Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1330: Human nature (2)

The nature of the first thousand three hundred and thirty-three chapters (2)

"This, I miss you too, I miss you too!" I felt that every time I met Greg, I had a little progress. Zhao Tiezhu’s touched the back of Gege, but suddenly felt the red rhyme passed. Come to infiltrate the killing.

Zhao Tiezhu looked tight and quickly released the gag and said, "Okay, let's go eat together. I want to come to you too hungry."

"Hungry, I want to eat steak!" Gege strongly demanded.

"That's good." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked to the side of the blossoming body and said, "Let's go eat pizza."

"Uncle Iron Column, I want steak!" cried.

Zhao Tiezhu said that because of the rhetoric of the red rhyme, he did not care about the character, but said to the red rhyme, "Let's go eat pizza?"

"With you." Hong Yun smiled and would still want to continue to call Gege's mouth to hold it.

Under the leadership of Hong Yun, several people found a pizza shop. Of course, this is not a popular pizza shop like the insult, but a more exclusive pizza restaurant.

Of course, I chose this place not to show that I am superior or embarrassed, but that the pizza in this place is indeed better than the masses. It is like if I really like to eat steak, I will not go to the noble family or the popular people like the classics. Steak shop, more to eat in a private restaurant.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about eating. Gege seems to like to stick to the flowers. He wants to sit with the blossoming, and he still likes to share it with the blossoming. The blossoming is quite unsuitable. Zhao Tiezhu feels very funny. The sexual orientation of the current children is different from that of the time when they were there. At that time, boys like girls and girls like boys, but now boys like boys and girls like girls.

After dinner, Gege was forced back to his home by a gloomy red rhyme. Zhao Tiezhu estimated that Rhyme is to correct the sexual orientation of Gege to some extent, otherwise his daughter really likes a Woman, it is really unfortunate that the home is unfortunate. Of course, in such an open age, women actually like women, and there is nothing to be ashamed to see people. It’s like the 80s holding a hand and blushing. There are many people in the groves in the field. The times are developing in a progressive society. Everything new is sure to be accepted by people at some time in the future. This is definitely true of homosexuality.

Of course, although Zhao Tiezhu has no contempt for this thing, there is nothing to look down on, but if his sister is a homosexual, Zhao Tiezhu still feels a little bit of pain, but the **** is better than the male, the men are thinking of women. At the same time, the body will react, but if the object of fantasy is gay, then there is only disgusting. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu does not despise the gay, the so-called love is regardless of national boundaries and gender, Zhao Tiezhu can not accept it.

"It's still early, I will take you to the so-called private club." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Many people eat and eat, they like to eat in these private clubs. Of course, they have to say something in the private club. It’s good outside, but more people are still feeling, a feeling that transcends ordinary people.”

"Yeah!" Duo nodded seriously and said, "Brother, you will not have a blossoming gas?"

"How come." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and touched the blossoming head and said, "Your life is the way you go. I look at it."

"Hmm! I will not let my brother down."

Zhao Tiezhu took the blossoming and first came to a medium private club under the Blood Soul Hall.

A medium-sized private club, usually with a credit card, can enter. There is a one-stop service for eating and washing the sauna.

Zhao Tiezhu asked someone to take the Zhang Guibin card and took it to the private club.

The lights in the clubhouse are generally yellowish, so that people have a feeling of resilience.

Of course, this is only a medium-sized private club. Most of them are oriented to some upstarts, and the upstarts naturally like the golden splendor. Even if there are so few arty and elegant styles, they will eventually escape the BMW Mercedes-Benz gold and silver jewelry. These things.

In this private club, Zhao Tiezhu has a blossoming view of what is called money, the most important thing for nouveau riche is money, a meal of tens of thousands, normal, hundreds of thousands, ordinary, hundreds of thousands, that is called grade And in this private club, there are ladies, ladies from some places, black, white, yellow, brown, small, old, young, and all.

"This is a gold nest." Zhao Tiezhu sat on the sofa in the hall of this clubhouse and said to the blossoming girl sitting next to him. "Here, the purple drunken fans, only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't get, everything Everything is the money transaction of the red fruit. Did you see that girl? Just turned 18 years old, to be unpacked tonight, open. It costs 8,000."

Along the hand of Zhao Tiezhu, I saw a very beautiful girl, but the girl was not old, but her face was a lot of makeup, and her figure was very good.

"In a place like ours, everyone pays attention to fair trade, is it illegal to sell yin? Yes! But here, it is legal, rich people pay money, we match the line, everyone pays attention to you and I am satisfied, that tonight Want to open. Hey, know why you want to open. Hey? Because love mad 4s came out, others have, she doesn't, but there is no money at home, what should I do? I don't want to work hard, I can only sell! We are never strong Buying strong sales, and our production is not much, she costs 8,000, we only pump 500, of course, there is a matchmaking fee, which is the man out, generally we can earn about two thousand, you Maybe I don’t think there are anything in two thousand, but after this woman’s ***, I will continue to do business with us. We are not a chicken shop. We don’t specialize in this kind of thing. Generally, only if your customers need it, they will match the bridge, but It’s just a matchmaking bridge. If you don’t see the eye, it’s irrelevant to us.” Zhao Tiezhu said, seriously watching the blossoming, saying, “This is just the middle layer of society, how do you feel?”

"This..." The blossoming face was a bit ugly. The woman was given a fat man in her arms, and the woman’s age and she were generally large. She had to study at school, and the woman would come out to give it a The fat man is open. Hey, in comparison, the impact is imaginable, but the blossoming face is ugly just for a while. After taking a few deep breaths, the blossoming said, "I think, everyone. Everything is just what you need, nothing to say."

"Oh, then I will take you to a lower-level place to see." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, stood up and walked out of this private club, followed by blossoming.

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