Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1286: Tangle of Zhao Tiezhu

The first two hundred and eighty-six chapters tangled by Zhao Tiezhu

"Zhao Tiezhu, you are not as good as a beast!" Zhao Tiezhu annoyed his hand and patted his head. Just now Ouyang Ying touched the small iron pillar of Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu actually did not live up to the soft! Yes, it is soft! It’s totally different from what everyone thinks! This is a state that the body naturally shows after being shocked!

Zhao Tiezhu did not think that Ouyang Ying would have met his small iron pillar. He did not expect that Ouyang Ying would have no idea that she had already encountered it when she encountered it. Then Ouyang Ying also caught the ecstasy.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu can only run, because he does not know how to continue this way, will he do something in the end, is the gods angry? Zhao Tiezhu feels that he entered Ouyang Ying's boudoir this evening. This is a matter of anger between the gods and the gods.

After calming down the excitement, Zhao Tiezhu held the steering wheel tightly and drove back to his home.

It’s not too late, the people in the villa are there, a group of idle and boring women are playing something similar to the killing game called the werewolf, that is, several civilians, several werewolves and then a judge, anyway, it looks very fun. Zhao Tiezhu simply greeted a few people and then quickly went upstairs.

"Yan Ni sister, don't you think that today's iron column is quite abnormal?" Li Linger held a few cards in his hand and whispered to Su Yanni.

"Do you think the iron column is normal?" Su Yanni asked, and then the card in his hand was stuffed into his arms and said, "You don't think about seeing my cards, I won't let you know my identity." of."

"Oh, Yan Ni sister, you are really boring, I am the kind of person who will voyeuristic? I am not an iron pillar brother!" Li Linger said dissatisfied.

"You just peeked at my card when I took the mirror and looked at my face. You and the iron pillar are a virtue!" Su Yanni said seriously.

Zhao Tiezhu returned to the room, and did not care about how the women played, but pulled up the quilt to cover his head, and then tried to let himself sleep.

The time has passed for more than half an hour, Zhao Tiezhu has counted the number of sheep in 2012, and there is no drowsiness. All the thoughts in the mind are Ouyang Ying’s ecstasy! If the change is that other people dare to play Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu has already taken the gun, but for Ouyang Ying, Zhao Tiezhu is also unable to get the hand, the most important reason is that Ouyang Ying is really pure! It is not fake or pure, but she is pure and like a little white flower. Such a pure person, Zhao Tiezhu really does not want to destroy his image in his heart. Any woman who looks very pure once given by a man, then Pure power will be completely gone, this is the experience that Zhao Tiezhu summed up from countless novels. You think, how can a pure person be able to sway under you, and where is it pure?

When it was counted to 4024 sheep, one person gently rang the door of Zhao Tiezhu's room.

Zhao Tiezhu opened the quilt, but Lucy stood outside the door.

"What's wrong, it's quite unusual to see you at night!" Lucy asked with a smile.

“No!” Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively and said, “Why don’t you sleep?”

"I'll see you, see how you are, since you are fine, then I will go to bed!" Lucy said, looking at the people around, gently licking Zhao Tiezhu's face and kissed him. Then he took a handful of Zhao Tiezhu’s **** and said, “Wait a minute, go to my room?”

"No, no!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "Today is tired, change the day."

"Well, let's take a break!" Lucy said, turning and walking back to his room.

As for Zhao Tiezhu, he continued to return to the bed to count the sheep. There were not five hundred. A little cold body was drilled into the bed of Zhao Tiezhu.

"I said how you are so abnormal at night? Didn't play them, just go back to the room to sleep, is there anything that makes you feel guilty outside?" Su Yanni asked Zhao Tiezhu's hand while asking.

"Where, I am like that kind of person?" Zhao Tiezhu was really a bit smug by Su Yanni. "I am tired, oh, this is my preparation for a long time, and it has finally come to an end." Exhausted me!"

"Really? How do I feel your heart beats faster?" Su Yanni said, pressing one hand on Zhao Tiezhu's chest.

"Tired, naturally speed up the flow of blood!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Sleeping to sleep, too tired at night, can not exercise with you."

"Cut, people who want to do just want to be like you, I want to sleep, hold me." Su Yanni said.

Zhao Tiezhu listened to Su Yanni in his arms and felt the slow and steady breathing of the jade people in the arms. Zhao Tiezhu also began to feel a little sleepy.

I don't know when Zhao Tiuzhu slumbered and slept, and then made a long dream. In the dream, Ouyang Ying appeared in the tight little devil costume next to Zhao Tiezhu, and there was a pair of small and cute wings behind him. Then the face was full of evil smiles, then saw Zhao Tiezhu, immediately rushed up with a whip, tied Zhao Tiezhu, and dripped wax...

"Ah!" Zhao Tiezhu screamed and woke up from his dreams.

"What's wrong, the iron column?" Su Yanni was also awakened by the call of Zhao Tiezhu.

"I made a nightmare." Zhao Tiezhu touched Su Yanni's back and said apologetically, "Sorry, I have a fight."

"Nothing, poor child, how to have a nightmare!" Su Yanni touched Zhao Tiezhu's face and said, "Come on, lie down in my sister's arms to sleep."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Su Yanni's double peaks on the side because he was lying on his side. What kind of devil, what whip, and any drop of wax disappeared in his mind, and then he buried his head in the double peak of Su Yanni. Among them.

"Hey, sleep." Su Yanni gently patted Zhao Tiezhu's head.

"Sleep." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I am giving you a preview in advance, I am sleepy, good night."

Su Yanni silently looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was so happy, closed her eyes and said a secret, this is my child, this is my child. Then I slept like that.

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