Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1603: Life and death

"This is the video of the last time we were encircling the giant crocodile in the Amazon rainforest!" Zhao Tiezhu calmly looked at the video and said, "Let's see for yourself."

In the video, there are about 30 people in the vague. These people are wearing camouflage uniforms and their faces are also covered with thick hidden clothes.

Everyone has a assault rifle on his hand and a machete on his body.

The most important thing is that these people's bodies are exuding a breath of breath, and at first glance, they are powerful people coming from the sea of ​​knives and mountains.

Suddenly, there was a swamp-like place in front of the camera. The first person in the video who seemed to be the commander ordered several people to wear diving equipment, then took a special underwater attack weapon and sneaked into the water. On the shore, a dozen people were carrying rifles and watching them around.

At this time, the lens suddenly separated from the middle and became two separate lenses.

One of them is the one before, and the other is the underwater lens.

The swamp is very dark, and some places are very deep, but in some places the water is very shallow. In the lens, about a dozen people in a row slowly go deep into the water. Several people are responsible for holding the flashlight, but because of the underwater Too turbid, the flashlight can't take too much.

At this moment, the underwater picture suddenly began to fluctuate for a while, the flashlights of the flashlight kept swaying, and then a vaguely visible giant can swim quickly from a distance.

Then, nothing can be seen.

The lens, too quickly cut to the shore.

It can be clearly seen from the shore that the red blood of a strand of water has floated from the bottom of the water.

The commander in the camera said something in English, and then suddenly saw the waves of water rising in the water.

Everyone has stepped back.

Slowly, the water waves are getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, a huge head emerged from the water, and then rushed to the shore of the crowd at a speed that was almost unresponsive.

Giant crocodile!

It is said that the giant rain crocodile is more than ten meters long in the Amazon rain forest, but so far, no one can find strong evidence of the existence of this giant crocodile, but the giant crocodile in front of it, according to visual inspection, at least 10 meters!

What is the concept of a giant crocodile over ten meters? That almost has to be as high as four floors!

When the giant crocodile came out of the water and rushed straight to the person, and then slammed it, the man was bitten by the giant crocodile, and then he was bitten into two without any resistance.

For a time, the picture was bloody.

However, the people around him did not seem to be scared by this bloody. After a few steps back, they attacked the giant crocodile.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly pressed the pause button and said, "Is there any seats for these people?"

The people underneath nodded.

"This kind of station is that we have already practiced thousands of times in our usual training. With this position method, we can use the maximum combat power we can use in the most limited space! You repeat, some things are in books, or you can't learn in the usual training, you have to look carefully." Zhao Tiezhu said, and pressed the play button.

Then there is the picture of everyone fighting with the giant crocodile, starting with a gun, then going to the back with a knife, and finally even using a melee.

In this series of struggles, practical skills such as sneak attack, knife fight, etc., are perfectly displayed in the inside.

In the end, the giant crocodile was cut by a knife to the deadly part of the brain, and killed.

However, there are no more than five people who can stand on the scene!

"This is just a very simple field survival mission. The ultimate goal of the mission is to kill the crocodile." Zhao Tiezhu is very big. "When I went there, there were more than 50 people. Finally, only seven people survived back to school. This is the real field survival training."

All the members of the Blue Devils were silent. They did not expect that the survival of the wild would be able to achieve that level. This is simply not to kill human life!

"Of course, we can't carry out such training. The state does not allow such a meaningful sacrifice for good soldiers." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "In the hunter school, everyone is stateless, so if you die, you will die." Even if all the dead, the Hunter School will not say anything, because all the people who entered the hunter school have already sold their lives to the Hunter School."

"Let you look at this, mainly to let you learn about the battle methods in the face of opponents stronger than yourself. In this World Military Contest, there will be countless enemies stronger than you, how to put your All the power is united, it is very crucial, then, let's watch the video yourself."

Zhao Tiezhu finished, and went to the side.

The video continues to play, and then, a group of Blue Devils see a lot of things that they have never seen before, and there are many teaching videos, such as how to do camouflage battles in the desert, how to use snow in the snow and ice for themselves. Covering, although the principle is almost the same as what I learned, but in this video, almost every paragraph is accompanied by **** battles.

That is really bloody, completely different from the so-called movie.

I have been watching for an hour, Zhao Tiezhu only closed the video, and then said, "Now rest, at 8 o'clock in the evening, continue training!"

"Yes, the demon instructor!" A group of people gave Zhao Tiezhu a tribute, because in many videos, they all saw the figure of their demon instructor.

Can survive from so many **** battles, his own magic instructor, it seems that it really does not bear this magic code!

Zhao Tiezhu went to him to eat with Lei Zi, and on the road, Lei Zi said with a smile, "Iron Tie, you can shock those people just enough!"

"Oh, those people are still tender, to fight against the elites of the world in this state, it is simply looking for abuse, I don't want people to say that I was abused when I first led the team, then I There is no place for this face to be placed." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"There are iron pillars, other people are not all clouds?" Lei Zi laughed.

"Oh, there are too many people in the world, and whoever might say that the next one will be a green dragon, we are still low-key!" Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"Well! Really!"

When he arrived at the home of Lei Long, Zhao Tiezhu just sat down and heard a happy voice.

"Iron brother, this time I can finally have dinner together!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked back and saw who Ouyang Ying was.

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