"You are a good idea!"

After listening to Li Xu’s words, Li Longba’s eyes glowed and said, “If things can be done, it is tantamount to bringing a great advantage to our Li family!”

"Yeah, but this thing, can't be anxious, we have to ask what it means!" Li Xu said.

"Then ask, let's get things done, oh, I don't know why Yuanlong wants Linger to go with Zhao Tiezhu. This is how much you pay attention to it." Li Longba said.

"Know, father!" Li Xu said respectfully.

And the other side of the grandson.

Sun Lei's entire grandson is playing chess. The place where the two players play chess is in the center of the yard. By the moonlight, the two grandsons have a kind of dusty taste inside.

"Zhao Ergou, finally back to Zhao!" Sun Lao sighed and said.

"Yeah, Zhao Ergou I have seen." Sun Lei said, "Look at his face, the first half of life is violent, but the latter half of life is rich and expensive, want to come this time, Zhao baby has to sit on the wax!"

"Oh, fight, let them fight, what is fighting, what is the Zhao family's favorite!" Sun Lao said with a smile.

"If it is not because of infighting, the current Zhao family has long been the real first big family, and it is not under our control!" Sun Lei said with a smile, "However, Grandpa, our attitude Still have to be expressed."

"Oh? What do you want to do?" asked Sun.

"Tomorrow, I will unite with the other three people to protest against the Zhao family's entry into the genealogy of Zhao Ershi. When they are inside, they will definitely come out, and then we can withdraw and watch them fight. Yes!" said Sun Lei.

"Haha, yes, this method is good, look at it yourself, general!" Sun Lao said, directly put the gun into the middle of the road and said.

Sun Lei’s face was a little stiff, and then he said helplessly, “Ginger is still old and hot!”

"Ha ha ha!"

At this time, at the Qian family, Qian Buguang was sitting in front of a large table and screaming at this time. At this time, one of his men came in from the outside and said something with his ear at Qian Buguang’s side. Qian Buguang held a pig in one hand. The hoof grabbed a bottle of red wine and said, "Don't worry about them, anyway, how can I do what Sun Lei does!"

After about half an hour, Sun Lei Li Xu Qian pulls out three people and gathers together.

"Where is the world?" Sun Lei looked at Li Xu and came alone, curiously asked, because Zhou Xiushi and Li Xu, just like themselves and the money, they are all in pairs, this time Li Xu came alone.

"I don't know what nerves the **** made. The phone didn't pick me up. People went to look for him. As a result, the guy stayed at home and refused to come out. He said that he wouldn't call him anything afterwards. I really I don’t understand what happened to him!” Li Xu said annoyedly. This week, before the mixed world, it has been a very good gun. Every time I have nothing to do with the countertop, I’m going to let the week go to the black pot. I did not expect that this time I refused myself straightforwardly, and said that I didn’t contact my own side in the future. This is a posture of utterance. If this gun is lost, it’s really a pity for Li Xu. Things.

"Since he doesn't come, forget it!" Sun Lei said. "In any case, the four of us are together. This will not become. We will send a notice to the Zhao family tomorrow."

"Well, how to write the specific content of the notice, Sun Lei, you come to organize it, you are stronger in this respect." Li Xu said.

"Yes, no problem." Sun Lei nodded and said, "Zhao Tiezhu also entered the Zhao family tree with Zhao Ergou, then we can be more careful when it comes to him, that guy, now The people of the Zhao family who are thoroughly thorough."

"Afraid of him?" Li Xu said proudly. "Zhao is not his Zhao Tiezhu. It is just a person who is the main thread. Let's say three people, who is not the main thread?"

"This is also true!" Sun Lei smiled and said, "But we can't let Zhao Tiezhu be too comfortable. If he doesn't give him some trouble, he will forget our existence."

"Oh? Looking for him trouble? He is now in the limelight, how to find him trouble? Although I am not afraid of him, but I do not want to hit the gun, meaningless collision, it is a waste of time." Li Xu said.

"I just got the news. A woman from Zhao Tiezhu came to Beijing. It seems to be hosting at CCTV. I played cards in a place next to me this evening." Sun Lei said with a smile. "You don't think it is a very Good opportunity?"

"Sun Lei, you don't want to do something for Zhao Tiezhu's woman?" Li Xu asked with a sigh of relief, then suddenly realized, "Yes, you have shot both of his women, only But it seems that you have not succeeded, but also touched the gray of the nose!"

"Well, there will always be a time to miss!" Sun Lei said with a smile. "This time, I am not like that before."

"What are you going to do? Kill his woman before j?" Li Xu asked with a smirk.

"I don't want Zhao Tiezhu to come to me to fight desperately, although we fight a few, it seems that we are really like an enemy, but in essence our hatred is not big, it has not reached the point where you have to live and die, if I am right Zhao Tiezhu’s woman is the first to kill, do you believe that Zhao Tiezhu will run my grandson’s house tomorrow to kill me and then take it out in my grandchild’s house?” Sun Lei asked.

"This I believe, that guy, the woman is his counter-scale, we really don't need to kill the fish now, haha!" Li Xu smiled, "What are you going to do?"

"This is not easy. Since Zhao Tiezhu’s woman is playing cards in my field, then I don’t want to get something for her. I’m really sorry for her!” Li Xu said, picking up the phone and playing out. .

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu is talking to Cao Ziyi about Zhao Luoshen yesterday, and then contacted Zhao Dong’s support for Zhao Meiqin today. Zhao Tiezhu said, “It seems that Zhao Dong and Zhao Meiqin are walking together! ”

"Well, Zhao Dong didn't really talk and manage things before!" said Cao Ziyi. "Just this time, I don't know why, I stood on the side of Zhao Meiqin, and I think that my uncle was betrayed in the territory." May be more or less related to Zhao Dong!"

"I think so too!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "At that time, Zhao Dong was able to master my father's whereabouts, and Zhao Meiqin let my dad go to the territory. It is probably because Zhao Dong is on her side, so I can rest assured. My dad is going!"

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