For the love and hate between the previous generation, Zhao Tiezhu is not really concerned about it. There is something between his father and Zhao Bao. Zhao Tiezhu did not think that he could thoroughly understand it. Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu’s nature is a lazy. People, at least they have not yet contend with the capital of Zhao Bao, then let their own Laozi, anyway, their own Laozi and Zhao Bao from the small fight to the big, and have not seen a loss.

"Two dogs, I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so confident." Zhao Bao looked at Zhao Ergou and said, "Every time I see your smile, I will always think, what else is there in the world? Is it completely unsure of you?"

"This time, for example." Zhao Ergou said with a smile, "I don't think I can be more powerful than you."

"Hahaha, if you haven't seen it for more than ten years, have you learned to be modest?" Zhao said with a smile. "You were a **** in the world, how can you be modest now?"

"At that time, I didn't know that the sky was thick and thick." Zhao Ergou grinned and the wound on his neck looked particularly embarrassing.

"Now I know that the sky is thick and thick?" Zhao Bao asked.

"You can't say that, when you are older, your heart is better, so sometimes, many things don't matter!" said Zhao Ergou.

Zhao Lao saw the two people talking here, and the matter of entering the genealogy has been completed. He looked like he was a little sleepy. He said, "I am going to rest. Let's talk for yourself, baby, come back this time, stay a few more. God!"

"Know, Master, must stay a few more days, and accompany you to play a few games." Zhao said with a smile.

Zhao Lao left the lobby under the help of Zhao Laifu, and several other leaders also left. Zhao Meiqin gave Zhao Bao a look, then looked at Zhao Kunlun and said, "Kunlun, come, give Grandma a look, What has changed?"

Zhao Kunlun heard the respectful walk to Zhao Meiqin's side, and then followed Zhao Meiqin to leave the lobby. From the beginning to the end, Zhao Tiezhu did not look at him. He did not look at Zhao Tiezhu. Anyway, the two people did not know the same.

"This time your family has returned to the genealogy, and you want to come to your father to know what you are doing, and you can see it!" Zhao Bao said with emotion.

"Oh, I think so too." Zhao Ergou said, "You just came back, don't have to rest more?"

"You don't want to talk to me?" Zhao asked with a smile.

"No, I just think that you just came back, and you have to talk to your family over there, and let's talk about it later," said Zhao Ergou.

"That's it." Zhao baby nodded with a smile, then looked at Ye Qingxia and said, "Xunzi, this has not been seen for many years, more beautiful than before!"

"Oh, you are much older than before!" Ye Qingxia smiled softly.

"Well, how can you not be old!" Zhao Bao sighed and said, "I am in my fifties in the blink of an eye. This time, it’s really fast enough, haha, not much to say, I will go see you first. my mother!"

After that, Zhao Bao went directly to the back of the lobby. When Zhao Tiezhu was around, Zhao Bao stopped and then reached for Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder and said, “You kid, very good!”

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am not comparable to you!"

"Ha ha ha, the future is awesome, we have a descendant of your old Zhao family, and then prosper for a few decades, that is not a problem!"

After that, Zhao Bao and Zhao Tiezhu passed by, and the three people who were one high, one short and one fat were quietly following the baby behind Zhao’s face. There was no expression on his face, when he passed Zhao Tiezhu’s body. Zhao Tiezhu can feel a suffocating suffocation from the three people.

The hands of these three people must have been contaminated with the blood of many people!

Zhao Tiezhu squinted slightly, Zhao Bao chose to return to Beijing at this time, and did not prevent himself from entering the genealogy, it is estimated that there are other plots!

"Well, the iron pillar, the night is like this. I went back to the house with your mother. You can play with Ziyi!" Zhao Ergou said, leaving Ye Qingxia to leave the lobby. In the meantime, there were only a few people left in the entire lobby. Of course, the Zhao Jiazi who was outside the lobby at this time was eligible to enter the lobby and expressed their congratulations to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu is naturally modest and said that everyone can learn and make progress together. Anyway, this is no effort. As for how many people are really congratulating themselves, how much is just a polite word, even how much is hidden, Zhao Tiezhu does not care. Anyway, a large family of thousands of people, you can not let everyone like you, help you?

When Zhao Tiezhu was dealing with these people, he was at the head of Li.

Li Longba sat on a large sofa with a cold face and his face was not very good.

"You said that Zhao Ergou and Zhao Tiezhu, both entered the Zhao family tree?" Li Longba asked coldly.

"Yes!" Li Xu stood in front of Li Longba, respectfully said, "I just got the news, originally Zhao Lao intends to directly give Zhao Ergou the right to inherit the right, but because of Zhao Meiqin's obstruction, so Zhao Old did not give him, but took a roundabout way!"

"What is going back to Dafa?"

"It is to let Zhao Ergou follow his side to learn to manage Zhao, right, Zhao baby is coming back!" Li Xu said.

"Zhao baby? Why didn't he stop Zhao Ergou into the genealogy?" Li Longba asked.

"This is not clear. According to our people in Zhao's family, Zhao Bao did not have any doubts or objections to Zhao Lao's words. It seems that the relationship with Zhao Ergou is very good!" Li Xu replied.

"Hey, they have a very good relationship? This is unless the sun rises from the west!" Li Longba snorted and said, "The two of them were the uncomfortable Beijing dogs and dogs. Now the old enemy meets for the first time. Fighting, it must be brewing, let’s just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. If you can, give them a fan of the wind!”

"Know, father!"

"Right, you go to see your cousin, hey, I don't know what's wrong with my brain. I even persuaded me to put down my prejudice with Zhao Tiezhu. I really don't know how to be serious. It really is spoiled!" Coldly snorted and said.

Li Xu’s face changed slightly and said, “Father, actually, I have an idea.”

"Oh? What's the idea?" Li Longba asked.

"Linger, don't you let us let Zhao Tiezhu bury the suspicion? Then we may wish to do this..."

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