Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1299: businessman

The first thousand two hundred ninety nine chapter businessman

The iron hand and others were sent back to the headquarters of fj, and then Zhao Tiezhu directly prepared the banquet hall of the headquarters. At night, a group of people and other leaders of the Blood Soul Hall will celebrate the triumph of the iron hand. Zhao Tiezhu was the first to let go of the matter here, went to the company of Hongyun, the evening party, Zhao Tiezhu intends to be a female companion about Hongyun.

When I arrived at the company, I was about to get off work at this time. Zhao Tiezhu was not in a hurry to let Hongyun go back with herself. Instead, I went to find someone to chat with, or see others busy, Zhao Tiezhu stood by and peeked and learned something. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is firmly denying that he is standing behind the woman who is said to have a f cup in the bust to see the looming chest inside her through the neckline of her clothes.

"Learning, this is learning!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously!

I finally waited until I got off work. Red Rhyme didn’t plan to work overtime again. Instead, I left the office directly. I saw Zhao Tiezhu’s outside, and the red rhyme gave a slight look. Zhao Tiezhu went to a corner where no one went. And soon after, the red rhyme followed.

"Let's have dinner together at night." Zhao Tiezhu touched the rhyme's **** and said with a smile.

"Night? But just Ling Xue had asked me to eat together at night, and then went shopping together." Red rhyme tangled.

"What? Ling Xue about you? That three-eight!" Zhao Tiezhu finally understands why he just said that when he wants to eat red rhyme, Ling Xue will be such a look, and this feeling Ling Xue is going to put Hong Yun first Tied up to her chariot! Let's eat together with the red rhyme, then the two naturally have to get off work together? And Zhao Tiezhu wants to be red, then he has to follow the red rhyme when he gets off work. And Hong Yun and work together with Ling Xue, it must have met Zhao Kunlun?

Zhao Tiezhu really felt that Ling Xue is not very cute, and buddy is not who you are? Why do you have to help you? Although Zhao Kunlun is not afraid of him, this is the son of Zhao Bao. At this stage, it is really unnecessary for Zhao Kunlun to make the relationship too rigid. If he really helps Ling Xue, it is likely that he will have a relationship with Zhao Kunlun. It will be completely torn. When Zhao Kunlun goes home and looks for Zhao’s baby to cry, then his own pressure will be great, because now that he has already provoked Wang million and then provoke a Zhao baby, it’s not wise. Zhao Tiezhu knows that his pressure is not limited to these two sides. Zhao Tiezhu’s vision has been placed in the Pearl River Delta where the economy is developed, but the underground world order is very chaotic. If you really need to expand in the Pearl River Delta, then The pressure is three-way!

"Don't ignore that coldness." Zhao Tiezhu said, "You will go with me at night. Of course, you can choose not to follow me. You have to be conceited."

"What is the consequences of self-sufficiency? What do you say in this?" Red rhyme is a little dissatisfied with Zhao Tiezhu's tone. This is the difference between a person who has been married and mixed with society and a rookie like Su Yanni, like Hongyun. Mature women tend to have more ideas of their own, so although they are in bed, they are not as emotional as young women, but their self-awareness is stronger than that of young women. Simply put, That is, they are more likely to live for themselves, unlike young women like Su Yanlinda, who live for love.

"What do I mean? What is the woman with a nervous illness who always likes to take you out as a shield? You are still stupid and forced to call her sister and sister." Zhao Tiezhu was also a little dissatisfied with the rhyme. To put it bluntly, Zhao Tiezhu is just a young man. Because of his identity, he is somewhat masculine when he gets along with women. Although Zhao Tiezhu has never been indifferent to some trivial matters, he suffers from loss, but encounters Some of the problems he has identified, it is not that you are crying in front of him and hanging on the three.

"Hey, I said Iron Pillar, you say so little about my friend, who is Ling Xue, I know, you are talking about a woman behind this, but it is not a gentleman's demeanor!" Hong Yun to Zhao Tiezhu More dissatisfied, because she felt that Zhao Tiezhu was too stingy, and he had not said whether or not to accompany Ling Xue to eat, Zhao Tiezhu just like this with his face, it is really a little child.

"Well, I am not here to want to argue with you." Zhao Tiezhu took a deep breath and said, "Now let's not talk about Ling Xue, Ling Xue, there is still a bunch of things, I just want to tell you about it, at night. Well, I have a very important dinner, do you want to be my partner?"

"This is right, what is the consequences of self-sufficiency, the people who are afraid of you." Red rhyme snorted, said, "Since it is a dinner party, it does not matter, but you can take Ling Xue with you. Anyway, she is so beautiful, a big beauty, next to you, you don't suffer, right?"

"You don't know the inside story." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "This Ling Xue has been involved in some seven seven eight eight things, I don't want to be her shield, it is you, stupid."

"What makes me stupid and not yelling? Zhao Tiezhu, you said to my sister, I am stupid and stunned?" Red rhyme phoenix eyes, glaring at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Don't yell at me!" Zhao Tiezhu also slammed one back and said, "Simply tell you that Zhao Kunlun is fascinated by Ling Xue. If I take Ling Xue to be my female companion, then I will not succeed. For Ling Xue, I attracted Zhao Kunlun’s hatred? Actually, I am with Zhao Kunlun. Although I can’t say that I’m a deadly enemy, I can’t be friends. I know this, but there is no good for me to do good things. Such a fool."

"I understand, you want to use this thing to find Ling Xue is good?" Red rhyme squinted.

"Positive solution." Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "In the business field, if you can't get the equivalent commodity exchange, you can't call it a transaction, and if you can't get more than what I paid, then you can't call it. Successful transactions. These are all I have learned from you."

"But we are human beings, not commodities." Red rhyme touched Zhao Tiezhu's head, just like touching a child. "You, you, is the appearance. In fact, the real successful businessman is not how he will do business." How can he get big, but he has a solid network of people he has built. Merchants, no one, what is a businessman? If everything is measured by the size of the benefits, then what are we making money for? ?"

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