Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1320: Was washed away

The first thousand hundred and twenty-two chapters were washed away.

"Take away!" Seeing Zhao Tiezhu's face in the dark and uncertain, Li Linger was afraid of Zhao Tiezhu's remorse, and directly took Zhao Tiezhu's hand and went to the depths of the cave.

Zhao Tiezhu thought about it, it was only a hundred meters. It should not be a problem, so he just let go of his heart, walked a few steps, went to Li Linger’s body, and then took the flash phone with the flashlight from his pocket. Take it out and turn the flashlight on.

The flashlight was still very powerful. After walking about 20 meters, the surrounding area was obviously darkened. Zhao Tiezhu suddenly stood and then pulled out a bundle of string from his jacket pocket.

"What is this doing?" Li Linger asked curiously.

"The key moment is life-saving." Zhao Tiezhu pulled the string open and then squatted on a huge stone pillar, then tied one end of the rope to his waist and said, "Okay, let's go."

"Wow, look at the professional look, but, the iron column brother, this thing, is it reliable?" Li Linger pulled the rope and asked.

"We can't break both of them, this is a professional tool." Zhao Tiezhu said with amazement, continue to go deep into the cave.

The opening of this cave is very large, but after going inside, the road inside is very narrow, and there is a tendency to go narrower. After about 50 meters, the road is small enough to be two people side by side. It’s gone.

"It’s already about 50 meters, and there’s nothing in the organization. If it’s 50 meters, we will retire.” Zhao Tiezhu said, turning a corner in front of him, after turning the corner, he’s suddenly There was a huge pothole, the whole pothole was very large, and Zhao Tiezhu couldn’t estimate how big it was, mainly because Zhao Tiezhu had a flashlight on his hand and there was no other light source.

"It seems that there is nothing to see." Zhao Tiezhu took Li Linger's hand and said.

"Oh, what a pity, people think that there will be a little treasure or adventure." Li Linger said depressedly, went a few steps forward and walked into the pothole, Zhao Tiezhu also followed.

"Wow, it’s really big!" Li Linger looked at the top of the pit with Zhao Tingzhu’s flashlight, probably more than ten meters high, which is still very rare in a cave.

The top of the pothole is a naturally formed stalactite, and in the front of the pothole, about a hundred meters away, there are several small holes, and no one knows where these small holes can lead.

"If this place is developed, it is really good!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the stalactites. The history of this cave must be very long, or else it would not have such a long stalactite.

"Well, you see here, there is sand!" Li Linger squatted down and grabbed it on the ground, then handed it to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Sand?" Zhao Tiezhu said, according to reason, this kind of pothole is either stone or mud. It is impossible to have sand. Where is this sand?

At this moment, there was a sudden rumbling sound from afar, and it seemed like a thunderous sound. Li Linger said with amazement, "Is it raining in winter?"

"My grass!" Zhao Tiezhu's face again, he finally understood why there is sand in this place!

"His mother's here is the underground river!" Zhao Tiezhu shouted, and a few steps rushed to Li Linger's body to pick Li Linger's waist, but the thunderous rumble sounded a long time ago. After a second, it has already reverberated throughout the pit.

"Pit!" Zhao Tiezhu looked helplessly at the huge torrent that was less than ten meters in front of him. He directly held Li Linger in his arms and then turned his body and turned his back toward that. The flood of stocks, accompanied by the screams of Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger were directly taken away by this huge flood.

In less than half a minute, the torrents retreated, and the potholes returned to what it was before Zhao Tiezhu came, but Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger have disappeared.

And shift the line of sight to the second peak.

In the place near the peak, Sun Lei and others stopped, because in front of their eyes, there was also a cave.

The cave looked out a lot smaller than the cave of Zhao Tiezhu. Then Yamamoto took a map and looked at it carefully. Then he looked at the cave again and cried in surprise. "This is here!"

"Then let's go in." Li Xu took the lead and walked in the forefront, but Sun Lei called, "Wait a minute."

"How?" Li Xu asked dissatisfied.

"Nobody knows what is going on in the cave, keep the job, or do it well!" Sun Lei said as he took out some bottles and cans from the bag, there were oxygen bottles, helmets or something, anyway. A variety of tools are available.

After the group of people gave themselves arms, they walked into the cave together.

"There are a lot of branches in this cave. When you remember to go with me!" Yamamoto said, "And, now it is raining heavily, you have to be careful of the underground river."

"Know." Li Xu nodded, and Michiko was quite embarrassed to look at his mobile phone, into the cave, no signal!

"I don't know the master, what are you doing now?" Michiko thought anxiously.

Sun Lei and others, because of the instructions of the map, walked very fast in this cave, and occasionally encountered some roads or something, they followed the instructions of Yamamoto 57. It took about half an hour to go. Has penetrated into the cave very deep.

At this time, in another place.

"Cough and cough."

In a dark cave, a cough rang, and then another cough rang.

A male voice, a female voice.

"Iron column brother, where is this!" The female voice shivered slightly.

Then, a light blazed.

"This mobile phone is really good." Zhao Tiezhu took him with the cottage machine that was said to be waterproof when he bought it. He said with emotion, then he looked at Li Linger and asked, "You are not hurt?"

"No, it is a few mouthfuls of water." Li Linger coughed a few times and said, "Iron brother, look, where are we now?"

"How do I know where?" Zhao Tiezhu looked around and was not far from his own front. It was a huge waterhole. According to the situation just happened, he was estimated to have been rushed by the flow of the underground river. Here!

Zhao Tiezhu couldn't help but be grateful that his body is different from ordinary people. Just like the violent current, if ordinary people are directly hit, it will definitely be stunned. Although he can't hurt, he will not faint, or else he can only Killed with Li Linger.

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