Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1602: Weiwu Demon Instructor

When Zhao Tiezhu’s words came out, it caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the sweaty Blue Devils. Just because of Zhao Tiezhu’s demon spirit, these talents did not speak, just listened.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

There was no one in the group, but the meaning in the eyes was dissatisfaction.

Zhao Tiezhu said happily, "If this is the case, then I will let you have a look, I will test it at the Hunter School."

After finishing the conversation, Zhao Tiezhu took a few special sandbags from the side. The density of these sandbags is very large, and one has a weight of 50 kilograms.

Zhao Tiezhu tied a sandbag to each of his legs. This one was two hundred pounds. Then, Zhao Tiezhu tied one on each of his hands and then said to everyone, "I was at the Hunter School when I was taking the test. It’s four hundred pounds. It’s been a long time since I came out. I’ve grown a little longer than before, so I’ll add something this time.”

After that, Zhao Tiezhu took a black vest from the side.

This vest is very heavy. The stuff inside is said to have been researched by the state for a long time. The density is very large. There must be four hundred pounds for this dress, but it is because of the high density of this dress. Clothes can also be bulletproof.

This time, Zhao Tiezhu's weight under his body reached eight hundred kilograms, nearly half a ton.

Zhao Tiezhu squatted in the same place and said, "This weight is still sloppy, you are optimistic, rookie!"

After that, Zhao Tiezhu’s tiny cat was waisted, then suddenly broke out and rushed to the first plank.


It was almost a second less than a second, Zhao Tiezhu touched the first piece of wood, and Zhao Tiezhu’s touch was not as lightly touched by other people as Zhao Tiezhu was directly photographed on the palm of his hand. It sounds, but it doesn't fall, and there is a trace of cracks on the board.

Zhao Tiezhu turned directly to a forty-five degree angle and rushed to another piece of wood.

The same sound.

Then, everyone heard the sound of screaming.

When Zhao Tiezhu returned to the crowd, Lei Zi, who stood by Zhao Tiezhu, raised the stopwatch in his hand and said, "Forty-five seconds."

There was no sound around it.

"Oh, today's state is not good." Zhao Tiezhu said annoyedly. "I was running for 42 seconds at the beginning of the exam! Now, what else do you have to say?"

"No, the demon instructor!" Lu Zhi took the lead and said, "The demon instructor is mighty!"

"The demon instructor is mighty!" cried the blue demons who looked silly.

"Today, we will not do anything. Your goal is to control the time to within one and a half minutes. If you can control the time within one and a half minutes, then we can continue the next training!" Zhao Tiezhu said Pulling over the onlookers of the special squadron, he said, "As I put it, put four more out, and then four roads will train together. You show me them, no one can be lazy."

"Know, the demon instructor!" The excitement of the special team member who had the privilege of being pulled by Zhao Tiezhu.

For the next two hours, the Blue Devils team finally got a deeper understanding of the title of Zhao Tiezhu, the demon instructor. Is the training tired? That must be tired, no one is an iron man, nor a superman wearing Zhao Tiezhu's underwear. If you are tired, you will think about taking a break. This is not a problem of laziness and laziness, but an instinct of the body. Zhao Tiezhu didn’t let them rest for a second. Three people had a runway. After one person came back, the other person would have to go on, and there would be a few minutes of rest time in the original, but Zhao Tiezhu did not. Knowing whether it is a whimsy or something, anyway, people are doing push-ups in these few minutes, so that when people run back, you stop, and then immediately run.

If you want to be lazy, then you can, after a warning, if you have no results, you will have a thousand push-ups and bear three hundred pounds. Don’t you do it? That's fine, you can get out of the Blue Devils.

This time, those Blue Devils players can have hardships.

The training only lasted for an hour, and some people couldn't hold it anymore. When it fell, Zhao Tiezhu was also human, and people helped to put it downside, but did you think that this was over? You have no physical strength, then you can, pull me the ligaments!

Those who fell down because of physical exhaustion, suddenly surrounded by a group of special players, and then a variety of ligaments!

For a time, the wailing sounds again and again.

Originally, the ligaments of these Blue Devils players have been pulled enough to open, and you can go down with a fork, but Zhao Tiezhu is not satisfied, what is the 180-degree fork? Zhao Tiezhu wants two Baidu! It is the kind of kind of legs that have to be bent upwards.

The whole training ground was filled with a tearful atmosphere.

The training lasted for two hours. Zhao Tiezhu estimated that everyone's physical strength was almost the same. Then he waved his hand and stopped. Then he pulled all the people to the Blue Devil's exclusive training ground, shutting the door and putting those originals. The special team members who are going to be onlookers are shut out, which makes this group of people anxious and eager to be equal. They also have to watch training to participate in training and learning.

Zhao Tiezhu opened them up, and in one sentence, there was no one left for these people to run.

"You go through the things you just did, and you can listen."

After those people had finished running, Zhao Tiezhu returned to the training ground. At this time, Lei Zi had listened to Zhao Tiezhu’s arrangement and hung a set of projection equipment in the center of the training ground. Zhao Tiezhu let people put any training around the field. The light-transparent places are blocked, and then the projection device is opened, saying, "The next thing I sneaked out from the hunter school. I prepared for more than a month!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s words made the spirit of the Blue Devils, who had been exhausted and had no strength, shaken.

Zhao Tiezhu continued, "There are a lot of things here that can't be circulated. There are various training videos inside the Blue Devils, as well as recordings of lectures by teachers. There are many techniques and methods for how to exercise the human body. I don't say much. Look at it yourself."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu pressed the play switch.

What appears on the screen is a tropical rain forest.

"I believe that you must have been trained in field survival, but what I want to tell you is that your so-called field survival training, compared with the one in the hunter school, is slag."

Zhao Tiezhu pressed the fast forward button.

Suddenly, a shocking picture appeared in front of everyone.

(This book, there will be no tragedy, we are a happy book, what is Li Linger doing in the end? I can’t bear to see everyone tangled, everyone is good to guess. This chapter sets up an eight-point automatic update. The result turned out to be no more. I went, let everyone wait, my fault! Let me smoke.)

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