Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1287: Solitude

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-seven chapters

This night, Zhao Tiezhu finally sleeps relatively safely. When he got up the next day, he was already stunned, but Su Yanni’s face was a bit ugly.

"You see you, all green!" Su Yanni grievously pointed at her chest and said, "All the bosses are not small, but also like to engage in this, now it’s alright, one night is covered by your mouth, this is all green It’s all together.”

"Nothing, I am enough for you." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and put his hand on Su Yanni's chest and gently groaned, then said, "So comfortable?"

"It seems that you are comfortable? Get up for me!" Su Yanni pushed Zhao Tiezhu away, then stood up and put on the clothes.

"I have to go to work, you don't have to go to work?" Su Yanni said.

"Yeah!" Zhao Tiezhu's eyes lit up, but he remembered his gambling contract with Ling Xue yesterday. Today, when he goes to work, Ling Xue does not want to admire himself in front of colleagues in the company.

When I think of Ling Xue’s cold face, Zhao Tiezhu feels comfortable for a while without any reason. If you are proud of Everest, you are not Baba’s to inform the world that you admire your buddies? Ah! There is no way to be handsome!

Happily ate the meal, and Li Linger Lucy played for a while and loved it. Zhao Tiezhu carried a briefcase. After the dog-like dress was completely dressed, he drove the qq to the company.

After playing the card, Zhao Tiezhu couldn’t wait to go to Ling Xue’s office.

“Is it always there?” Zhao Tiezhu was very polite at this time. He did not go directly into Ling Xue’s office, but spoke to the secretary outside the door.

The secretary also met Zhao Tiezhu many times, and said with a smile, "Ling has not come yet, what do you have in the iron column?"

"Nothing, I just take a look, sister, dressed up today!" Zhao Tiezhu leaned back on the secretary's desk and said, "You pink shirt is very good with your jacket, but you The button is too high, and the neckline is not tied here. This will make you feel a sense of restraint in the whole upper body. You want to release your passion. Young people, don't be restrained, do you know?"

"This, really?" The secretary was not able to find the north by Zhao Tiezhu’s three or two sentences.

"Of course it is true, but look at your button, buckle up to this, you must be very difficult to do it yourself, I will help you solve it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am a very good person. Clothing...intentional."

"Listen to you, it’s a bit embarrassing!" The secretary took the mirror and said, "I also think that the department is too up, so that I can look a little awkward."

"Then unravel, youth does not need to be bound!" Zhao Tiezhu slightly tilted his lips to keep his smile in a perfect arc.

"Uh-huh!" The secretary said as he went, and he went to unlock the button, but it seems that it was because the department was too up, and it was a bit difficult for the secretary to solve the problem.

"Or I will help you." Zhao Tiezhu reached out and said, "You can unlock the two buttons above!"

"Tai Cheng!" The secretary raised his head and waited for Zhao Tiezhu to untie her. Zhao Tiezhu was naturally obliged to reach out.

"What are you doing!" A cold and proud voice passed from the side, Zhao Tiezhu looked back and found that Ling Xue was looking at himself with a cold look.

"Ling...Ling total." The secretary was shocked by the sudden appearance of Ling Xue, and he was busy to shrink his body back.

"I will help your secretary to emancipate his mind." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Why, it’s not very early here. I remember that you came early, it’s very early."

"When will I come to the company, it is not your decision!" Ling Xue went to the door of the office, then turned to the woman secretary and said, "Zhao Tiezhu, you should not be too easy to believe."

The secretary stunned, and then seemed to think of something, his face was red, and then glared at Zhao Tiezhu, said, "Iron pillar, you... you take advantage of me!"

"Nothing! I have it, I am just understanding!" Zhao Tiezhu said, hiding from the secretary's murderous eyes, a flash into the office of Ling Xue.

Of course, before he entered the zero point and zero, Zhao Tiezhu politely knocked on the door, although Ling Xue did not necessarily hear it.

"You come to my office, is there something?" Ling Xue sat on the sofa and looked at Zhao Tiezhu indifferently.

"There is nothing, it's okay, there is one thing, let me remind you of Ling Zong, last night's gambling... Is it worth it?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Ling Xue’s body shook, his face changed slightly, then he took a few deep breaths and said, “I will do everything I said!”

"That's good, I remember that there was a company-wide morning meeting this morning, I hope you can participate on time, then... you know."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu had to walk out of Ling Xue’s office, and Ling Xue’s face was very dark, because waiting for her, she would say that she admired Zhao Tiezhu in the face of the company’s people. It is a very embarrassing thing. If it is said, she Ling Xue has no face to mix, if not said, then Ling Xue is a joke, which makes the arrogant Ling Xue can withstand it.

Time passed by, and it was time for the morning meeting.

The dozens of employees of the company have entered the big conference room one after another. Zhao Tiezhu is behind several young female colleagues. From time to time, he tells people about the trend of this year, or which star is being used again. Anyway, it’s a bit of a gossip. Anyway, it’s a woman’s good gossip. These women’s employees are really attracted by Zhao Tiezhu’s words, listening carefully to Zhao Tiezhu’s words, and Zhao Tiezhu’s arguing from time to time. Two sentences, the ones that make these female employees laugh are called a flowering show, and the torrent is rolling.

When the employees came almost the same time, Hong Yun walked into the conference room with Ling Xue.

"Red, always good!" All the employees of the company stood up and said hello to the two.

Hong Yun smiled and nodded to everyone, and Ling Xue was as cold as ever, just nodded slightly, then walked to the first seat and walked down. As for the red rhyme, it is sitting next to Ling Xue.

"Today's meeting, there are a total of the following charters." Hong Yun said, to brief the things that are going to be said at today's meeting, and then the whole meeting went down step by step according to the red rhyme.

"This gv brand promotion meeting, our company Zhao Tiezhu group was very successful, the company decided to reward 10,000 pieces of cash for everyone!" Hong Yun said with a smile.

Suddenly, there was a warm applause in the conference room. Zhao Tiezhu was entangled in the night, and he was mechanically clapping. He was annoyed and annoyed why he had misunderstood the meaning of the leader and went to give Zhao Tiezhu a problem, or else Today, this 10,000 yuan, and this honor, is also your own!

Unfortunately, there is no regret in this world.

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