Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Unlucky night

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-four chapters unlucky night spring

"Poor child, I was definitely not devastated last night!" Zhao Tiezhu expressed his sympathy for his encounter, but the so-called "the sky will be reduced to the people of the Slovak, and he must first bitter his heart and sorrow his body and his body is empty." God's horse, now the hardship is just for a greater victory!

"Iron column... I... I am finally insulting the mission!" Zhao Tiezhu, who looked at Zhao Tiezhu, was thinking that he was pushing him into the fire pit. However, if you think about it, it seems that he is really a buddy. I have sold it, sin and sin.

"It’s really hard for you, it’s dusty!" Red rhyme smiled and nodded. She didn’t know that the dust was going to sell the hue. She only thought that the young man had tried his best to get the price down and slept. If you can't eat it, you can't eat it, and then you finally succeed in pushing down the price. This leads to an over-indulgence today.

"It's all right." Hearing the praise of the red rhyme, the dust finally recovered the spirit, and said with a strong smile, "I have been so hard for the first time in my life."

"Well, it's really hard!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with approval. When she thought of the woman's forty words, Zhao Tiezhu could understand the extent to which this dust had been crushed last night.

"The matter of the venue has been solved. What about the promotion of the news media? Iron column, how is it prepared?" asked Hong Yun.

“Alright!” Zhao Tiezhu nodded. “Lin Lei, the host of the provincial two, will personally go to our promotion meeting to report on the spot!”

"Hey? I didn't expect you to really do it!" Red Yun said in amazement.

"Of course, can I do it, are you not the most clear?" Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

The red rhyme slammed Zhao Tiezhu and whispered, "Are you sure you haven't used your power to push people?"

"No, one province is two. They are not reporting news, and there will be a heavyweight guest on the promotion tomorrow night. They can't wait to report the promotion!" said Zhao Tiezhu. .

"Which heavyweight guest?" Red Yun asked curiously.

"This is a secret!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled mysteriously.

"Well, since these are all ready, what about the guests tomorrow night, what is the preparation?" Red Yun asked.

"This has to ask for spring." Zhao Tiezhu pointed to the night of spring.

"This, Mr. Red, many of my guests here are not empty tomorrow, so there are about ten people who can be present." Night Spring is a bit shy and said, "Other people who are not enough weight, I am still standing." However, it is estimated that there will not be much."

"How did this happen? Have you been able to recruit people before?" Red rhyme frowned and asked, "Why can this be only ten? This is too little?"

"No way, now at the end of the year, two days is the New Year, all kinds of annual meetings, gatherings, and so on have increased, and people are busy, we are just a small promotion meeting, although gv is a luxury. Brand, but it is just a cottage brand. Many people don't buy the brand's account. Even many people think that buying this brand is an insult. How do you ask me to call someone?" Said.

"Then you can give me some of the gv consumer groups, right?" Red rhyme said, "You should not focus on those groups that are more top-notch, gv will always have their consumer groups, you put those people Isn’t it enough to pull the past?”

"I didn't think of it, but now it should be too late." Night Spring looked at the watch and said, "Look, it is already more than nine in the morning. If I want to call one by one, it will be Not many people can be called."

"Since you can't call people, then you don't have to stay in our group." Zhao Tiezhu's voice came out of nowhere.

The night of the night, the original helpless look turned into a horror.

"You... what are you talking about?" asked Zhou Zhaochun, staring at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Are you not specifically responsible for the guests? Since you can't call people, it doesn't matter what you are responsible for, you can quit our team!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Everyone in the group is a division." Job, you no longer need to exist."

"I don't mean to call someone, you... what power do you have to drive me out of this group!" cried out in the night, "I have been busy for a long time for this promotion!"

"I saw that you can't even call people. What are you busy with? It's like a teacher can't even teach a book. What kind of teacher does he still have? A chicken can't even find a customer. What kind of meat does she still sell? Right?” Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You...! Red, you see him, how can you be so arbitrarily!" Zhao Tiezhu seems to have opened his thoughts in the night, this is really a panic, not only because this promotion is also expanding his network. The opportunity to increase the face, at the same time, there are a lot of interest disputes here, just a promotion meeting, basically the group members will have a lot of income, like the person in charge of the guests, at least get one or two thousand, This is a good white-collar worker with a monthly salary of seven or eight thousand. It is a good thing to lose the pie in the sky. I didn’t expect Zhao Tiezhu to open his mouth. Is this really the leader of the leader?

What did not think of the night of spring, Zhao Tiezhu this goods, really is his leadership, that is, the rhyme of the red rhyme.

"Want spring, I think the iron column is right." Red rhyme said, "Since you are responsible for the guest, you should be responsible. You can only recruit ten people at the moment, then you are not suitable for this. Blocking, at least this event is not for you, I suggest you take a break and stabilize your guests. Don't wait for the next event, you can't pull people, it's not good!"

"Red!" The night is looking at the red rhythm in horror, and then the eyes of the help are thrown to the dust, but the dust is still a pattern of excessive indulgence, and then look at the small heavens, the two are nothing. Other expressions, shouted in the night, "Iron column, you are giving me a chance, I must pull everyone! And definitely the most distinguished guest!"

"No, people, I have already arranged it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I still have some friends. They are also willing to help me pull people. This is accidentally pulled, so tomorrow night's guests. The list is basically full, you don't need you! And your on-site dispatch coordination work, I decided to hand him over to dust, dust, can you do well?"

With the dusty eyes shining, Zhao Tiezhu is going to transfer the benefits that he could get from the original night spring to him! Although it has a good relationship with the night, but it involves one or two thousand things, it is not a trivial matter. If you have a slight hesitation, you nod your head and agree.

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