Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1647: Inheritance

"Old man, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Zhao baby walked to Zhao Lao's body, so he stood under the steps and looked up at Zhao Lao, but it made people feel like he was looking at Zhao Lao.

"Yeah, some years!" Zhao Laowei smiled and said, "Baby, you are back, it’s really time!"

"Oh, I was talking about business with the old Maozi on the hlj side, but I heard that there is activity here, so I came back directly!" Zhao Bao did not have much polite look in it, talking to others about Zhao Lao. The tone, it is completely different, and Zhao Lao looked at it and did not care about Zhao Bao.

"Hey, business is tight. If you want to come back, when will you come back?" Zhao Lao sighed and said.

"How is this the same? Today is a big dog's big day, I don't come back, how do you say it in the past?" Zhao said, looking at Zhao Ergou, said, "Two dogs, congratulations, into the genealogy, After that, I inherited the Zhao family, and we can all join the team to pull down!"

"Oh, it’s still very early!" Zhao Ergou smiled and said, "I haven’t seen you for so many years, you are still a big bang!"

"Ha ha ha." Zhao baby laughed loudly, this laugh was very loud, Zhao Tiezhu stood about seven or eight meters away from Zhao baby, they felt their eardrums shaking for a while.

"You also know that speaking in the northeast is not loud, people don't listen to you!" Zhao said, "I have been in the Northeast for a long time, so I have to talk about things, and bring some points there. People look like, haha, not much to say, this, Father, continue? I don't want to affect everyone!"

Zhao Lao nodded and took the genealogy up. Then he wrote the names of Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi on the top, and then handed the genealogy to Wang Lao. He said, "From today, Zhao Ergou is my first Zhao family. Successor heir!"

When the words came out, it was suddenly awkward.

"Brother, how can you make such a hasty decision!" Zhao Meiqin stood up for the first time, with a surprised look on his face, saying, "Two dogs have just entered the genealogy, can you stay in the Zhao family's habits?" It’s the same thing, it gives him the first chance to inherit, which is too careless!”

"Zhao family has been the inheritance of the main pulse since ancient times, and I have no descendants of the descendants. This first-in-class inheritance right is naturally on the second dog. Is there anything to say?" Zhao Lao looked at Zhao Meiqin and asked.

"But he just entered the Zhao family! I am not familiar with many of Zhao's things! At least he has to wait until he is familiar with the Zhao family before he can consider giving him inheritance rights! Brother, you decided this, I disagree!" Zhao Meiqin said.

"Hey, what have to be given in the morning and evening, give it to the evening, isn't it the same?" Zhao Lao snorted and said, "Or do you want to say that you want to have inheritance rights?"

"According to the family rules, the branch has no inheritance rights. Only the power of the Zhao family industry is used. This is clear to us!" Zhao Meiqin said, "But the branch also has the power to veto the inheritance rights of the main line! If we disagree more than half, The issue of inheritance rights has to be reconsidered!"

"Oh? It seems that you don't agree with you alone?" Zhao asked.

"More than that, younger brother!" Zhao Meiqin glanced at Zhao Dong and said, "Dongzi, what do you think?"

"I?" Zhao Dong woke up from a state of sleeplessness and snoring. He blinked and said, "This... I also think that the issue of inheritance is a very serious issue, and I can give Zhao Ershi the right to inherit, but the first A successor to the right, or empty, wait until the two dogs are familiar with the affairs of the Zhao family, and then have the ability to manage the Zhao family, so that he can give him the first right to inherit, that is OK, after all, you said The inheritance right of your main thread is no one can take it. It is better to wait for a few years to look at it. Anyway, we are all hard and can watch it for a few years!"

"Younger brother, see no, Dongzi is also opposed!" Zhao Meiqin said, "More than half of the people now oppose it! I hope that you can carefully consider the issue of inheritance rights."

Zhao Lao still wants to talk, but Zhao Ergou said, "Second, I also think that this matter should not be too hasty!"

Zhao Lao looked at Zhao Ergou strangely and said, "Do you think so?"

"Yes, Erbo!" Zhao Ergou nodded. "For our Zhao family, I really don't understand anything. So, I have to learn a lot of things, and I am not sure if I have that talent to manage. Good Zhao family, so you don't have to rush to give me this inheritance right. I think I can try to learn by your side first. If you feel that I have talent and ability, then you will inherit the right, then it will not late!"

Zhao Lao’s eyes lit up and smiled and nodded. He said, “You have a reason for this. Since you think so, then I will take back what I said just now. The first successor right is left empty. , you, just stay with me and learn how to manage Zhao!"

Zhao Meiqin's face changed, and she took a deep look at Zhao Ergou. This Zhao Ergou seems to be a compromise, but in fact it is a big step forward! As long as he can follow Zhao Lao all day long, contact the affairs of the owner, according to Zhao Lao’s love for the two dogs, it will definitely be a great decentralization. At that time, you can slowly let these powers overto the Zhao Ergou. On the hand, after Zhao Ergou completely digested and absorbed those powers, did he have the right to inherit this first position? In fact, for Zhao Ergou, there is not much significance!

Zhao Meiqin’s eyes turned and said, “The younger brother, the two dogs, this proposal is very good. However, I feel that if there is no competition, it will not progress. It is better to do this. Let’s let the baby enter the management of our Zhao family as a competitor of the two dogs. Then, look at the two people's respective abilities. Of course, I am not letting the baby compete for the inheritance rights of our Zhao family. I just want to give the two dogs a competitive edge and better promote the growth of the two dogs. If one day two dogs Can be more comprehensive than the baby, then we Zhaojia handed over to such a person, we old people, you can rest assured, you say yes?"

"I think Meiqin is right." Zhao Dong took a message at this time. "Only competition will have motivation."

Zhao Lao saw that both of them agreed. They looked at Zhao Ergou and saw that the latter nodded slightly. Zhao Laogu smiled and said, "This proposal is good, so let's fix it."

Zhao Ergou looked at Zhao Bao’s eyes. At the beginning, you were beaten out of the capital by the buddies. Did you think that you could be ashamed? And Zhao Tiezhu is smiling and watching all this, as if nothing has anything to do with him.

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