Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1332: Helpless real society

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-two chapters helpless real society

"The history of this red light district has been very long." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the shampoo shop around and said, "When I was a child, it already existed here."

“Red... Red light district?” The blossoming looked a little uncomfortable. The women sitting at the door of the store or sitting in front of the store were exposed to wear. Even though the temperature is already very low, they are still low-cut and short. Skirt black silk.

"Well, this is fj's most famous red light district." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Simply say, here is the place to sell meat."

"Sell meat? Are these women?" Duo looked at the side and asked.

"Well, that's them." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This is not my place. Although my men control most of the places in fj, but some places have their own rules, so I will not let my people go. Participation, here, is one of them."

"Inherent rules? What rules?" asked the blossoming.

"That is to live." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, then went to a very old shampoo room.

The blossoming heart stunned and pulled Zhao Tiezhu’s sleeve behind him.

"Oh, sir, hello!" A woman of about 20 years old stood at the door of the shampoo room and saw Zhao Tiezhu coming. He warmly greeted him, only when he saw the blossoming behind Zhao Tiezhu. The woman is a little embarrassed to say, "Sir, we are not allowed to bring a female guest here."

"I am looking for the old nephew." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Old scorpion? You mean old lady?" The woman looked at Zhao Tiezhu in amazement and said, "The old sister is not there."

"Haha, you are new, you may not know me, you can tell the old man that the pillar is coming." Zhao Tiezhu gently smiled.

Perhaps the irony of Zhao Tiezhu’s smile was too amiable. The woman hesitated and turned and walked into the shampoo room.

Not long after, a enchanting voice came from the shampoo room.

"Hey, little pillar, how can I have time to find my sister today?"

With this voice, a woman who looked around 40 years old appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Old. Scorpion, long time no see." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and greeted him.

The woman in her forties is as long as the general, how much the charm is still there, and the body is also very good, that is, the makeup is thicker. Seeing Zhao Tiezhu, this woman named Laozizi opened her arms and directly hugged Zhao Tiezhu. Then, I kissed Zhao Tiezhu’s face and said, “I haven’t seen you for so many years, I want to die my sister.”

"Going abroad, it didn't take long to come back." Zhao Tiezhu said, pointing to the blossoming, "This is my sister."

"Oh! Hello, hello, hey, this girl I seem to have seen, you... are you blossoming? The one of the super woman champion?" said the old nephew.

"It's me!" The blossoming smile was a little awkward. No matter who it was, it was a bit embarrassing to be recognized by a woman who was obviously obedient.

"Come in and sit." The old nephew did not care. He took Zhao Tiezhu and blossoming directly into the shampoo room, and the girl was still standing at the door waiting for the guests.

"How do you think about my old sister? Is it still thinking about breaking it?" After the crowd sat down, the old man asked with a smile.

"I thought about it, but you won't let us break in the past, will it be difficult for us to break it?" Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"Cut, this time, when you were a few people, you, and the vows, Xiao Su, how big is it? Sixteen or seven-year-old people are thinking about talking to others. Women, I will stop you, With your small body, you have already been squeezed out. If you do, then there is no such thing as you are now!" The old man smiled and pinched Zhao Tiezhu’s face. "This face is really long and handsome." Alright!"

Zhao Tiezhu did not care at all, but if the outsiders knew that the fj gangster emperor had been pinched on the face of a dusty woman without any anger, it is estimated that the whole fj 女.

"You are still doing this business?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Of course, my sister, I will not do anything, can you still rely on you to raise it?" The old nephew took the packaged cigarette from the table in front of the sofa, which is Zhao Tiezhu's favorite double happiness.

"Come, draw one." The old scorpion handed the Double Happiness to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu took out one, and then the old scorpion handed the smoke to the blossoming, and smiled and shook his head.

"No smoking, women smoke quickly." The old scorpion took a cigarette and licked it on his mouth. He picked up a lighter with a naked and body woman and set himself on fire. Then he gave Zhao Tiezhu a fire.

"Talk about it, what are you doing here today to find the old sister? I am not looking for a lady? I have a few good ones here, and the body is clean." The old nephew said.

"No, today I mainly bring my sister out to experience life." Zhao Tiezhu said, "My sister is in high school and is idle. It is fine."

"Oh? Experience life? I am not a good place." The old man squinted slightly, and the blue smoke slowly floated out of his nostrils. "Good girl, don't come to my place."

"Oh, old man, you are here, many of them are raw faces!" Zhao Tiezhu looked around and said.

"You have disappeared for a few years. If you do this, you will eat some youthful meals. Most of them have gone from good to good. Now many of these are newcomers." The old nephew took a deep breath and said, "This year, It’s really strange to come out and sell more and more. At that time, we were much poorer than now, but there were fewer people selling them. Now we have more money. This is more to sell.”

"If you have money, who doesn't want to have a better time." Zhao Tiezhu also squinted like the old scorpion, and the two smoked like a seemingly unspeakable look.

The blossoming body is a little restrained. Although she is poor from a small family, she has never touched this kind of thing. In the depths of the shampoo room, there are some women and men’s snoring, which makes the blossoming At the same time of being shy, it is also strange, what is it, driving these men and women who are not acquainted with each other to do the most primitive movements in bed. Is it really just money?

"Now the business is better than before?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"It’s so good." The old nephew nodded and said, "There are more people who sell out, we can pick it. You didn't look at my sister here, are you young? Now most of the month can be There is a four or five thousand income, which is still quite impressive."

"That is mainly because you pumped less." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"The sale of meat is a lack of morality. If I charge too much, I am afraid that I will have no **** when I have children." The old man said faintly.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Old voice, I want to take my sister to see it inside."

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