Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: Five women's peak map?

The first thousand three hundred and eleven chapter five female peak treasure map?

Finally, Li Linger’s injured heart was comforted. Zhao Tiezhu did not continue to tell the ghost story. Anyway, it was close to midnight. Zhao Tiezhu thought about placing the fireworks all the time, and waited until midnight at 00:00. Just put fireworks. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is not a person who does not pay attention to protecting the environment. The fireworks bought by Zhao Tiezhu are specially made fireworks without pollution. As for why there is such a fireworks, this Zhao Tiezhu does not know.

After the fireworks are put on, it is very beautiful, but when it is beautiful, it will dissipate in the air after it falls, and it will not cause any fire. As for why it does not cause a fire, everyone should not care about it. When it is an alien artificial fireworks.

Zhao Tiezhu is playing with the fireworks, but Li Linger is not slow to follow Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu wonders if this chick will not be scared by the buddy once and then put the whole heart on himself. Asked why Li Linger has been following himself, but Li Linger is reluctant to say nothing.

Looking at Li Linger’s slight horror in his eyes, Zhao Tiezhu felt that he might have scared Li Linger this time. He just didn’t think that Li Linger’s such a person who studied biological science all day long would be scared by the illusory things of ghosts. It seems that there is no one to be perfect.

Zhao Tiezhu is busy here, and in the second peak of Wu Nufeng, which is more than two or three kilometers away from Zhao Tiezhu, Sun Lei and others are also camping at a pass here, but they have two tents.

Some people's clothes are more or less damaged, because the second peak has not developed to the extent of the main peak. In many places, even the roads are not there, all the way to the thorns, several people can have good arms and legs. It’s quite rare to get here.

Next to the tent, Sun Lei also had a stove top like Zhao Tiezhu. There was a pot on the top, cooking something, and that Yamamoto fifty-seven, holding the map on hand, looked carefully, from time to time. Looked up and looked around.

"Mr. Yamamoto, how long will it take?" Li Xu asked curiously.

"This, from here to the past one and a half hours or so, we can see a cave, when you enter the cave, follow the waterway, you can walk to our destination!" Yamamoto 57 map I gave it up and said with a smile. "About tomorrow at noon, we can get what we want."

"That's good, I hope that Mr. Yamamoto will have something to gain!" Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Haha, everyone will harvest together!" Yamamoto's fifty-seven looks very happy, then turned to look at Michiko, his eyes showed a ray of light, said, "Michiko, you come over to eat together."

Michiko nodded and walked to the side of Yamamoto 57 with a blank expression.

Yamamoto's fifty-seventh slammed the waist of Michiko, and Michiko turned his head and stared at Yamamoto 57. There was no other action.

Yamamoto’s fifty-seven scorpion’s hand was taken back and said, “Let’s come out together, don’t be so rigid.”

"I am instructed to protect your safety, but you don't need to serve you." Michiko said coldly, as if it were a Japanese ninja.

"That's good." Yamamoto said with a wretched smile. "This time, I will apply to you as Abe Ching Hai will apply to you. By then, you will become my woman."

Michiko did not speak, but turned to look around, because this is in the mouth, so the phone has a signal, Michiko is looking for opportunities to send text messages to Zhao Tiezhu.

Sun Lei’s group of people also ate the same thing as Zhao Tiezhu. After eating for one night, Michiko left the room first, saying that he was going to the toilet. Anyway, he just found a head, and others did not doubt it because This Michiko is from Japan. Can it be mixed with people in the country? Moreover, the people of the Michiko family are still aware of the facts. The entire family of Michiko is subject to people, not to worry about the difference between Michiko, so it is impossible to have any doubts about Michiko.

Michiko went to a dark forest, and then took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Zhao Tiezhu.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu was playing with fireworks. When he heard the phone ringing, he took it out and saw that it was a text message sent by Michiko. This made Zhao Tiezhu come to the spirit at once. This Michiko is followed by a Japanese professor. What major discoveries have failed?

Michiko's text message is very simple, that is to say, she is now following the Japanese professor and several Chinese people in the second peak of the five female peaks, and then everyone seems to be looking for something very important.

"Five women's peaks?" Zhao Tiezhu made a clever, said to Li Linger, "Linger, don't follow me, I go up to the top."

Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu doubtfully, but did not ask much.

Zhao Tiezhu rushed up as he flicked and went straight to a higher place.

Zhao Tiezhu’s speed is quite fast. It didn’t take long before he came to a place that was much higher than the camp where he camped, and then went to the second peak, although it was far away, but Zhao Tiezhu’s eyesight Very, faintly saw a little bit of fire.

Zhao Tiezhu sent a text message in the past and asked about the specific situation of Michiko. Michiko quickly replied to the text message, and the name of Sun Lei’s money was pulled out in the text message. Zhao Tiezhu felt even more strange. Is this Li Jia and Sun Jia Qian Jia not coming together? How can I come out with a Japanese now? And don't go anywhere else, have to come to the place where the bird does not pull to find something? Is it really impossible to find treasure?

As soon as he thought of the treasure, Zhao Tiezhu thought of the same thing that Tank had found in the past few days, which looked like a map.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up and took the map out.

Zhao Tiezhu will open a flashlight on the mobile phone. It must be said that Zhao Tiezhu’s domestic cottage is still very powerful. Not only does the signal in this deep mountain forest be very good, but also built-in sixteen speakers, this song is estimated to be the second peak. Sun Lei and others can hear it. The most important thing is that the flashlight is also taken out, and it can be used as soon as the switch is pressed.

Zhao Tiezhu carefully looked at the map in his hand. Because of the age, the map is not clear, but some of the mountains on the map can be seen.

Zhao Tiezhu’s gaze stopped at the five prominent peaks on the map, and then looked up at the fourth peak, the fourth peak of the second peak, and moved.

This map, the painting seems to be the five female peaks!

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