Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1604: National Security Bureau

Every time Ouyang Ying saw Zhao Tiezhu, it was like seeing a star idol. This made Zhao Tiezhu’s vanity of this product very satisfying every time.

No matter who you are, you will be very happy to see a girl who likes to admire himself.

"Oh, how about playing in Beijing recently?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"It's not like that, it's boring, iron pillar brother, you don't play with others! It's so boring!" Ouyang Ying grinned and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "Is it not for the iron pillar brother to forget Yingying?" What?"

“How is this possible?” Zhao Tiezhu scraped Ouyang Ying’s nose and said, “I am not here to see you?”

"Right, listen to Lei Zi brother said, I think you will eat at our house in the evening." Ouyang Ying asked.

"It should be!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Yeah, that's great!" Ouyang Ying was so happy after getting a positive reply from Zhao Tiezhu.

Just then, a man came in from the outside.

Lei Chenyu!

Lei Chenyu saw Zhao Tiezhu and smiled and came over and said, "I heard that you have been helping us train recently?"

"Oh, all for the country!" Zhao Tiezhu said casually.

"Very good, I heard about your training method. It is said to be brought out from the hunter school. For the hunter school, I am very curious. If there is a chance, I would like to ask you something!" Lei Chenyu said.

"Welcome at any time." Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile.

Lei Zi looked at Lei Chenyu and said, "Chen Yu, what about your two friends? Why didn't you be with you?"

"Mads and irons? They are busy with their business." Lei Chenyu's face with a smile, but not how close.

"You told them that I have been in the capital for so long, I have not seen them in the military region, I miss them so much, let them come to me if they have time!" Lei Zi said.

Lei Chenyu’s face showed a sly look and said, “This... let’s talk about it.”

When eating, both Lei Long and Chen Weiguo appeared. There were some other people in the 7788 who were sitting on the table. Zhao Tiezhu did not know.

Ouyang Ying sat specially next to Zhao Tiezhu. From time to time, Zhao Tiezhu took the dishes. This made Lei Long and Chen Weiguo look nodded. After dinner, Lei Long also specifically told Zhao Tiezhu that he should take care of Ouyang Ying and so on. Zhao Tiezhu Naturally, I promised to go down. Anyway, I promised that I would not suffer, right?

After the dinner was over, Zhao Tiezhu did not stay in Lei Long's house. Instead, he returned to the training ground with Lei Zi. Ouyang Ying said that he would follow Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu was helpless and could only let Ouyang Ying follow.

The appearance of Ouyang Ying greatly stimulated the Blue Devils, a group of energetic men. At night, Zhao Tiezhu focused on how to conduct sneak attacks and anti-sneak attacks in the night. As a result, this group of men who are dying at noon today are perfect. The completion of Zhao Tiezhu's account, this makes Zhao Tiezhu quite emotional, this woman's strength is strong, and then Zhao Tiezhu thinks about whether tomorrow will also bring Ouyang Ying over, when the estimated training effect can be very good.

Only when I thought that Ouyang Ying was surrounded by so many men, Zhao Tiezhu dispelled this idea.

It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening from the Capital Military Region. Zhao Tiezhu did not go anywhere else, but returned directly to Zhao.

After experiencing the initial novelty, the current Zhaofu, in the eyes of Zhao Tiezhu, is dull and vicissitudes. He always stays in such a place. Zhao Tiezhu feels that he will lose his passion.

I learned about my father's situation with Ye Qingxia. As a result, there is still no news. Zhao Tiezhu was quite worried, but Ye Qingxia was a cloud of lightness. Zhao Tiezhu also let go of his heart and returned to his room.

Cao Ziyi didn't know when she had returned to the room. When she saw Zhao Tiezhu coming back, Cao Ziyi asked with a smile. "How about today's training?"

Zhao Tiezhu took off his shirt and said, "Alright, those rookies, although the dishes are a little bit, but the spirit is still quite good. If you continue to practice, you should still be able to compete with the teams of other countries. Go take a shower and say later."

Said, Zhao Tiezhu came into the bathroom from his own.

After Zhao Tiezhu came out of the shower, Cao Ziyi said, "The news came from the National Security Bureau just now, let you go to the National Security Bureau tomorrow morning."

"Oh? Let me go to the National Security Bureau? Why?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I don't know, let's let you report it." Cao Ziyi said, "However, you pay more attention to yourself."

"What to pay attention to?" Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"Evil spirits, although not the people of the National Security Bureau, but it is the confidant of one of the old people in the National Security Bureau, the last time the evil spirits were in the bsp; Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "The reaction will react, anyway, people are killed, isn't it?" ? ”

"Oh, this is also true!" Cao Ziyi nodded with a smile, "an evil. In fact, what I care most about is another person."


"Xiao Tianhu! He came to Beijing with Jing Hao, but there is no news anymore!" Cao Ziyi said.

“Xiao Tianhu!” Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes were blurred and said, “When I was so romantic, I needed to look up. Now, I am not even qualified as my opponent.”

"You are growing, but he is going backwards. You have already surpassed the peak of him, but he has one of the most important chips in his hand."

"Domino?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, it's a domino!" said Cao Ziyi. "If you didn't guess wrong, he should be in the money house now."

"Take him, anyway, wait for him to appear and plan again. Now my business, but there are so many!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and lay down on the bed and said, "Zi Yi, let's rest?"


The next morning, Zhao Tiezhu got up early, because today he will go to the department where he works for the first time. Although this "effective" has to be quoted, Zhao Tiezhu feels that it is necessary to be serious.

The office of the National Security Bureau is located in the XXX Street of Beijing. There are many embassies and consulates abroad, and the National Security Bureau is responsible for foreign affairs. Therefore, the office of the National Security Bureau is located here.

Zhao Tiezhu is playing, because he is not familiar with the capital, he wants to drive himself over, I don't know how many roads to go around. Of course, there are also gps in the car, but I don't have the convenience of driving.

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