Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1321: Not a family, not a head

The first thousand three hundred and twenty-one chapters are not the heads of the family.

"Mom has a target." Zhao Tiezhu looked around and found that there was no exit, and it was not smashed out. After touching the pockets of his body, he found that the treasure map was gone, and Zhao Tiezhu was a mother who had a target.

"Hey, I am sorry, I am sorry, it is my fault." Li Linger took Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said pitifully. "If it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t have to be rushed here by water. Don't die."

"Death you a ball, can you say something auspicious." Zhao Tiezhu knocked on Li Linger’s head with dissatisfaction and said, "Since we can be rushed here by water, there must be a place to go, don't worry. ""

"Hey, iron pillar brother, you... you have to take Linger out, Linger doesn't want to die." Li Linger holds Zhao Tiezhu's hand tightly.

"Yes, I don't want to die." Zhao Tiezhu calmed Li Linger, and then looked around with the flashlight.

This kind of observation, Zhao Tiezhu only discovered that what he is now in is actually another pothole, and this pothole is completely closed!

"I am going, since it is completely closed, how did we come!" Zhao Tiezhu looked around in confusion, and then his eyes locked on the pool in front of him.

"Is it difficult to rush in from here?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned, stood up, but felt that his body was soaked.

"Hey, it's all wet." Zhao Tiezhu licked the water drops on his hair and said to Li Linger, "I will wait for the fire, you are here to roast the fire, I am going to the water pool to see if there is a place to go."

"Don't, iron brother, don't leave me!" Li Linger was obviously scared, and his face was white and Zhao Tiezhu's hand was not let go.

"I don't want to find the exit soon, we both have to freeze to death." Zhao Tiezhu opened Li Linger's hand and said, "You should first roast the fire, keep your body temperature, and, preferably, take off these clothes, they are all It's wet, you wear it again, it will speed up the loss of your body temperature, I just went into the water to see."

"That... that's okay." Li Linger took a nap and said with a slight trembling voice.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and looked around to find some firewood or something. Fortunately, these woods were all dry.

Zhao Tiezhu pulled out a piece of alcohol that he carried with him, then ignited the alcohol with a igniter, and then got the wood. After a while, a bunch of bonfires were successfully ordered by Zhao Tiezhu.

"You are also baking your clothes here. There should be nothing in the head that can threaten you. Remember, you don't want to go into the water, you know? This underground waterway is very complicated, even if it is a professional person. Being trapped underneath can't get up," said Zhao Tiezhu.

"That... that iron column brother, you... you have to pay attention to safety." Li Linger said with concern.

"Nothing, I often play in the cave." Zhao Tiezhu said, carrying Li Linger to take off his clothes, and then said, "You help me bake, I don't know how long it will take."

"Well, okay." Li Linger took a little shyness to take Zhao Tiezhu's clothes, and then took a look at Zhao Tiezhu, who was wearing only one pair of underwear, Zhao Tiezhu's strong muscles and the wounds of the body made Li Linger look a little confused. Love.

Men’s knives are military medals and are the easiest to attract women.

Zhao Tiezhu stood at the edge of the pool, took a few deep breaths, then closed his eyes and adjusted the body's many useless functions to the lowest state. Even the heartbeat was controlled by Zhao Tiezhu at 30-40 times per minute.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly took a foot and slammed into the water.

This water is very cold, but fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu's physical quality is different from ordinary people, or else this first cold, you have to consume your innumerable oxygen to heat your body.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes widened and he looked at the underground river channel with the help of a super-powerful domestic cottage flashlight. In fact, this so-called underground river channel was formed after the original cave was filled with water. Basically, such a place There will be no fish or the like, because a large part of the water is rainwater, even if there is no fish, then it is even more impossible to have predators like crocodile, so Zhao Tiezhu is in the water, still compare Peace of mind.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly swam his hand and swam forward. In the underground waterway, even a person with a ventilator is afraid of one thing. That is, after you sink, you can't find another exit that can be floated. It is easy to die directly. Zhao Tiezhu is the first after the launch. The thing is to find the next exit, but this underground waterway is dark, Zhao Tiezhu's light source is very limited, only to see a few meters in front of it.

Zhao Tiezhu is so slow to swim, not arrogant, because in the water, if you are nervous and anxious, it will make your oxygen consumption increase rapidly, this is for Zhao Tiezhu without any external oxygen supply equipment. Said that it is the most deadly! Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu tried his best not to think about waiting for things like exporting.

About five minutes later, Zhao Tiezhu did not know how many meters he had traveled. He still did not see any lights. Zhao Tiezhu squinted slightly, then suspended in the same place, slowly spreading his hand.

Zhao Tiezhu This is in the direction of sensing the flow of water.

After sensing for a while, Zhao Tiezhu opened his eyes and swam in the other direction.

About ten minutes later, the oxygen in Zhao Tiezhu’s body has already been consumed. Zhao Tiezhu forced the heartbeat to press down again. Then the original gas hidden in Dantian was transported to the lungs by Zhao Tiezhu. .

If you can't find the exit in five minutes, Zhao Tiezhu is in danger of drowning.

However, Zhao Tiezhu still swims without arrogance.

After another three minutes or so, not far from the front of Zhao Tiezhu, a light spot suddenly appeared.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes brightened slightly, but there was no excitement, because if he was excited, he would have to accelerate his aerobics. Many people died in this last step. Zhao Tiezhu has experienced countless times and naturally knows how to face such a Happening.

I saw Zhao Tiezhu slightly speed up the speed of his own stroke, and then you can see that the light spot is getting closer and closer to yourself.

Finally, a minute later, Zhao Tiezhu successfully came to the spotlight. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, the body has begun to appear some stiffness, because of the lack of oxygen for a long time.

"Call!" Zhao Tiezhu slammed up directly from the water, and then saw the sky.

"It’s finally out!” Zhao Tiezhu said with a sigh of relief.

"Hey, how come out?" A surprised voice came from Zhao Tiezhu not far away, Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and looked, "I am grass, how is this group of people!"

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