"It seems that I really reminded my dad that I paid more attention to Zhao Dong!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "The province is once again pitted."

"Oh, my uncle can be smart." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "it should have been expected."

"That is, haha, so let's guess here." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu's cell phone rang, Lin Si's phone.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled at Cao Ziyi's apology and went to a distant place. Then he picked up the phone.

"What?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Iron column, where are you?" Lin Si’s voice on the phone was a bit tweaked and a bit flustered.

Zhao Tiezhu frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"This... can you lend me some money?" Lin Si whispered, "I... I am in a hurry!"

"Money? You didn't bring money? How much?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"One million." Lin Si said, "I... I will give it back to you!"

"I will ask you two questions now. 1. Where are you? 2. What do you want for money?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I... I don't know where, Chen Feng brought me, I... We played cards, I... I lost, so... so I have to pay back, I still want to turn the book... So, it will cost a million. Lin Si said.

"You let Chen Feng answer the phone." Zhao Tiezhu's voice suddenly went cold.

"Yeah!" Lin Si promised, and then there was no sound at the end. After waiting a few seconds, a male voice rang from the phone.

"Hello there!"

"I am Lin Si's man." Zhao Tiezhu said straightforwardly.

"Oh!! I know, that is the morning? Hello, what?" Chen Feng asked.

"You just have to answer one of my questions, where did you take Lin Si!" Zhao Tiezhu asked in a deep voice.

"We? We are playing cards in a friend's field now. Hey, Lin Si's luck is really bad at night. I don't know how to say her. I lost a bit. I advised her not to play, she still thought. Continue to play, the result has been lost, has lost more than 300,000!" Chen Feng’s tone sounded a bit helpless, but Zhao Tiezhu did not pay attention to this, but asked directly, “Where is your friend’s place?”

"This... We are private, people who don't know, can't come, but if you come to give Linsi money, then you can come over!" Chen Feng said, "but I suggest you, money brought to three 500,000 will come over, if you want to turn over, play for a while, if you lose all the light, don't play it. If you are not lucky, how to lose it!"

"Well! Say, where, I sent the money." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"In the **** community **** unit **** floor." Chen Feng said simply.

"Trouble you take the phone to Lin Si." Zhao Tiezhu said.


After a while, Lin Si’s voice sounded.

"Hey..." The voice is a little weak.

"Give me the honest place to stay there, who will let you sign any notes, don't sign, don't play with people, anyway, until I get there, you don't do anything, hear it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"But...but I can't turn it over!" Lin Si said hesitantly.

"If you want to turn this book, I will let you throw you back to fj after waiting for it. I have received you, not letting you find trouble for me. Do you know?" Zhao Tiezhu’s voice is very harsh and gloomy, on the phone. Lin Si was obviously scared.

"That... that's alright," Lin Si said.


Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone and then walked over to Cao Ziyi’s side. He smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I’m going to go.”

“Well, okay!” said Cao Ziyi, “Be careful!”


In a hurry to leave the Zhao family, Zhao Tiezhu did not drive, directly hit a taxi to **** community, and then asked the road, and soon found the **** unit, and then went directly to the building.


Zhao Tiezhu stopped before **** and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door was opened from the inside, and a man with a cigarette appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Lin Si?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Lin Si? Oh! You said that newcomer? In the inside, I said, have you brought money yet?" the man asked.

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak, but directly pushed the man who was blocking the door and walked in.

This is a nicely decorated suite. There is a large table in the middle lobby of the suite. There are a few people around the table, playing cards, and each person has a pile of chips in front.

Lin Si did not sit in those people, but sat on the sofa next to him and saw Zhao Tiezhu coming. Lin Si stood up in surprise.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face sullenly walked over to Lin Si’s head and asked, “Don’t talk, follow me.”

Lin Si nodded and stretched his hand on Zhao Tiezhu’s arm.

Zhao Tiezhu ignored other people and turned and walked with Lin Si to go outside, but the man who had smoked before blocked Zhao Tiezhu.

"I said buddy, this friend owes us three or two thousand, you want to go so far, that can't be said!" The man who smoked stared at Zhao Tiezhu and said.

"Are you sure you are losing money?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lin Si and asked.

"Well..." Lin Si didn't dare to look at Zhao Tiezhu. He lowered his head and looked like a mistaken puppy.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed helplessly. Among all his women, I am afraid that the most uncontrollable is Lin Si, who knows nothing, but likes to pretend to know everything, and then he is very powerful, a little smart. But it's just a little smart.

This kind of gambling den, Zhao Tiezhu actually knows when he came to Beijing. There are many such gambling dens in Beijing. Generally, some people who like to spend a little money at home like to play. Of course, there are some big names like this. Three or five people get together, open a table, and then they can start betting. This is a kind of recreational activity. It is only after a few years of evolution that some people slowly start to make a living from this. Of course, what is said here. To live on this is not to say that you rely on gambling to make money. How to make money, you can give an example. For example, a foreign official has committed something and wants to go to Beijing to find someone to settle down. You have to pay for it? But this is not the place where you want to save money. Then you have to come to this place to play cards first. When you lose enough money, those who play cards with you, that is, those who are responsible for matchmaking, will Introducing you to the person you need is called sincerity, and then you start saving money to get the people you need to do things for you.

(Everyone wants to give a book to the book review, go to the special top floor.)

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