Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: Blossoming choice

The choice of the first thousand three hundred and twenty-eight chapters

A few kilometers of mountain roads were replaced by others for an estimated few hours, but with Zhao Tiezhu's incompetent speed, almost half an hour later, Zhao Tiezhu came to the mouth where he was.

At this time, Su Yanni and other women were sitting outside the mouth of the mouth and roasting fire. When I saw Zhao Tiezhu coming back, it was naturally rejoicing. Su Yanni also specially caught Li Linger and asked Dong to ask the West. However, Li Linger was somewhat awkward because of a cold. I didn't answer much. This made Su Yanni wondering for a while. She wondered if Zhao Tiezhu had done something to others. Later, she discovered that Li Linger had caught a cold and took some cold medicines and took them to Li Linger.

After eating cold medicine, Li Linger also slept in a groggy way. As a man in this group, Zhao Tiezhu naturally took the responsibility of the human flesh transporter and carried Li Linger down the mountain. As for the heavy things like tents, several other women are assigned, and each person gets a little more, and they still have to move.

From the mouth of the mouth to the far side of the car, but because it is down the mountain, the speed is several times faster than when it was above the mountain. It took less than an hour, and everyone returned to the car and placed things. Then take the bus, Zhao Tiezhu drove the car and took the girls back to fj.

On the other side, Michiko took the corpse of Yamamoto's 57th and just came out of the mountain, and then made an international long-distance return to Japan.

"We were robbed on the road, Mr. Yamamoto was killed, I was seriously injured, and things were robbed." Michiko said coldly, as a person of the Iga family, no matter what kind of place, under what conditions Have to keep a calm heart.

"Do you know who is the hand?" The same cold voice came from the phone.

"I don't know!" Michiko's answer was concise.

"With the back of Yamamoto's body," the phone ordered.


Hanging up the phone, Michiko puts Yamamoto on the shoulders and then slams it into the distance. This speed is much faster than that of ordinary people running at full speed.

After returning to fj, Li Linger, who had been sleeping in the car for several hours, was already quite spirited. After returning to the villa, she did not continue to see the doctor, but went back upstairs to sleep, while other women passed yesterday. The hard work and the early morning in the morning, it is quite tired and sleepy, naturally they have all gone back to sleep, as for Zhao Tiezhu, that is to leave Cao Ziyi.

"Look at this." Zhao Tiezhu put the photos taken by his cottage machine into the computer, and then magnified it to Cao Ziyi.

"This is?" Cao Ziyi frowned slightly.

"This is said to be the derivation formula of the domino equation. I don't understand this thing, but I estimate that it is related to my parents, so I will show it to you." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"I don't understand this very well." Cao Ziyi shook his head and said, "However, I can take it to my uncle and aunt."

"Going abroad?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned.

"Oh, very soon, it will be back in about three or two days." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "I think this thing should be very important to my uncle and aunt."

"That's it, you bring it to them. It's best to let them study a fire-spraying abilities. When we get one, we can open the fantasy era." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Oh, maybe." Cao Ziyi shrugged.

Cao Ziyi said that she left and took Zhao Tiezhu’s photo. Cao Ziyi left the villa and went to the airport. Zhao Tiezhu thought about it and returned three or two days. She did not send Cao Ziyi to the airport. She just wanted to take a break. Then, I received a call from Hong Yun and asked him to go to the company.

"I am going, isn't it a New Year's holiday?" Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"New Year's Day holiday is self-deception. If you want to take full service, you have to give me work. Of course, we don't call it to work. This is called to arrange study during New Year's Day." Hong Yun said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu was helpless and had to drive to the giant company.

“Why?” Zhao Tiezhu pushed the door of the Red Yun office and walked in.

"Today, let you come, mainly to teach you how to read the report." Red rhyme said, take a stack of documents from the side of the file bag, "This is our company's annual report last year, your ability has been obtained Ling Xue Affirmation, so she asked me to teach you this and then teach you to see this kind of thing."

"Oh? Ling Xue's affirmation? You mean that she put down her prejudice against me." Zhao Tiezhu asked an eyebrow and asked.

"What is prejudice? It seems that every time you bully people?" Red rhyme said with a smile, "Ling Xue is now on your attitude, a little changed, I think you can work hard."

"What are you working on?"

"Try to hold Ling Xue on your bed, hey, so beautiful woman, my sister, I am looking at my heart."

"I am going, you will not change your sexual orientation?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely.

“Do you want me to change?” Hong Yun smiled and touched Zhao Tiezhu’s chest and said, “If my sexual orientation changes, we can play women together.”

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu’s mind appeared in a scene with a red rhyme playing with a woman, and my heart suddenly felt like a burst of itching.

"Do you really want to?" Red rhyme throws a wink to Zhao Tiezhu.

"This, okay." Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to move the red rhyme to the hand, and the phone rang very untimely.

It is a blossoming phone.

"Brother, I have a holiday!" The joy in the blossoming voice is hard to suppress.

"Ah? You are only on holiday now?" Zhao Tiezhu University has been on vacation for a long time, but did not expect that the third year of high school is only a holiday.

"Yeah, we are officially taking the winter vacation today, because this year's year is particularly early, so we have a holiday early, brother, do you remember what you promised me?" asked the blossoming.

"I? What do I promise you?" Zhao Tiezhu tried hard to think about it. It seems that he has not promised anything to blossom.

"Oh, brother, you seem to have forgotten, did you say it last time, would you help me find an internship unit? If I have a holiday, I can go to an internship!" said Duo Duo.

"Ah? Oh! I remembered it!" Zhao Tiezhu thought of himself as if he really promised to blossom. He said, "That's what you want to go to internship."

"I... I want to find something that can help my brother in the future." The flower hesitated and said.

"Help me? Do you want to enter the company? I have several companies here, pick you up." Zhao Tiezhu proudly said.

"I... I don't want to go into the company." Duo Duo said, "I want to go... my brother's place."

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