Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1329: Human nature (1)

The nature of the first thousand three hundred and twenty-nine chapters (1)

"What? Go to my place?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely. "Do you know where my field is?"

"Know, isn't it some bars, private clubs or something?" said Duo Duo, "I know all of this!"

"Then you still want to go? You have to know that these places are all mixed, and not you can go to such a child." Zhao Tiezhu advised, "I still find a large company for you to go to the internship. Even if you want to enter the world's top 500 companies, I can also get you in. As for my field, forget it."

"Why, my brother, don't you say it? I want to choose with you. I chose you and won't let me go. Brother, you can't talk!" said the dissatisfied.

"Why do you want to go to my place? You give me a reason." Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Because...because the blossoming wants to help my brother in the future!" said Duo Duo, "And, I think, the brother of the company has a lot of capable men. The most important thing, I think it is only in the company. When I go to work, I really can't learn anything. I still want to get in touch with the most authentic side of this society."

"Ha? How do you know that those are the most real side?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I listened to what people said. Many of my friends said that bars and nightclubs have developed unreserved aspects of human nature. I want to see what the human nature is like. "Flowering said.

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu hesitated, and immediately said, "Well, at night, I will take you to see what is human nature. Wait a minute to have dinner together."

"Okay! Right, my brother, Gege is still with me, wait a minute, can we not together?" asked the blossoming.

"Greg? That line, where are you now?"

"When you are shopping, my brother will give me a call when I get there!"

"it is good!"

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu was quite helpless and sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Hong Yun.

Zhao Tiezhu said the blossoming thing with the red rhyme. After listening to the red rhyme, he smiled and said, "That's good, isn't it? You will take the blossoming at night to experience what the true human nature is." Let these children who are not deeply involved understand that the world is not as simple as they think."

"What I am most afraid of is that the blossoming really made up my mind to do it in my field. Although I can give her a lot of support and protection, but this thing, I am afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it, and, at the bar. Where are the nightclubs, all young girls, what should I do if I learn badly? Then I am sorry for people!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"It's really easy to learn badly, it's not your sister. Are you saying?" Red rhyme asked with a smile.

"That is also, like me, so many years have passed, but still have not learned bad!" Zhao Tiezhu said quite complacent.

"Go and go, you can be broken." Red rhythm lowered his voice and said, "You are screaming everywhere, isn't it bad?"

"Do you not like me bad?" Zhao Tiezhu smirked and walked to the side of Hongyun, whispered, "We seem to have been for a long time, not in this office, to play something."

"What do you want to play?" Red Yun reached out and snorted on Zhao Tiezhu's **** and said, "I don't like weakness, I like to have explosive power."

"You can rest assured at this point." Zhao Tiezhu pulled the red rhyme's hand and pulled the red rhyme from the chair. Then he said, "My explosiveness and impact have always been very strong. This, you don't Do you have any experience?"

"I want to be more powerful." Red Yun followed Zhao Tiezhu into the lounge next to him and said.


A crisp sound, red rhyme touched his buttocks, his face was red, said, "This is not enough."

Zhao Tiezhu grinned and said, "This year, other people dare not say, strength, will definitely make you satisfied."

For a moment, the snoring sounds, and with this snoring, it is a kind of sound like a kitten sobbing, sometimes high and low, and slow and urgent.

In the end, the various sounds merged into one piece, which is a kind of voice that allows men to listen to the blood and let the woman hear the flood.

A few hours later, after all the sounds subsided, Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yun both came out of the lounge with a look of satisfaction and satisfaction.

It is already more than six o'clock in the afternoon.

"Wait a meal together, blossoming and gig together." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"to make!"

After leaving the company, Zhao Tiezhu also took the company’s annual report together. When I was in the bed, Habitat, Zhao Tiezhu was very modest and knew some things about the report. Although it was a bit out of place, Zhao Tiezhu and Red rhyme is happy. Imagine that two people are doing piston sports, and then ask about the profit this year. Let’s ask what the total income this year is. This is more powerful, isn’t it.

Duo Duo and Ge Ge are shopping on the pedestrian street. Of course, basically Ge Ge is buying. Although it is a little bit of money, but after buying the house last time and then adding a little furniture to the house, there is not much left. However, many things in Gege are bought in duplicate. After buying it, I said that I bought the wrong one, bought it more, and then strongly requested that I should be half with the blossoming one. I can't stop the stalker of the stagnation and the threat that you don't want me to throw it away. I have to accept it.

When Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yun appeared, the two were arguing for a pair of sterling silver earrings.

"I don't want this, it's too expensive." Duo said seriously. "You just have one on the side, don't say anything, let's take one side, I don't like to have earrings."

"Oh, it's okay, this earring is originally only one side. The pair of earrings are brought by two people, blossoming, don't mind." Gege said with a smirk, "We are one person, more than one." Yeah, are you saying yes?"

"I am going, your daughter is soaking my sister, what do you think?" Zhao Tiezhu stood by and said to the red rhyme.

"Haha, it's okay, young people, you have to have a divergent thinking, you are right." Red rhyme said, stepped forward and knocked on Gege's head and said, "Go, eat."

"Oh, Mom, why are you here? Uncle Tiezhu?" Gege looked aside and decisively saw Zhao Tiezhu, and suddenly fell into the arms of Zhao Tiezhu. "Uncle Tiezhu, I have not seen for many years, Gege thought." Die you!"

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