Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1505: I am a little white face (fifth)

The Union of Women is actually a very secret alliance. She is composed of some socialites from the upper class of fj, as well as wives and wives. The total number is not many, just a few dozen. If you have to say, This lady alliance is a woman-based alliance formed by a group of women who are sour and sour. Through the alliance, women can know more and more friends, and these women’s men are boring behaviors for women. At first, it was a bit opposed, but there were so many smart men who used these women as ties to achieve some purposes such as intelligence gathering and business cooperation. Therefore, this lady alliance gradually got the men’s Admitted, so that it has developed to the current scale, although it can not dominate the man's thinking, but it also has a role to play.

Of course, in addition to those who blow the pillows, these women also have some more arrogant, that is, men are only their vassals, and their own financial and material resources are stronger than many men.

The former chairman of the Union of Women is such a person.

As a male companion of Su Shi, Zhao Tiezhu appeared in the open-air hall of the Hilton Hotel. As soon as it appeared, several women gathered around.

"Hey, Susie, is this your man?" said a fat woman who had scored a lot on her face.

Su Shi nodded. When he came here, Su Shi had already obtained the consent of Zhao Tiezhu and allowed her to say that she was a woman of Zhao Tiezhu. Of course, the people present actually had never seen Zhao Tiezhu, and the names were estimated to be listening. However, now Zhao Tiezhu can be said to be the top of the whole fj several people.

"This is Mrs. Wang." Su Shi introduced to Zhao Tiezhu, "her husband is the general manager of China Railway Fj Branch!"

"Hello, hello!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and reached out, and Mrs. Wang was slightly frowning. After gently touching it with Zhao Tiezhu, she said, "Su Shi, you are looking for this." Man, look at it?"

"I am the little white face that Su Shi has raised." Zhao Tiezhu said without any hesitation.

Mrs. Wang looked at Zhao Tiezhu with amazement and said, "Oh? Is this true?"

"Of course it is true! You don't think I have the potential to be a little white face?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Not bad, although it is a small white face, but can be righteous, you young, is still very good, good with Su Shi with a few years, buying a car to buy a house can be a small matter, haha!" Mrs. Wang said with a smile .

Su Shi looked at Zhao Tiezhu slightly and found that Zhao Tiezhu didn't go to the heart at all. Then he let out a sigh of relief and said, "Mrs. Wang, how is the election this evening, do you know?"

"Well, I just heard that I need more than six people to jointly recommend to participate in the election! How, Su Shi, do you want to participate in this? Not that I said you, you are a newcomer, or a low-key point, even if someone I am willing to recommend you, you better not to participate in this matter!" Mrs. Wang advised.

"Oh? Why?" Su Shi asked inexplicably.

"Your foundation is too shallow, you can't choose it. When you are hostile, it's better to join a camp of popular candidates. If you can help her choose, then you will get a lot of benefits!" Said the wife.

"Oh!" Su Shiran suddenly nodded and said, "I know, thank you Mrs. Wang for reminding me!"

"Oh, we are a group, aren't you? I told you, I joined Mrs. Lu, this time the highest voice, one is Mrs. Lu, one is Mrs. Li, it is better to follow me to join Mrs. Lu. Over there, let's help Mrs. Lu to go up, and then our sisters can follow and enjoy the light!" Mrs. Wang said with a smile.

Su Shi said, "I will look at it again. I used to look for them!"

"That's it!" said Mrs. Wang, and turned and left.

"I didn't expect it to be chosen like this!" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and said, "If this is the case, then it is really difficult for you to choose this chairman. According to my opinion, it is better to choose a camp to add, then you can In this way, I have a good relationship with the people inside! Right, what is Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Li, what is going on?"

"Mrs. Lu, is the daughter-in-law of the governor Lu Jinhui." Su Shi said, "Lv Jinhui's son did not go to politics, but to do business. He did a lot of work on jz and gd. Of course, fj also has their industry. It’s just a low-key, it’s not like watching them. But in our Union of Women, apart from the previous president, it’s Mrs. Lu’s most powerful!”

"Oh? Lu Jinhui's daughter-in-law? This identity can be forced to go!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "What about Mrs. Li?"

"This Mrs. Li is the granddaughter of the richest man in Asia in Hong Kong. The wealthy wealth of Asia is hundreds of billions. His grandson is not bad, but it is not bad. This is Mrs. Lee’s jewellery business, which spans the entire southern part of China. It can be regarded as the king of jewels, the whole lady alliance, and this Mrs. Li can compete with Mrs. Lu, so I guess the highlight of this evening will be between the two of them." Su Shi explained.

"A super rich, a super right, this can be said to be a positive confrontation of power! Haha, which camp do you plan to join?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I... I don't want to join any camps!" Susie hesitated and said.

“Oh?” Zhao Tiezhu looked at Su Shi curiously and asked, “Talk about the reasons for seeing you.”

"If one side has an overwhelming advantage, then I can vote for it, but if the two sides are probably flat, then my vote is crucial. It is the so-called odd goods. If I join the camp now, then Just follow the vote together, people will read your good, but not much will go to the heart, and if they vote for them when they need it most, the meaning is different! They will be grateful to you !"

"Haha, smart! Good!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "You can think like this and prove that your brain is still very good. Then you can do what you want. I will concentrate on being a little white face!" ”

"This... aggrieved you!" Su said apologetically.

"Nothing, I will come to play." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and waved his hand.

Just then, there was a loud noise coming from the door. Su Shi looked at it and whispered, "Mrs. Li, come!"

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