For Zhao Luoshen, Zhao Tiezhu didn’t think much about it after he left the Zhao family. Anyway, people got rid of it. If you framed me to steal drugs, I would treat the person’s body with his own way and put the drugs. In your bag, the result is now good. You have been caught. It is also a sin. As for whether it will be driven out of Zhao, Zhao Tiezhu has not cared about it. Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is more concerned about the back of Zhao Luo’s god. Will you also stand someone.

It stands to reason that Zhao Luoshen is the pulse of Zhao Dong, and Zhao Dongming is not very close to Zhao Meiqin, but the last time Zhao Meiqin proposed to let his father go to Zhaodong’s site to perform the task, that would Wouldn't Zhao Meiqin and Zhao Dong plan? Sending his father to Zhao Dong’s territory, so what can Zhao Dong do better for his father?

All these speculations were tested by Zhao Tiezhu in the mind for a long time, and finally decided to wait until tomorrow when his father came back and asked.

"Is it my brother, where are you going?" At the door, Zhao Tiezhu heard the voice of a little girl.

Looking back, I saw that the fish was standing next to the gate of Zhaofu. He was carrying a schoolbag and looked at Zhao Tiezhu curiously.

"Are you taking the class?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and went to the fish.

"Yeah, it’s all eleven o'clock, class is over!" Man fish nodded and said, "Is it my brother, are you going out to play?"

"I want to go out for dinner, let's go, brother to take you outside to eat!" Zhao Tiezhu said, and the hand of the fish was caught.

"Good yeah!" The fish screamed, "I want to eat delicious!"

"Well, no problem." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, but he felt a little pity for the fish. For the life of the fish, Zhao Tiezhu recently checked it briefly. The source of intelligence he has in his hands will almost fish. Everything was investigated clearly. The fish was a descendant of a very remote branch of the Zhao family. Only a few years ago, the branch was suddenly completely wiped out. No clues can be found until now. The purpose of the fish approaching Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu is also clear, but Zhao Tiezhu can not afford any resentment, because, how big is the fish? The average child, at the age of the fish, is still full of Ottoman to the little monsters, but the fish is already carrying the **** sea enmity, Zhao Tiezhu does not know how much pressure the little shoulders of the fish have suffered, Zhao Tiezhu is willing to help She, but now there is no clue, because the things of the year, came too suddenly, too fast, and soon the Zhao family could not respond.

"What do you want to eat?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"I want to eat beef! Big chunks of beef!" said the fish with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and went straight to Zhongnanhai with a fish. Then he took a taxi and found a famous beef shop. In the store, he and the fish both enjoyed a feast of beef. The fish that was eaten was straight. Take a full stomach.

"Haha, if you eat this every day, you must be a little fat." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and touched the head of the fish.

“It’s okay, our teacher said that children eat more, and beef has less fat and eats no meat!” said the fish.

"You are young, you know how much!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"That is!" The small face of the fish has a smug look.

After a long walk with the fish on the street for a while, Zhao Tiezhu thought about the time is not too early, he took the fish back to the Zhao family, and then ran out again and went to the Capital Military Region.

In the Capital Military Region, Zhao Tiezhu still used his own methods to train the members of the Blue Devils. After a few days of training, although these people were sore and soaring, they really learned a lot of things that they could not learn before. The admiration of Zhao Tiezhu is as if the river is flowing.

Zhao Tiezhu has been staying in the military area until 8 o'clock in the evening. During this period, Zhao Tiezhu did not see Ouyang Ying. It is said that he went out to play with his friends today. He thought of the fragrant night of last night and the same morning in the morning, Zhao Tiezhu I felt that my heart was burning again and I was thinking about it. No one in the entire capital could let myself vent the fire. Zhao Tiezhu felt that this day was really not very good.

"It seems that this time has to abstain from sex!" Zhao Tiezhu sighed helplessly.

Perhaps it was God who was in the poor Zhao Tiezhu, just when Zhao Tiezhu was feeling, a woman’s phone came in.

There are two words on the caller ID, Lin Si.

On the phone, Lin Si told Zhao Tiezhu that he had already arrived in Beijing. CCTV asked her to go to Taili to report tomorrow morning, so she could not have a New Year at home. Now she just got off the plane and asked Zhao Tiezhu if there is any place to live.

"This is really a charcoal in the snow! ** When you burned it, you gave it to the beautiful woman. It was really better than anything!" Zhao Tiezhu hanged the phone and immediately rushed to the Capital Airport.

Outside the Capital Airport, Zhao Tiezhu saw Lin Si wearing a thick pink down jacket with a knitted hat. Perhaps it was because of the fact that he did not come to Beijing. Lin Si was somewhat frozen, and the whole person made a slight hair. Shaking.

Seeing Zhao Tiezhu appear, Lin Si came over with his suitcase and flew over.

“Did you miss me?” Lin Si asked with a smile.

"Think, I really want to." Zhao Tiezhu took the Lin Si's suitcase and said, "I have arranged for you, let's go now?"

"Hey? Is it arranged so quickly?" Lin Sizhen looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You are not going to be very tight?"

"Cut, do you think it is possible?" Although Zhao Tiezhu is really tight, but he is not willing to lose in front of women, "Do you think that the man who pulls me so much, will there be no woman in the capital?"

"This is also true! If you come to Beijing without a woman, it will only show that your body is not working!" Lin Si said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face was black and said, “Let’s say something less, let’s go!”

The same is played, after about half an hour's drive, Zhao Tiezhu came to a super five-star hotel in Beijing with Lin Si.

"Wow, what about a high-end hotel?" Lin Si asked with amazement as he looked at the magnificent hotel.

"When you come, how can you be better?" Zhao Tiezhu walked into the hotel with Lin Si, then took the room card and went straight to the building.

The same is the presidential suite.

Zhao Tiezhu pushed open the door and Lin Si followed Zhao Tiezhu. After the door was closed, Zhao Tiezhu thought about whether he would express his wish for Lin Si on the spot and let Lin Si feel what the capital welcomes you. As a result, Lin Si was directly holding Zhao Tiezhu from behind Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu turned around and Lin Si’s hot lips kissed him.

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