Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1506: Rich people in Hong Kong (sixth)

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the door and saw a group of people coming in from the door. The head was a woman who was full-bodied but would not look bloated. This person looked around 30 years old. The face is full of style, if you look at the flower of the appearance, you can compete with the red rhyme, but her body is a little more graceful than the red rhyme.

The woman's side is followed by a tall and thin man, the man is not big, it is in his thirties, the hair is very neat and neat, a gold wire glasses are clipped on the nose, and the top Italian brand **** is worn on the body. The custom suit, the whole person looks very spiritual and temperament, just like the medieval aristocrats.

Following the two people behind more than a dozen people, are also all kinds of expensive and compelling.

"This is Mrs. Li, next to her husband, Li Ge!" Su Shi introduced.

"Li Ge?" Zhao Tiezhu almost laughed, this name is too powerful, right? Do the jewelry business, give the grandson a name gems? This is just as vulgar as your own iron pillar!

"Well, it is said that he is a high school graduate who graduated from Harvard. He has received two doctoral degrees. Anyway, it is very powerful. I have seen him once and never said anything!" Su Shi said.

"Hey, I am really interested in this Li Ge." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "When I am poor, I am tied to this Li Ge, and I am expected to extort a few hundred million."

"Someone once did this." Su Shi smiled. "It’s just that a few billions of people are extorting, but one billion."

"Oh? Is there something else? Tell me about it?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"It is said that Li Ge was kidnapped when he was in high school. After the kidnapper kidnapped him, he gave Hong Kong the Asian richest man a billions of Hong Kong dollars. Then the richest man did not report the police, but ignored the matter directly. When people are worried about what will happen to Li Ge, Li Ge will appear in front of people in perfect condition, and the kidnappers seem to have disappeared from the air, and have never appeared." Su Shi said, "This is also the top ten unsolved mystery in Hong Kong. It is estimated that Li Ge will know with his relatives."

"It's really a legend!" Zhao Tiezhu's interest in the eyes became more and more serious. "I have to find a chance to meet such people."

"Li Ge is basically staying in Hong Kong. The industry here is for Mrs. Li! It is estimated that this evening is also to give Mrs. Li a scene, so it will appear, otherwise it is really a little bit of a dragon." Feeling," Su Shi said.

Zhao Tiezhu said something here, suddenly saw a familiar and strange face!

Xia Lin?

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the man standing behind Li Ge, while holding a beautiful woman, surprised, this Xia Lin, Zhao Tiezhu almost forgot, if not the last time he participated in the Red Rhythm classmates happened to save this person, Zhao Tiezhu basically I have already forgotten this person. I didn't expect to meet this person here today. I can see that this person is talking and laughing with Li Ge. It seems that it is not Li Ge’s men, but it is like a friend.

"Do you know that person?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed to Xia Lin and asked.

"Which?" Su Shi followed Zhao Tiezhu's instructions and immediately said, "That is Xia Lin. Xia Lin is next to Mrs. Li's sister. This Xia Lin seems to be Mrs. Li's sister's boyfriend. I am not very clear about it. I just heard that this Xialin seems to be an important assistant to Li Ge."

"Important assistant?" Zhao Tiezhu’s mind instantly recalled the information of this Xia Lin. Last time it seemed that I heard that Xia Lin is an elite member of the Rockefeller family in the United States. Could it be that Li Ge’s cooperation with the Rockefeller family?

"Well, yes, I remember!" Su Shi suddenly said, "I remember the last time I heard Mrs. Li tell people that Xia Lin seems to be an elite member of the Rockefeller family, and then the richest man in Asia seems to be a big player in the Rockefeller family. Shareholders! I guess this is the reason, the relationship between the two will look so harmonious!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly realized, and he remembered these things as if they couldn't relate to their gossip.

The role of the Women's Alliance is here. He can bring you a lot of information, and this information may not be related to you now, but maybe you will use it someday?

Xia Lin did not see Zhao Tiezhu here, but chatted with Li Shiru while walking. As an elite member of the Rockefeller family, Xia Lin was sent by the US headquarters to help Asia's richest man, and the richest man in Asia was the Rockefeller family. A major shareholder, Xia Lin was sent to the present, through his stunning performance in the capital market, has completely conquered the richest man in Asia, and then the richest man in Asia sent him to the side of Li Ge, helping Li Ge to take care of some things, Tonight, Xia Lin was also pulled by Li Ge to participate in the presidential election of the so-called Women's Union.

"Xia Lin, here is a huge information base." Li Ge said to Xia Lin with a smile. "Here, there are countless information transmissions every day. How to sort out the information you need, then look at you. The ability of the spokesperson in this league!"

The spokesperson is a name given to a woman like Su Shi by a foreign man.

"I know." Xia Lin said, "I will find one of my spokespersons as soon as possible."

"Of course, don't take this too seriously." Xia Lin said, "The information here can sometimes be used as a reference. What is really useful, we have to dig ourselves."

Just when Zhao Tiezhu spoke to Su Shi, Li Ge and Speaking to Xia Lin, there was a loud noise coming from the door. Not long after, a long and unusually enchanting woman appeared at the door. This woman was almost like a bamboo leaf. It’s just that she doesn’t look like Zhu Yeqing’s murderousness, which seems to be able to bite you at any time, but a charm like a demon girl.

This is a woman who does not lose those women in the villa in any way!

Beside the woman, it is followed by a middle-aged man in his thirties. This middle-aged man looks very normal, and has few eyes and a few noses. He also has a slight thank-you on his head. There is no luxury of the people around, but this person's body is with an unbearable atmosphere.

"That is Lu Bu and his wife!" Su Shi introduced.

“Lu Bu?” Zhao Tiezhu was once again shocked. On the one hand, he was shocked by the boldness of Lu Jinhui’s name for his son. On the other hand, he was also the name of the husband who was shocked by the two popular candidates. He was as wonderful as himself.

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