Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1310: terror

The first thousand three hundred and ten chapters of horror

Li Linger is worried about the direction in which Zhao Tiezhu disappeared. From time to time, he remembered the ghost stories he just heard.

Suddenly, Li Linger felt that his neck seemed to be touched by something. Li Linger quickly turned his head, but behind him was empty, just a rock, a mountain forest.

Li Linger shrank his neck and turned his head. He just wanted to see if Zhao Tiezhu came back, but he didn’t see anyone. At this moment, Li Linger felt that something had touched his neck. It felt very obvious. Li Linger turned his head fiercely, still didn't see anything.

"Linger, what are you doing?" Su Yanni looked nervously at Li Linger and asked.

"Nothing." Li Linger looked around with a puzzled look and said, "Sister Yan Yan, we have to go see the iron pillar brother."

"No, he must have deliberately called out to lie to us and then scare them!" Su Yanni said.

"I think so too." Li Linger nodded her self-consciousness. Suddenly, she felt that her neck was touched by something. This time, Li Linger even reached out and grabbed it. The result was still nothing.

"Linger, what are you doing, don't scare us!" Lucy, sitting next to Li Linger, looked at Li Linger in a horror and grabbed it, said.

"Nothing, there seems to be a mosquito." Li Linger smiled.

It took about thirty seconds, and Zhao Tiezhu really appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Sorry, I am embarrassed." Zhao Tiezhu smiled at his head. "I just looked for it for a long time. The result was a fall and it scared me."

"Hey, you have seen this trick, we have already seen it!" Su Yanni said proudly.

"Hey, in order to express my apology, I will tell you a ghost story again." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cheng, this time we will not be scared by you!" Su Yanni confidently looked at Lucy and Li Linger Sun Jiaying and said, "You must be careful, we must not be scared this time."

"Yeah!" The sisters around agreed to agree, and then they looked at Zhao Tiezhu very calmly.

"Cough." Zhao Tiezhu cleared his throat and said, "I have a friend's personal experience. My friend is studying in the Philippines from Canada. When I was studying in Canada, I lived with my mother in a small house. My friend's desk pendulum In the corner of the room, there is a window next to it. The friend is a very hard worker, but shortly after moving into the house, whenever he sits at his desk and concentrates on studying, he feels that something has been gently tapping his neck. At first, he thought he was nervous, so he didn't care too much. But over time, this feeling always existed. As long as he sat at his desk, he kept feeling something touching his neck, but as long as As soon as he left the desk, the feeling disappeared. So he told his mother about the situation. His mother found a fortune teller and asked the fortune teller to tell him that there were many things that could not be seen by the naked eye. Capture, so I asked him to take a photo immediately when he had this feeling next time. Maybe he could solve the mystery. The friend was dubious. When he got home, he sat back to the table and studied. After a while, he felt something tapped. His neck, his mother I took a photo for him and rushed to the photo studio to wash it. When I got the photo, both of them were scared and whitish. The photo was next to the friend, a pair of feet hanging in the air. The original friend always felt it. The one who hangs himself and hangs himself in the air, and touches his neck because he swings in the air..."

When Zhao Tiezhu’s voice just fell, he heard Li Linger yelling and suddenly plunged into Zhao Tiezhu’s body, and the whole person could not tremble.

"Linger, what's wrong? This story is not too horrible, how can you scare it like that!" Su Yanni asked in confusion.

Li Linger's face was white and his lips were shaking, and he couldn't speak. He just pointed at his former position and his eyes were terrified.

"What?" The sisters around me were even more confused. Looking at Li Linger's original location, there was nothing there.

"Linger, don't be afraid!" Zhao Tiezhu's expression of concern with Li Linger's back soothed Li Linger, said, "This is just a ghost story, you are scared."

"No... No!" Li Linger said tightly, Zhao Tiezhu, shivering and said, "Just... I just felt something is touching my neck all the time."

"What?" Su Yanni Lucy, including Sun Jiaying, screamed at the same time, and then recalled the ghost story of Zhao Tiezhu, a group of people's face suddenly white.

"This... really?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Li Linger with one hand and asked.

"It's true, it's been a few times! I feel that my neck has been touched several times!" Li Linger said as he pointed his neck, this finger, Zhao Tiezhu said, "Hey, you seem to be here." There is a red mark."


Li Linger hurriedly took out a small mirror from her arms and then took it. Sure enough, at the neck where she felt that she had been touched, there was a small red dot. This red, how to look like blood.


Li Linger took Su Yanni Sun Jiaying Lucy all screamed and stunned the birds.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu showed a very man. With his arms open, he would sneak into his arms to the sisters who were shrinking on their own side. They felt the feeling of nephrite in their arms, and Zhao Tiezhu did not mention how comfortable he was.

Zhao Tiezhu was smug, but he also looked at Cao Ziyi. He saw Cao Ziyi looking at him with a smile. Zhao Tiezhu knew that his own stealth of Li Linger was definitely not a way to deceive Cao Ziyi, the master of the list. Zhao Tiezhu did not speak. Just a smile on your mouth.

Cao Ziyi shook his head with a smile and said, "You guys, you have been cheated by the iron pillar."

"What?" Frightened as a frightened chicken-like woman looked at Cao Ziyi with confusion.

Cao Ziyi said, "All the iron pillars are teasing you."

"Really, iron pillar?" Su Yanni looked up and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu looked helplessly at Cao Ziyi and said, "Zi Yi, you are not very interesting."

"Ah!" This is a group of sisters who know that Zhao Tiezhu has broken down. They have reported powder to Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu has been beaten up by several happy people.

Of course, Li Linger curiously asked Zhao Tiezhu how he touched his neck and how to give him a red color on his neck. Zhao Tiezhu said that this is a secret. I don’t want to say that if Li Linger is forced to seduce, Zhao Tiezhu is determined to stop. Say one more word.

"Actually, you can take the camera of Yan Ni to take a picture of your position." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

Li Linger hit a cold war and looked at Zhao Tiezhu with resentment. He stunned and even ignored Zhao Tiezhu. It seems that Zhao Tiezhu’s offending her this time is miserable.

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