Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1638: Zhao Luo Shen was arrested

"I..." Zhao Luoshen couldn't say anything to refute, but Zhao Tiezhu said, "Cousin, willn't it be your own thief to call a thief?"

"No! What thief shouted to catch a thief, don't talk about it!" Zhao Luo's look was obviously panicked, but Zhao Lao was Shen Shen, "Luo Shen, you tell me, how did you find this?"

Zhao Luo Shen said it again with Zhao Meiqin, and then said, "I just saw that it was white, how is it now black!"

"I said, it will not be that you have hidden drugs, and then you have an illusion after taking poison?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"How is it possible, I never touched that kind of thing!" Zhao Luoshen said, "I have no interest in drugs!"

"I don't believe this, I have the courage to search for us!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Why do you want to search for you!" asked Zhao Luoshen.

"You just searched my room. Isn't it a good search? Now I also doubt you... Well, I suspect that you have drugs in your bag, Grandpa, you said it is difficult to check?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is still necessary!" Zhao Lao is obviously standing on the side of Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Luoshen seems to have fallen into Zhao Tiezhu. Since she fell into Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu’s counterattack is quite normal.

"Check it, I have to sit upright!" Zhao Luo Shen snorted and said, "I can put things on this bag, these pockets, also a pocket phone, nothing else, Look at it yourself!"

"Hey? I can have a good look!" Zhao Tiezhu did not feel polite, but directly took Zhao Luoshen's bag, and then pretended to flip a few times, also found out the lipstick, paper towels, cosmetics, what? of.

"Look, no? How can I put that kind of thing!" said Zhao Luoshen.

Zhao Tiezhu did not answer, but touched the side of the bag, and then said, "There is something here!"

After that, Zhao Tiezhu directly pulled the zipper open, and then found a bag from inside!

Zhao Luo’s face changed, this bag, so it is like the bag that I put in the Zhao Tiezhu water tank?

"What do you say about this! Is it that you are also carrying souvenirs?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with the bag.

"I... I don't know what this is, I haven't seen this yet!" Zhao Luoshen pointed to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "This is not my thing, it is yours!"

"Everyone is here. I want to see it. I have nothing in my hand. How is it mine? You have framed me once before. It’s hard to be seen now, you have to fall into me. ?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I... Grandma, this is really not mine!" Zhao Luoshen looked at Zhao Meiqin and said, "This... I don't know what this is?"

Zhao Meiqin did not speak. At this time, if she spoke, it would probably be attacked by Zhao Tiezhu. This point Zhao Meiqin still looks very clear.

"Let's see what's inside!" Zhao Tiezhu opened the bag and revealed a white object inside, wrapped in a vacuum bag.

"This... this thing is more like a drug than my thing!" Zhao Tiezhu opened the vacuum bag and said, "Look, this white thing, will not be washing clothes?"

"No!" Zhao Meifeng said the first.

"What is this thing? Second grandfather, what do you say this?" Zhao Tiezhu asked the things to Zhao Lao, asked.

Zhao Lao took the matter and handed it to a man next to him. After the man touched a little white powder and touched it with his tongue, he said, "Heroin, the purity is quite high!"

"Not mine! That thing is not mine!" Zhao Luoshen pointed to Zhao Tiezhu, and leaned back and said, "Zhao Tiezhu, you frame me!"

"Hey, what is it? What kind of eyes do you see?" Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "I was still framed by people. How could it be possible to frame others so quickly? But I remember that there is a saying that says, pit. People, people will be pitted one day in the morning and evening, cousin, you are stealing drugs when you are young, this is not a good habit, I remember that according to our Zhao family rules, people who possess drugs I must be driven out of the Zhao family. Of course, my grandfather, I think Luo Shen may be the first offense, or it may be broken by someone. I hope that you can give her a chance to let her change her life!"

Zhao Lao looked at Zhao Luoshen and said, "Luo Shen, Zhao Jiajia rules, you remember?"

Zhao Luo’s body trembled and said with a trembling voice, “Remember...”

"I will not say more about that, come, take it!" Zhao Lao directly ordered.

A few people behind Zhao Lao went forward and directly held Zhao Luoshen.

"Zhao Tiezhu! You pit me!" Zhao Luoshen pointed to Zhao Tiezhu and called.

"Who is pitting you? This can't be said indiscriminately. Whoever gives you drugs, who will hang you!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Kun Hu, save me!" Zhao Luoshen was reminded by Zhao Tiezhu that he suddenly remembered that Zhao Kunhu had allowed him to plant Zhao Tiezhu. He looked at Zhao Kunhu with pity, and hoped that Zhao Kunhu could help her with two sentences, but Zhao Kunhu could It’s not a man who has a lot of responsibility. It’s too late to clear it. How can it be pulled by Zhao Luo’s god? So, Zhao Kunhu bows his head, doesn’t say anything, and doesn’t look at Zhao Luoshen.

"Zhao Kunhu!!!" Zhao Luo screamed, but was brought out of the room, the sound is getting smaller and smaller, and the whole is completely inaudible.

Zhao Tiezhu shrugged helplessly and said, "Hey, young people, you must not be exposed to drugs, and you will be finished in this life."

"Well, the iron column, you are right!" Zhao Lao looked around the people and saw a few more eyes on Zhao Kunhu. Then he said, "Meiqin, don't be surprised, what is going on, etc. It’s clear that it’s a good habit to swear by others.”

"I know!" Zhao Meiqin replied, then said, "Brother, I still have things, go first, Kunhu, let's go!"

After that, Zhao Meiqin left the room of Zhao Tiezhu with a group of people directly, and Zhao Meifeng said to Zhao Tiezhu with a smile. "I said, how can you hide the poison? Oh, I am leaving, this time it is really I'm sorry!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said goodbye to Zhao Meifeng, and Zhao Lao said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Iron column, there are some things, you can pay more attention."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "The people who want to hang me will not end well!"

"Well, your dad may be back tomorrow. I will arrange for you to enter the genealogy. If you have to go out tomorrow, go home soon!" Zhao said that he left Zhao Tiezhu's room.

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