After saying this, Zhao Lao stood up and looked at Wang Lao. Wang Lao turned and walked to the back of the table. After a while, it appeared in front of everyone. It was only Wang Lao at this time that he had already had one more hand. This booklet.

This booklet is very thin, about a centimeter thick. The booklet looks like a lot of thoughts. It is still tied with a thread. The cover of the booklet is gray-green. I don’t know what to write on the top. I look at Zhao Tiezhu’s line of sight. Only faintly seeing a word.

Wang veteran handed the genealogy to Zhao Lao, then shook the bell and said something that Zhao Tiezhu could not understand. Then Zhao Lao lowered his head and raised the book high above his head, then said, "Xie, Leizu Lezon."

After saying this, Zhao’s booklet was collected back, and then he turned and looked at the people under him and said, “Well, you can go out!”

"Retreat! Bye bye ancestral ancestors!" Wang Lao's voice sounded, and everyone turned back and forth, until after the withdrawal of the ancestral hall, this straight up and looked up.

After Zhao went out of Zongtang, Wang Laocai followed Zhao Lao back and then re-locked the door. At this time, the sky was completely dark. Zhao Tiezhu looked at the time, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening.

This ceremony was actually carried out for more than three hours!

Zhao Lao walked in front and took everyone back to the lobby. Zhao Tiezhu followed. After entering the lobby, Zhao Tiezhu was surprised to find that the descendants of the Zhao family who were originally in front of the lobby were still at this time. And they are all very quiet standing, and there is nothing to whisper.

Out of the ancestral hall, Zhao Lao was not as solemn as in Zongtang, but smiled and said to Zhao Ergou, "Two dogs, wait a minute, I will ask you under the eyes of everyone. Are you willing to lead your wife and children to enter the family tree of my Zhao family? You just have to answer yes!"

"Know it! Erbo!" Zhao Ergou nodded.

Zhao Lao nodded and took the booklet to the center of the lobby, then opened the booklet and said, "Today, it is a big day, my Zhao family, Zhao Ergou, my nephew, will be re Return to our Zhao family!"

After Zhao Lao finished, the people below applauded. After the applause stopped, Zhao Lao continued. "Two dogs, I haven’t stayed in our Zhao family. So, many things need you to help, here, I hope that you can closely unite under the Zhao family headed by the main pulse and contribute more power to the future of the Zhao family!"

After that, there was another applause from the audience. Zhao Tiezhu was helpless. How did this sound like the words that he said when he led the meeting?

After the applause subsided, Zhao Lao took a brush from the side and then dipped the ink and said, "Zhao Ergou, where are you!"

"I am here!" Zhao Ergou walked to Zhao Lao, bowed his head with respect and respect.

"Today, are you willing to lead your wife and children to the genealogy of my Zhao family?" Zhao Lao asked aloud. "Entering my Zhao family's genealogy means that you have become the master of my Zhao family. It also means that you will inherit the Zhao family one day in the future, the benefits, many, and the benefits of Tianda, but you also have the obligation to contribute all your things to the Zhao family when Zhao needs you. Power, even your life, you, will you?"

"I am willing!" Zhao Ergou said seriously.

"Good! Since you are willing, then I will write down you on the genealogy of the Zhao family. Your wife, Ye Qingxia, your son Zhao Tiezhu, the name of your daughter-in-law, Cao Ziyi, do you have any opinions?" Zhao Lao then asked.

"No opinion!" Zhao Ergou shook his head.

When Zhao Tiezhu heard about her daughter-in-law Cao Ziyi, she looked at Cao Ziyi and found that Cao Ziyi just looked at herself. She couldn’t help but smile. Cao Ziyi smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu, but there was no other indication.

"Good!" Zhao Lao finished, raised his hand and wrote the word Zhao Ergou directly on the genealogy. Then, he wrote Ye Qingxia on the top. When he wrote Zhao Tiezhu, suddenly, from the outside of the lobby. There was a commotion.

Zhao Lao stopped the pen and looked up at the door and looked at it.

There were a lot of people standing at the door, but I didn’t know why, all of them were scattered to the side, leaving a piece of land at the door, and then a stalwart body appeared at the door.

"Hahaha, I hope I have not missed such a grand ceremony!" A hearty, loud-banging sound rang from the door.

When the voice came out, there were some younger generations around Zhao who had not seen the world. The whole heart followed with a trembling, and Zhao Meiqin’s face brought a bright smile.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the figure with a slight squint. Because of the lighting, Zhao Tiezhu could only see the body of the figure, but he could not see his face. However, Zhao Tiezhu knew the identity of the person at once.

Zhao Ergou was also the one who stared at the door, and then a strange smile appeared on his face, and did not speak.

Zhao’s genealogy was given down, then he looked at the door and said, “Baby, when did you come back?”

Northeast King, Zhao Bao, finally appeared in the Zhao family.

The body of the stalwart stepped forward, and the people around him immediately separated a road about one meter wide, and the appearance of the man finally appeared in front of everyone.

This is a man who looks very tough. The eyebrows are very heroic eyebrows. The eyes are very big and sly, and his hair is a very common size. He is wearing a suit and a tie. Looks like a very gentle, but the whole person looks at a very embarrassing feeling, especially his eyeballs, although it is also very big, but it is a black lacquer, let people see a chilling The feeling, while Zhao's baby's thumb, with a big jade finger, the other hand is inserted in the pocket, the whole person looks at an imposing feeling.

Next to Zhao Bao, Zhao Tiezhu saw an acquaintance, Zhao Kunlun.

Zhao Kunlun's face with a slight smile, followed by Zhao's baby, and behind Zhao's baby, followed by three people, these three people are very tall, one is very fat, one is very short, although looking at its ugly It looks like it, but it brings a lot of pressure to Zhao Tiezhu. It’s like the feeling of seeing Kirin in the past.

These three people are masters, and from the perspective of Zhao’s own gas field, Zhao Bao is also a weak master.

Zhao baby strode forward, and the crowds spread along with Zhao’s footsteps. There were only footsteps around and no other sounds.

The momentum of Zhao Bao is evident.

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