk lady. Zhao Tiezhu’s time to put some electricity with others, it’s not going to fall asleep.

A meeting opened, Zhao Tiezhu has already made clear the phone number of the front desk lady qq height and weight, and even waited for the afternoon to go to the company cafeteria to have a lunch at noon.

After the meeting, the red rhyme let everyone disperse, and then Zhao Tiezhu and his team were left behind.

"How is the preparation of the matter?" Red rhyme looked at everyone and asked.

"Fortunately, almost!" Zhao Tiezhu first spoke, and then said to the pale face, "dusty, yesterday, what happened to you?"

The dusty face showed a tough smile, and said with a weak voice, "No... no problem, play 40% off! Just... as long as we are 50,000."

"I am going, my goal is 50% off, you can even cut 40% off, there is dust, you really give power!" Zhao Tiezhu cried in surprise.

"Really, it really gives strength... I was last night... I gave the power of this life to me last night." The dust said, and there was a sweat on his forehead.

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