Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1551: Exploring the class (51 more)

Many people are eagerly awaiting Zhao Tiezhu and the four young and three wars. However, they have waited until dawn, and four of them have not issued a statement. Only a little news came from Zhou Chaoshi.

"Just let him squat, see how he can reach." Zhou mixed world said this time when the face is scornful, this can not help but make people associate, is the Beijing four less, what is the cover for Zhao Tiezhu?

Many people who had despised Zhao Tiezhu and even despised Zhao Tiezhu also closed their mouths after the incident last night. It is not that everyone has the guts to give a slap in the face and then slap three slaps. Zhao Tiezhu did it. Although I don't know what the consequences will be, the courage is not at least what ordinary people can have. Those who are not very optimistic about Zhao Tiezhu also have another judgment on Zhao Tiezhu.

Regardless of the outside, Zhao Tiezhu is a stable person who sleeps at home. When he wakes up the next day, Zhao Tiezhu feels refreshed, but he has not been comfortable for a long time. He was called to the lobby.

There are already a lot of people in the lobby, just like yesterday’s meeting, everyone should sit at the station.

"Iron column, I heard that you beat the people of the four people yesterday? Are you still in the field of the military area?" Zhao asked.

"Some old grievances." Zhao Tiezhu said, "At the time of fj, that Zhang Ji people stopped me halfway, to kill me, I came to the capital, naturally revenge!"

"That is your business in fj, you have to revenge can be reported in fj, now how is this going on? All of the other four people have been offended, I see what you want to do!" Zhao Meiqin hate iron The look of steel.

"If you offend, you will offend, a Zhang Ji. It’s hard to be how they can treat me?" Zhao Tiezhu said disdainfully.

"What do you know? Do you know what it means to take a shot and move it all over? Do you have a big picture? Now it’s hard to ease our relationship with them. As a result, you have to come up with this, you want me to follow How do they explain?" Zhao Meiqin asked.

Zhao Tiezhu stared at Zhao Meiqin in a strange way. Zhao Meiqin looked at him with a horrible look. "What do you think?"

"Grandma, grandfather, Zhao family, when are you going to give them a picture?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Hey, the five people said that they all came together in the same year. Naturally, they should be brothers and sisters. I will tell them, that is to respect them, do you know?" Zhao Meiqin said coldly.

"Respect? Is this called respect? Why didn't I see them respecting us? When my parents were dragged out of the capital by them and finally rushed out of the country, why didn't I see how they respected us? Grandma, I I remember that we have said in Zhao’s ancestral training that our Zhao family did not take the initiative to cause trouble, but whoever dared to provoke us, then slap in the face, I was almost killed in fj, I am now revenge, this It’s justified, do you have to apply with them? This... Grandma, ask you something?”

"what's up?"

"The people outside the j department, are you going out there? Are you bullied to the head, you have to pay attention to etiquette and grace? The land of my family was robbed by the neighbors and I was protested and gave food aid to others. Is it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"How do you say this! This is called the big picture, what do you know!" Zhao Meiqin said ugly face, "you know how to swear! Brother, you do not teach him lessons!"

"We are Zhao family, never afraid of anyone." Zhao said faintly, "Iron column, let you come today, just want to confirm this thing, according to what you just said, that Zhang Ji is only a vegetative person, already It’s cheaper for him! Later, I told you that if you want to start, you have to die, don’t give anyone a living, know?”

"Know, Grandpa!" Zhao Tiezhu bent his eyes and said, "Whoever wants to scream again, he will die in the dead!"

"Well, you also listen to me." Zhao Laohuan looked around at the people around him and said, "We are Zhao family, don't make trouble, but we are never afraid of things, as long as we take care of it, then give me to death. !"

"Brother, how can this be done! Our Zhao family is a civilized family. If anything is done, then what is our Zhao family!" Zhao Meiqin stood up and said dissatisfied.

"Sit down." Zhao said faintly, "I speak, what is your mouth!"

Zhao Meiqin's face was black at once, and he wanted to say something, but after all, he was careful about Zhao's majesty. He could only sit in the position, his eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what to think.

"Iron column, this thing, although you are right, but you have to guard against others, the four people are not vegetarian, don't overturn the ship in the gutter!" Zhao Laodao said.

"I know my grandfather, I will protect myself!" Zhao Tiezhu's face is full of smiles.

From the lobby, the sky began to float again.

"What are you going to do today?" Cao Ziyi stood next to Zhao Tiezhu and looked at the falling snow and asked.

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I just received a text message from Jia Ying and said that we invited us to go to the studio where she was filming. I was thinking about whether or not to go. Are you interested?"

"Cinema? You can go and see." Cao Ziyi smiled. "I haven't seen how others filmed."

"Let's go." Zhao Tiezhu did not talk much. He left Zhao Fu directly with Cao Ziyi. This time, the car was still the Audi a4 of the last Beijing-based v license plate.

Sun Jiaying came to Beijing earlier than Zhao Tiezhu. Because it was said before, it was to film, and the so-called sing and excellent performance, Sun Jiaying is inevitably arranged by the brokerage company. Of course, Sun Jiaying also has the power to choose what to do. The drama chosen by Sun Jiaying is not a so-called domestic large-scale Hong Kong-made blockbuster movie, but a small-cost movie. There is no big name and no labor. It is purely that Sun Jiaying feels that the film is good.

“A small cost movie?” Hearing Zhao Tiezhu’s explanation, Cao Ziyi said, “In fact, I also prefer a small-cost movie, which is much better than the so-called blockbuster.”

"Now the big movies are all put together a lot of big-name stars who have no ones. There is no story and no logic. The martial arts film only pursues martial arts. As for why you want to fight, many people look at it. After the movie, they are still confused, and the love film is just about the sentimentality. It is also to put together a group of big-name stars who don’t know what they are called. They don’t know why love doesn’t have any cute love movies. Comedy films are brain-destroyed. Put a bunch of funny comedy stars together, but some are not obvious comedy stars, anyway, how to shoot, how to shoot, every time is challenging the audience's endurance bottom line, this time Jiaying shot The film I heard her said, very good look." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and parked the car in a parking lot, not far away, is a film and television base.

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