Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1550: Lei Chenyu (50 more)

"However, if the iron column brother is such a person, Ying Ying also recognizes!" Ouyang Ying behind a sentence of good hanging did not wake up the devil in Zhao Tiezhu's heart, what is this? Is this a seduce of red fruit? Seeing the golden light shining in Ouyang Ying's eyes, Zhao Tiezhu found out that this Xiao Nizi really worshipped himself too deeply.

There is such a beautiful woman who admire oneself and can't do it. You look at you in front of you. If you don't, is it still a man? Zhao Tiezhu feels that he is a pure man! Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu wants to say that we will go outside and go.

It’s just that I haven’t said anything yet, and there’s a voice coming from the side.

"Ying Ying, come back so late!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at his voice. He was a good-looking man. He wouldn’t be burly, but he wouldn’t be thin, with a smile on his face, a bit like Lei Zi.

"Chen Yu brother!" Ouyang Ying cried with a smile. "My brother and I have just finished eating hot pot."

"Hello, Lei Chenyu." The man smiled and reached out to Zhao Tiezhu.

Since everyone laughed, Zhao Tiezhu naturally couldn’t bite his face, and he laughed, "Zhao Tiezhu."

"I have heard about your business today." Lei Chenyu said with a bitter smile on his face, "It is a good thing to stand up, but take my three brothers to stand up, it is not so good. ”

"Oh, don't do that, the effect is not obvious, isn't it?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "If you want to do it, you have to make things bigger. However, when Lei Zi comes, I will have an opportunity to apologize to you." ”

"Apologize, don't apologize, it doesn't matter, anyway, our own skills are not as good as people." Lei Chenyu said, "I really want to have a chance to teach you your skills. Listen to Lei Zi said, you work hard, very strong."

"That's all the thunder blows." Zhao Tiezhu said modestly, "Lei also said that you are much better than me!"

"Haha, that's what the thunder is blowing, well, it's not too late, chances are we have to go over it, Ying Ying, go back with me, your mother is worried that you are worried!" Lei Chenyu laughs I touched Ouyang Ying’s head.

"Oh, okay!" Ouyang Ying glanced at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Is Brother, you are free tomorrow? Let Yingying go out to play?"

"Tomorrow? Let's talk about it tomorrow." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I will call you when I get there."

"Good yeah!" Ouyang Ying directly rushed to Zhao Tiezhu and gave Zhao Tiezhu a kiss, then turned and followed Lei Chenyu into a small building.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and shook his head. This Ouyang Ying is really good.

It was a little more than a night to return to Zhaofu from the Capital Military District. The entire Zhao House was unusually quiet.

Zhao Tiezhu walked back to his room with a light hand, but found that Cao Ziyi was sitting on the wicker chair and looking at the book, next to Cao Ziyi, sitting with a sleepy fish.

"Diffuse fish, why don't you sleep yet!" Zhao Tiezhu stepped forward and asked.

"The fish and other brothers came back." The fish smiled and stood up, then yawned and said, "Now the brother is back, the fish is going to sleep, my brother is good night!"

"Well, good night!" Zhao Tiezhu touched the head of the fish and said, "Do a good dream!"

"Yeah!" The fish nodded and walked out of Zhao Tiezhu's room.

"Do you have a clue about the fish?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Cao Ziyi, who was sitting in the wicker chair.

"There is still no clue at the moment." Cao Ziyi shook his head and said, "The thing has been going on for a long time, and those people are buried very deep, and Zhao Lao has not found anything of value."

“Hey!” Zhao Tiezhu sighed and said, “The fish is actually very poor.”

"Well, it's really pitiful," said Cao Ziyi. "This is also why I didn't do too much intervention when she knew she was using you. She was not malicious to you."

"Well, I know she is not malicious." Zhao Tiezhu said, "She is just doing her best. She is only how big, and these things are in my mind. If I can, I would like her to be simpler, what is it, Let's do it for help."

"Impossible." Cao Ziyi said, "Hate has been rooted in the heart of the fish. If you want to completely eliminate it, you can only find the source of hatred, that is, those who have destroyed her house."

"Well, there will always be feet, those people." Zhao Tiezhu said, take off his clothes and say, "Go to sleep. Ziyi, you still read books?"

"Well, look at it for a while, you should sleep first." Cao Ziyi said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu did not play a few words, but lay down on the bed and pulled the quilt to sleep.

Zhao Tiezhu sleeps peacefully this evening, but the buddies of the entire capital are out of the sky because of Zhao Tiezhu’s business.

"Zhang Jicheng is a vegetative?" When Sun Lei got the news, she was playing chess with a friend. When she heard the news, Sun Lei frowned and asked, "Who is the hand?"

"Zhao Tiezhu!" reported under the hand, "Zhao Tiezhu started to play against Zhang Ji in the heavens and the world, and at the same time hit the madman and the iron head, the madman and the iron head suffered losses!"

"Hey, Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu, this is Liwei!" Sun Lei smiled and pushed his car directly forward, saying, "General."

Sun Lei’s friend shook his head helplessly and said, “Your chess is still so superb!”

Sun Lei said with a smile, "I, still far from the distance, this big game in Beijing, I don't know if I am qualified for the next time."

At about the same time, Li Xu also got the news that Zhang Ji was labeled as a vegetative person. To be honest, Zhang Ji’s four heads in the capital city are the same as a royal director. Anyway, everyone wants to shoot something. Zhang Ji was looking for it, and Zhang Ji also tried his best to shoot. This is the case with Zhang Ji and all four.

"Zhao Tiezhu, this face is drawn up, I am forbearing, or can't bear it?" Li Xu frowned and said to himself, but also in the Li family, Li Ziling is a look of the old god.

"The capital has been so quiet for so many years, it is a bit sloppy, okay, iron pillar, I really hope that you can make a good noise, it is best to give Li Longba a whole, this is good!"

In many other places, Zhao Tiezhu gave the directors of the four people a vegetative person, and even the news that the madman and the iron head of the three masters of the capital were lost in the hands of Zhao Tiezhu was passing quickly.

It was only after a night of time that almost all the buddies in the capital knew this.

"Who is so crazy? Is it really a place here?" Someone was dissatisfied.

"This Zhao Tiezhu is really awesome. At the same time, I gave a slap in the face of the three masters of the Beijing Four Military Regions. It depends on how they responded!" Someone is on the wall.

"Zhao Tiezhu, hey, yes!"

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