Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: The threat of Wang million

The threat of the first thousand two hundred and ninety-eight kings

Ling Xue has thrown a brain-detained look to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu has been immune to this, so Ling Xue's brain damage attack is invalid.

"Since you don't want it, then forget it." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged indifferently and said, "I have to accompany the red rhyme to eat at night, this evening, you don't come to join us!"

Ling Xue’s eyes turned and said, “That’s yours.”

Zhao Tiezhu is a bit surprised at this, thinking that this Ling Xue is generally not a scorner, how can you give up today?

After the puzzling, Zhao Tiezhu decisively did not think about this problem. This kind of plain waste of brain cells, Zhao Tiezhu is disdainful.

Zhao Tiezhu did not talk much, but left Ling Xue’s office directly.

Outside the office, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from the iron hand.

"Iron column brother, we are back!" The iron hand's voice shook slightly, thinking that it was too excited.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up and said, “You are finally back, where is it now?”

"We are about to reach the fj highway junction!" said the iron hand.

"That, I am now arranging people to meet you in the past." Zhao Tiezhu said, he hung up the phone, and then no matter what he left early, went downstairs to drive to the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall, and then they will still be The leader of the Blood Soul Hall in the headquarters was called.

About ten minutes later, a line of mighty black cars about ten or so left the headquarters of the Blood Soul Hall.

In the center of the car, it is the long white Lincoln. There are several people sitting in Lincoln. If there is a missile hitting this car at this time, then the entire Blood Soul Hall will completely collapse, because it is almost blood soul. Several people at the top of the church.

Zhao Tiezhu, help the Lord. The cadres are alone, quit, kill, heaven, Fan Jian, and eight fingers.

Because it is a long type, although it sits five people, it does not appear crowded.

"Hey, this time the iron brother is really awesome!" Fan Jian took a big mouth, and the thick lips looked greasy.

"That is of course, who is the iron brother?" Tiandao said with a strange smile. "That was the cow who had laid down the iron hand."

"Wait a minute, everyone can respect our iron brothers." Zhao Tiezhu said happily.

"That is a must." Eight fingers said, "Iron brother is alone in danger, to give the king a slap in the face, we brothers, naturally have to respect him."

About twenty minutes later, Zhao Tiezhu’s team came to the high-speed intersection of fj, and outside the highway intersection, four black vans had already been parked. The iron hand stood outside the car, chatting with a person next to him. Fart. Seeing the team came over, the iron hand's face showed a look of happiness.


When a group of people closed their doors, a group of dressed in black suits and sunglasses, they saw that the triad people had walked down from the car. These people soon dispersed and dispersed. Then, from the white extension of Lincoln, Zhao Tiezhu and others walked down.

Zhao Tiezhu specially dressed in a big windbreaker of Armani, the wind blows, the whole windbreaker follows the wind and floats, watching the very head, while others are also wearing a black jacket, looking to give The impact of people is very large.

"Iron brother is good!" Zhao Tiezhu waved his hand to the iron hand from a long distance. The iron hand ran up with several other people and said, "Iron brother, don't laugh at me, in front of you." Where can I call my brother?"

"Today, you are our brother, everyone said right?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile to the people around him.

"Yes!" Fan Jian and other people shouted, "Iron brother, you are our idol."

"Iron brother, seek communication and seek support."

Under the laughter of all the people, the iron hand sat in the white extended Lincoln, while the other people sat back in the van. The original ten team has now become more than ten, and the mighty is open again. Back to the urban area of ​​fj.

"Does the brothers come back?" Zhao Tiezhu sat on the leather chair and said.

"Well, they are all back. A few injured ones have already arranged for the hospital," said the iron hand.

"Well, what about yourself?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I'm fine, a little hurt." The iron hand raised his hand and wrapped a band of bandages on his fingers. "I just have to rest for a while, it's fine."

"That's good, can you drink at night?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Can, what wine can drink!" Iron hand smiled, "Iron column brother, we can not get drunk at night."

"That is of course." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded. At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang and was a strange number.

"Zhao Tiezhu, hello." The phone was a gloomy male voice.

"You are?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a blank expression.

"Wang million!"

"Oh! It's you, is there anything?" Zhao Tiezhu asked faintly, as if the phone was not the big man in the southeast, but a passerby.

"Your hand is very embarrassing." Wang million said in a low voice. "I have so many industries that hurt me, even if I hurt so many people, you even let my son not let go, Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu You really thought you were staying in fj, wouldn't I dare to move you?"

"You can try." Zhao Tiezhu is not scared, since people are threatened, Zhao Tiezhu's tone is tough.

"It doesn't matter what you say. Since you made up your mind and I will be an enemy of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, then you are prepared to bear our anger." Wang said, he hangs up and hangs up.

"I cut, I really do the same with the emperor." Zhao Tiezhu disdainfully grinned, although the king is bullish, but the soldiers will block the water to cover the land, in this fj site if they are threatened by others threatening a few words, Then don't mix the gangsters, and go home to eat milk.

"Iron column brother?" Iron hand looked at Zhao Tiezhu.


"Is it a million million phone?" asked the iron hand.

"Haha, it's okay." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "Wang million is anxious, don't care about him. When you travel recently, you should pay more attention to it. The younger brother should bring it well, although this fj is our site, but don't I accidentally overturned the ship in the gutter."

"This knows." Fan Jian said, "In fact, the slain brother and the Tiandao brother and the eight-finger brother-in-law don't care about this. I can't pay much attention to this."

"Really, today you are still being noticed by people at once, too." Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously.

"I am doing it, that is my domineering side leaked!" Fan Jian dissatisfied.

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