Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1333: Sell!

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-three chapters are sold!

"Go ahead, what do you have to do with me?" The old nephew waved at random. "As long as you don't bother my children to do business."

"Well! I know the rules." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and gestured to the blossoming, and stood up and walked inside the shampoo shop. Blossoming took a few steps and took Zhao Tiezhu’s hand.

"Oh, afraid?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in a low voice.

"No, it's just a little weird," said Duo Duo.

"What is weird?"

"I am wondering, for what reason they are selling, is it really for money?" said the frowning frowning.

"Of course, for money, not for money, is it still for socialist construction?" Zhao Tiezhu raised his eyebrows and said, "This is what I told you earlier, it is a place to resist, here, the body and money. The transaction is the most red fruit, and the woman here, one hundred and two hundred can go to your bed, hit a shot, then you go, then take the next customer, no feelings, no need to pay attention to the atmosphere, Anyway, I am doing it for you. You give me money, it is as simple as that."

"Ah? So direct?" asked the strange and strange.

"Of course it is very straightforward. I hand over the money and take off my pants." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked a few steps, pointing to the several private rooms next to him. "In these private rooms, there is a bed, nothing else, um, here. There is an empty one, you come in with me."

Zhao Tiezhu said, walked into a private room that was not closed.

"have a look."

The blossoming side looked around. It was a private room with only a few square meters. The wooden room was placed in the position of the wall. It was not a Simmons, nor a spring bed. It was a simple wooden bed with a blanket blanket. What's the thing, and next to the wooden bed is a small table with some escaping sleeves on the table, some simple shackles, people's products, a black lacquered piece on the floor, a piece of cockroach on the side of the cigarette. Traces, even in a corner, blossoming also saw a used refuge.

"I feel this environment, how?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“Very... very bad.” Duo Duo said that the environment here is much worse than the iron room in her previous home. At least in my own home, the floor is clean and things are not lost everywhere.

"In such a place, do it?" asked the blossoming.

"Of course, one is only for shooting, one is only for money, what are you doing in the place?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "In fact, this is the simplest reason. You can think that this is not enough, not hygienic, not comfortable enough. But you don't have the ability to go to a high-level place. In order not to be starved to death, you can only do it in such a place. If you have been doing it for a long time, you will naturally be obsessed. If you say it, where is it not being riding, right? ?"

"But...they don't come to sell it? Other jobs can make money!"

"I can make money, but what kind of work can be four or five thousand stronger than the monthly salary?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Now, there are too many people who like to enjoy themselves and refuse to work hard. Of course, I am not saying that all the things that are sold are like this, but most of them are like this. Do you know why prostitutes and thieves are occupations that have existed since ancient times? In the end, the reasons are the same, inert. With hands-on, you can get the fruits of other people's work. If you have a prostitute, you can get what you want."

"This... brother, is this the so-called simple interest relationship?" asked the blossoming.

"This is the case! The main purpose of bringing you here is to tell you that there is supply in the world, there is supply, and we may have a lot of things that make you feel uncomfortable or even disgusted, but it is undeniable. It is precisely because some people need us to do it, we don’t do it, others will do it. Since it’s all money, why can others earn us but not earn it? If you can understand this, then you have to In my field, I can go on, because in many places, I actually trade the money and the flesh of the red fruit. The only difference is that they immediately pay the money and do it right away. On my side, I handed it over. Money goes out to do it. Of course, we are not chicken shops. In essence, we are just matching the bridge, or providing a place for mad men and women to burn their passion."

"I understand!" Duo nodded seriously.

"If you understand it, there are many ugly faces in society. Some things are not what we can change. Because we are not saviors, so instead of letting the ugly things of society press us, it is better for us to graze those things. So at least we can do better.” Zhao Tiezhu said, turned and walked out of the private room. At this moment, the woman standing at the doorway walked into the private room with a man in his fifties. At the moment of intertwining with Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded, as if she was not going to sell meat now, but to talk about life and talk about ideals.

"This is a place where there is no ethics and shame. You have to know that in fact, in most of the present society, there is no rudeness and shame." Zhao Tiezhu finally said such a sentence, and then went to the outside of the shampoo shop with blossoming. .

"Would you like to go?" The old scorpion smoked and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, take my sister and go see something." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Old voice, you should have already withdrawn from the rivers and lakes?"

"Of course, I haven't been selling for a long time. I plan to find a man who is honest in the past two years to become a family." The old man smiled. "I think your father is good, I will introduce it to you."

Zhao Tiezhu fled in the wild.

"Brother, this woman, how do you know..." asked the curiously.

"Ha ha ha, it’s all about young people." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "When I was in high school, I vowed that they said that they would spend money together. Then we came to this place and just entered the old man." Zidian's shop, but we broke that time. The old man didn't give us a sister. We didn't give us a sister. We said that we are not yet an adult. If we let us do it, it will harm us. Then we will know that, the old man, though It’s the work of the old man, but it’s the bottom line. We are friends.”

"Oh!" Nodded and nodded, followed Zhao Tiezhu to a deeper place.

"Only, they are all voluntarily selling meat. I will take you to see them. Those who are forced to sell meat." Zhao Tiezhu’s tone is dull, without any emotional fluctuations, but blossoming, but it is trembling. , what is being forced to sell meat?

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