Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1322: Follow you

Chapter 1,322 follows you

Appearing in front of Zhao Tiezhu, it is a group of people, but Lei Lei and others are also very shocked.

"How will you be here!"

"How come you are here!"

Li Xu’s voice and Zhao Tiezhu’s voice rang at the same time, and then Zhao Tiezhu slammed the water, and the whole person jumped to the shore.

Li Xu and others came out from a cave on the side, and Zhao Tiezhu was on the bank of a pool about ten meters away from the cave. Then the two people were so stunned.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes turned and suddenly thought of something.

"If the buddies are now killing these people, then they will not make a big profit!" Zhao Tiezhu thought of this, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and his murder was getting heavier and heavier.

"You don't think about killing us. We have sent out the news that you are with us." Sun Lei smiled and took out his mobile phone and said.

"I am grass, I have nothing to kill you." Zhao Tiezhu said, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, then cried, "Nima did not signal, how do you send it."

"You are a cottage machine? I am a millet phone, there is a signal drop." Sun Lei swayed his mobile phone proudly and said, "You have to dare to start with us, then you are ready to take our three families together. The anger, when it is, even Zhao Lao can not save you."

Zhao Tiezhu is entangled here. This is a good opportunity for a lifetime. I didn’t expect their mobile phone to have a signal, and I didn’t expect Sun Lei to be so vigilant. I put the news of being with them, and this is true. Can't kill them.

Of course, Sun Lei may also be Zhao Zhaozhu, but Zhao Tiezhu can not gamble! If the gambling loses, then facing Li Sunqian and a Japanese anger, Zhao Tiezhu also has no confidence to keep his own thoughtfulness.

“Why didn’t you wear clothes?” Sun Lei opened the attention of Zhao Tiezhu’s attention. He had to say that Sun Lei’s brain was still very good. Zhao Tiezhu was interrupted by him, and he did not think more. I killed the people in front of me, but said, "I don't wear clothes, you can't control it. I see this nature, the weather is good. I can swim here. Can't you? It's you, this rainy day. At the beginning of the cold day, you are running to the place where the bird is not smashing. What are you doing?"

"Ha ha ha, swimming here is of course possible, but you are really powerful enough, but you are not here. As for us, huh, we are here to play, just, I said this, do you believe?" Sun Lei asked with a smile.

"Do not believe." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively.

"That's not like this, you, continue to swim here, we, just walk around, take our friends around and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, how do you say?"

"Oh? Is this person?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed out that Yamamoto fifty-seven, asked.

"Exactly, this is a friend from Japan." Sun Lei said, looking at what Li Xu wants to say, Sun Lei is using his eyes to stop it.

"Japanese?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a brow and said, "How can you bring the Japanese to this place? If this person is a Japanese spy? The terrain of this deep forest is known to him. How do our guerrillas do when they are fighting? No, no, this is absolutely impossible."

"It seems like we have to do something, can't you manage it?" Li Xu whispered. "Zhao Tiezhu, my brother's death, you haven't taken off your suspicion yet. I advise you to be safe."

"It seems that you are restless, is it you?" Zhao Tiezhu said. "I feel very sorry about your brother's death. However, I want to ask you, if I killed your brother, what benefits can I get? It’s you, as long as your big brother dies, it seems that you can get the most inheritance right? As a vested interest, is your suspicion bigger?”

"Do you still want to argue? Hey, I don't know why the guy in Li Ziling didn't find out that you are the shadow, but what I want to tell you is, don't let our Li family catch your handle, or else..."

"You threaten me useless." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged indifferently. "Now you still can't figure out the situation. The lives of several of you are pinched in my hands."

"Oh? You can try to kill us." Li Xu smiled disdainfully.

"Well, well, don't quarrel, what are you arguing in front of Japanese friends, the face of the lost people." Sun Lei came out to do things, Zhao Tiezhu was wearing a pair of underwear, then said with a smile, "Sun Lei Ah, in order to prevent my country’s secrets from being stolen, I am going to follow where you go."

Sun Lei's face changed slightly, and then smiled. "Since you want to follow, then follow it. Anyway, we don't care." Li Xu said, "Zhao Tiezhu, you go your Yang Guandao, I am crossing my wooden bridge, you Is this looking for something?"

"I am not looking for a thing, I am for the safety of the country. I want to come to you and know my identity. This is a matter of foreign affairs, or it is better for our National Security Bureau." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

That Yamamoto fifty-seven carefully looked at Zhao Tiezhu and suddenly said, "I have seen your parents."

"And then?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"They are top-notch, scientists." Yamamoto said, "The world, the top. You Chinese, you are your parents. If you can, I invite them to come to Japan. We must be a guest." ”

"Oh, this digs the wall and digs into my parents." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "You said it was right, but my aunt, I am not used to traitors."

"Good!" Yamamoto did not speak again on the 57th, but went straight ahead.

"You intend to follow us like this?" Sun Lei looked at Zhao Tiezhu's small underwear and asked.

"It doesn't matter, you are not a woman, it's okay." Zhao Tiezhu said cheerfully, and followed the Yamamoto 57.

As for Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu is not in a hurry. Anyway, he only came out for more than ten minutes. After finishing the matter here, he will return to Li Linger. The seriousness is the purpose of this group of people. Zhao Tiezhu is very curious. Moreover, Zhao Tiezhu estimated that he had just been rushed by the flood, and he might have rushed directly from the main peak to the second peak, because some of the mountain's underground rivers are connected! In particular, I saw Sun Lei as a group of people, and even strengthened what Zhao Tiezhu thought.

Zhao Tiezhu is at the very center of this group of people. He is not afraid of any disadvantages for himself. Because the people present are in the first place, if they are on the value of force, they are the first, and Michiko is second. Everyone else is a cloud.

"Since he wants to make us cannon fodder, let him go to the captain." Sun Lei smiled and appeased the money, and then looked at Zhao Tiezhu, no more words.

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