Zhao Tiezhu wants to block, but the strength of Ma’s old man is too big! When Zhao Tiezhu only had time to delay the speed of Ma Lao, he was suddenly hit by the horse.


This time Zhao Tiezhu did not fly out, because the hand was caught by Ma Lao, so this power, Zhao Tiezhu can not be removed by the process of flying out, the whole body completely withstand this giant force.


Zhao Tiezhu's body hardened instantly, but this giant force seemed to be the kind of power that was originally given to him by Wang Lao. His body hardening could not stop this power.


Zhao Tiezhu spurted out of the blood, but the spirit did not languish, but his eyes shone, shouting, "Come on!"

Ma Lao is very surprised. He is very clear about his strength. Not to mention people, even if the rhinoceros is hit, it has internal injuries. Zhao Tiezhu is just a simple blood squirt, and he looks at it. I can still be very motivated, it seems that the old Zhao family is really abnormal!


Just as Ma Lao’s strange emptiness, Zhao Tiezhu’s fist has arrived!

Although Ma Lao was holding his body and bearing the full power of Ma Lao’s top, Zhao Tiezhu was not without gains. At least, he was close to Ma Lao!

For the elderly, your young man is close to him. It must be a bit of an advantage. Because people are old, even if you are enchanting, the body organs and body functions will degenerate. Moves, without the corresponding power as the foundation, it can only be empty shelves!

Zhao Tiezhu’s fist really hit Ma’s left rib!

On Ma’s left rib, there is not much meat, so Zhao Tiezhu can be regarded as directly hitting the ribs, but what makes Zhao Tiezhu surprised is that although he is not full of strength, there are also seven or eight percent. The strength of the gas, just let Ma Lao's body tremble, and then just like nothing else!

Zhao Tiezhu just figured out the second punch.

Ma Lao is directly blocking the waist and will smash Zhao Tiezhu!

Yes, it is to pick it up, just like the cottage owner grabbed the pressure of the village lady against the body!

Zhao Tiezhu reached out and grabbed Ma’s arm, but when Ma’s arm turned, Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was instantly broken!

Ma Lao suddenly smiled and said, "This time, you are my person!"

Zhao Tiezhu was terrified in an instant. Nima Laozi is a man with normal sexual orientation. What makes me yours? Don't talk so ambiguously, okay!

Ma Lao’s hand was used to force Zhao Tiezhu’s entire person to throw it out.

The power of this throw is so great that it is almost close to the ground when Zhao Tiezhu reacts.

Zhao Tiezhu is called a tangled ah, and he has to fall to the ground anyway, and according to the rules of the two, if one party is defeated, then it can be lost! ! And if Zhao Tiezhu loses, the only result is to fulfill the promise and become a group of people! Of course, Zhao Tiezhu can also choose to lie, but if Zhao Tiezhu is lazy, it is estimated that he will not be able to mix in the capital, let alone enter the family tree of Zhao, and wash it back directly to fj to go to sleep.

Sad! ! ! !

Zhao Tiezhu was saddened from the heart. When he just wanted to feel that he sold himself, he suddenly appeared in one hand and caught Zhao Tiezhu’s hand. Then he uploaded a gentle force from the hand and Zhao Tiezhu In the body, Zhao Tiezhu took the opportunity to stand up directly.

Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and looked at it. He was the leader of his three groups, Zhu Lao!

"Old horse, why bother with a junior!" Zhu Lao said with a smile, "Iron column is our three groups, you can not let you use this kind of abuse to abduct!"

"Hey, he has to fight with me!" Ma said with a cold voice.

"But there is no such thing as bullying you!" said Zhu Lao. "First, hide the momentum, and then use your best back. You are not bullying the junior?"

"Hey! The three groups of people all like to play with their mouths." Ma Lao left such a sentence and turned away. When he was about to leave the hall, Ma Lao turned and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "It is impossible to hate evil." It’s that simple, but if you enter my group, I can do everything.”

After finishing the conversation, Ma Lao did not wait for Zhao Tiezhu to answer, and directly stepped out of the hall. And a group of people have also left behind Ma.

Zhu Lao smiled and said to Zhao Tiezhu, "These old foxes, the thieves are fine thieves, you don't want to easily agree with them. If you are not careful, you will get their way!"

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu is quite ashamed. Just now, Zhu Lao, it’s a life-saving grace for yourself. People say you two sentences, that’s for you, so Zhao Tiezhu really didn’t know what to say. .

"They both are still squatting at you now, you should be careful, don't be turned away by them!" Zhu Lao finished, but also did not stop, directly transferred to the back of the hall Fat people and others have followed.

Boss-level characters, the playing time is very limited!

Zhao Tiezhu whispered to Liu Xingfu, "This... this horse is old, how is it so powerful?"

"Of course, the leader-level character, can that be not powerful? I just glanced at you. I hope that you can leap on the cliff. Ma Lao is obviously pressing his own momentum, or else you think he is that momentum. That can't keep up with dozens of masters!" Liu said.

"I will go, if there is no Zhu Lao, then I will not really have his way!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a heart.

"That is of course! Your value, it is very big, who owns you, it is equivalent to having a bridge to communicate with the Zhao family, although these old men are all engaged in the extraordinary and unconventional In general, but they are also the official of the state of China. The officials of Shenzhou who have no idea of ​​drilling the camp? Can you have a good relationship with the Zhao family through you, how much benefit to them, but of course, The group leader and the team leader of my group are also very embarrassed, basically belonging to the kind of both sides," Liu said.

"That Zhu Lao said just now, relying on the back of the mountain, what is that?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Back on the mountain? This thing is long!" Liu Xingfu just wanted to make a long story, and Zhao Tiezhu said, "That's a long story."

"This... that's it, relying on the back of the mountain, it actually evolved from the octagonal fist!" said Liu Xingfu.

(The homepage of the book can give me a cake for Lao Shi, everyone has a VIP for VIPs, no VIP can buy flour, it is free. For votes, VIP tickets, everyone can go to the book's home page to vote, can help Lao Shi I will have last year, and now I have completed two puzzles. I hope that everyone will give more strength and let my puzzles finish soon.)

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