As a group leader, Ma Lao has been in a high position and has not known how many years. Almost no one in the audience has seen Ma Lao’s shot. Similarly, Zhao Tiezhu has never seen this old man’s shot. With the feeling of the present, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that Ma Lao should be the level of Cao Ziyi.

Liu Xingfu frowned slightly, and then the brows were released, and he walked over to Ma Lao’s body and said, “This... Ma Lao, you can’t care about this junior!”

"Liu Xingfu, there is no place for you to talk here!" Ma Lao directly fanned Liu’s words back in a sentence. Liu Xingfu’s look remained unchanged, he smiled slightly and retired, but then there was no trace of Zhao Tiezhu’s slight Nodded.

Zhao Tiezhu did not know the meaning of Liu Xingfu's nod, but his heart was white and added a few warnings.

The news that Ma Lao had to take it out personally was quickly spread throughout the special operations department. About ten people came in and out. The entire hall occupied about thirty people at this time, and the whole special operation was from There are more than 50 preparations, and almost two-thirds of the Special Operations Division has been here.

Behind Ma Lao’s body is a group of members of Yishui. These people are all looking at Zhao Tiezhu, and they are confident and full. Ma Lao, that is the leader’s level, what is the leader’s level. ? Just go out and be equal to Qian Sun Li’s patriarchs on Thursday!

Although there is no way to compare with the big families in the capital in the special operations of financial resources, if the attack power, the special operations can crown the entire state of God, as long as these more than 50 people can work hard together, even subvert some small The state's political power is not a problem.

Ma’s veteran’s hands were behind him, and the whole person looked very sinister. He looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, “Our rules are like this. If you can knock me down, then I will give you whatever you want. If you can't beat me, then you will unconditionally sell yourself to me, how?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s brow wrinkled. Originally, he thought that Ma Lao might point out something to himself. I didn’t expect it to be myself! Is it difficult for this old man to have any fantasies or expectations for himself? I killed the people under his own hands!

Ma Lao’s remarks made Zhao Tiezhu’s alert to Ma Lao even deeper.

"How, the old man said a lot." Ma asked with an eye.

"Come on, but have a time limit!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh? What time limit? Ma asked."

"One minute! If I can't beat you in a minute, you can't beat me, then let's just tie it, how?" Zhao Tiezhu asked, he left a path for himself, if this time the so-called horse is abnormal. Like the Saints, it’s easy to delay yourself, and it’s ok to support a minute!

Ma Lao pulled a corner of his mouth, as if he was laughing, and it seemed to be disdainful. He said, "Yes!"

The people around me automatically walked aside and let the position in the middle of the hall be given away. No one dared to speak. You must know that this person is a group leader, but the legendary figure does not only appear today. In front of everyone, it is more in the face of everyone than a newcomer, although this newcomer is very powerful, but it seems that you can not commit Ma Lao personally!

Moreover, Ma Lao’s request is to make everyone’s thoughts on Ma Lao unclear. Why does Ma Lao’s request for such a request? Is the value of Zhao Tizhu really so big?

Zhao Tiezhu calmed down and looked at Ma Lao calmly. The muscles of his body were adjusted to the best condition. Moreover, Zhao Tiezhu’s powerful sixth sense had completely radiated out, and the old man’s body, including the frequency of heartbeat, What is the flow rate of blood?

Ma Lao smiled slightly, but the momentum of his body not only did not increase, but slightly weakened.

"Can you start?" Ma said.

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu’s voice fell, and the whole person rushed to Ma Lao.

The enemy is the first machine!

In the face of such a high-level master who may be at a higher level than himself, Zhao Tiezhu did not dare to support the big one, and directly attacked before Ma Lao.

Ma Lao did not move, and he looked at Zhao Tiezhu so calmly.

After Zhao Tiezhu rushed to Ma’s front in a few steps, his forefoot slammed into the ground. With this strong force, Zhao Tiezhu’s upper body slammed against Ma’s upper body, and Zhao Tiezhu’s fist also borrowed. With this force, the goal is Ma’s chest.

Seeing that one of his fists had to hit Ma’s chest, Zhao Tiezhu did not have any triumph or pleasure, because Ma Lao still had no movements.

Although Zhao Tiezhu is strange, since this fist has already been played, it is impossible to recover it! Anyway, there is any doubt that if the fist can hit the body straight, it does not matter.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu’s fists had already touched Ma’s clothes, Ma’s old man moved!

When Ma did not move, the whole person seemed to be a statue, calm, calm, and peaceful.

But this sudden move, and in a few tenths of a second time, Ma Lao gave Zhao Tiezhu the feeling, but suddenly changed from a statue to a huge King Kong.

The momentum of the body suddenly increased a lot, even stronger than the earliest.

Ma Lao’s leg, directly to the side of the side, the whole body slightly staggered with Zhao Tiezhu’s fist, and then did not have any movement on his hand, just simply put his left shoulder to Zhao Tiezhu’s body.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that a strong force was uploaded from Ma Lao’s shoulder. Then, all his strength was offset by this force, and the whole person went out and flew out.

Zhao Tiezhu is a big man, this person, how is it so strong!

Although it is just a simple collision, but you know, Zhao Tiezhu has made all the effort! When people simply hit me, they have to go all out and have to fly out. If people do their best, then they can’t fly to the moon.

Although Zhao Tiezhu was given the top flight by Ma Lao, Zhao Tiezhu could feel that his body was still a big problem, but his chest was a little painful. In the air, Zhao Tiezhu directly reversed one body, then landed on his legs and landed smoothly. Above the ground.

Zhao Tiezhu is thinking about how to attack, and he saw Ma Lao’s body appearing in front of himself in an instant, then his hands clasped Zhao Tiezhu’s arm and then pulled Zhao Tiezhu’s body in front of himself. !

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