Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1657: Guild wars!

"Iron brother, wait a minute, how can I fight?" Lei Zi stood next to Zhao Tiezhu and asked.

"It's not easy, all of them are ruined!" Zhao Tiezhu smirked and looked at a total of nine people standing in front of him including Lei Zi and Lu Zhi, saying, "Comrades, next. Is to test the results of our special training this week, is Jackie Chan or adult, then rely on this one! Everyone said how to do it!"

"Of course, listen to the words of the demon instructor and ruin them!" The man under the floor waved his fist and cried.

"Ha ha ha, I think so too, so each of you has to protect your life, and the things that I have given you are fully applied to the actual combat. These devices are very advanced, so don't Thinking of being opportunistic, we must use the thunder to block those Japanese and Koreans in their old nests and let them be headed turtles. We can fight around!” Zhao Tiezhu called.

"War around, let them get one point!" the Blue Devils shouted.

"Well, now, listen to my orders, Lei Zi, you lead two people to attack from the enemy's left wing!" Zhao Tiezhu cried, "Be sure to kill their spies in the first place!"

"Know, instructor!!" Leizi said loudly.

"Lu Zhi, you lead two people to attack from the enemy's right wing, the firepower must be fierce, be sure to involve the enemy's attack center!" Zhao Tiezhu shouted.

"Know it!" Lu Zhi shouted loudly.

"The rest of the three, with me directly from the middle to their headquarters, we will do who this time! Who do not give them a chance to ask for help!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Know, instructor!"

Soon, Zhao Tiezhu’s group of people spread out and integrated into the entire forest, and Paslov and others also adopted the same tactics as Zhao Tiezhu, fighting in such a jungle, if you are a large group of people together That's really a target for people. Just follow your group and just sweep it. It will always hit people, so it won't come.

Zhao Tiezhu checked the equipment on his body. There are three grenades. After the grenade is blown up, there will be sound and there will be smoke, but there is no real lethality. The infrared device inside will automatically emit infrared rays, and the system will be based on infrared rays. The part of your body touched to determine the size of your injury. Simply put, the normal grenade explosion radius is five meters. If you stand in the explosive radius of Zhao Tiezhu, you will not be really injured, but the system It will automatically determine if you have lost blood, and if you are just being blown up by this grenade, your blood volume will instantly become zero.

In general, this is a set of high-tech equipment that is very powerful and can't be used.

Zhao Tiezhu tried to pick up the gun that was exactly the same as the domestic n95, and then shot a shot not far away.


There is actually a voice.

"It’s really amazing! Even the sound!” Zhao Tiezhu said with a sigh of relief, said to the people around him, "Take the headphones!"

"I know the instructor!" the three people who followed Zhao Tiezhu whispered, and then put on the headphones, this is a kind of intercom device, of course, if your blood volume returns to zero, then the radio will lose its effect. In the same way, the devices on your body, such as guns, will also lose their effect.

This is completely set up to prevent you from cheating, because according to common common sense, people are dead, so-called equipment, that is all broken copper, it is difficult to tell yourself after radio. Where is the other party?

Of course, you can yell and scream to inform your teammates that this person has not stopped you.

Zhao Tiezhu led the way in front of him, and several people behind him all followed the cat's waist. After about three or four hundred meters, Zhao Tiezhu stopped and immediately bent down and squatted on the ground.

After a while, Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said, "One tree, the other two dodge, the other five people in total, no one should talk, let them hit them an ambush!"

The three men who followed Zhao Tiezhu nodded. One of them looked at the relatively thin man's hands and clung to the tree. He climbed the treetops three or two times, then pulled a branch and blocked it in front of him because he was wearing The white-green color is so colored, so if it is not close, it is difficult to find the figure of the person, while the other two are separated. One cat lies in a hollow pit, and the other is a raised stone. Behind.

Zhao Tiezhu was gently squatting to the side, and the whole person disappeared into the sight of the three.

In the place of more than two hundred meters in front of these people, a group of five men looked at the surroundings with caution. Two of the five were single-eyed, and it is estimated that there are two Koreans and three Japanese.

One of them looked at the character like the captain and whispered, "According to the judgment of distance, we should meet the other person. Now I will give me vigilance. Little dog, you go up the road, if there is a situation, Report the first time!"

"Hey!" A dwarf nodded. The cat stepped forward and walked up to the front. While walking, he looked for some trees, branches and things to block his body. Basically, it would be difficult to see if he was not close.

Just after the person walked about 20 meters or so.



A clear sound, a red dot suddenly appeared in front of the person, and then an indicator showing his blood suddenly lost 80%.

This gun, if it is a real gun, will hit him in the ribs. Under normal circumstances, it will probably lose four-fifths of the combat power. Of course, everything will not be absolutely absolute. This is just a rough estimated value.

"45 degrees southeast!" The man named the little dog immediately judged the position of the other party's shooting. While shouting, he raised his gun and pointed at the position he felt.


There was no sound, but there was no movement on the other side, and several people behind the little dog were holding a gun against the place. It was a while, but after playing for a long time, the instrument on the body did not show that someone was being beaten by himself. died.

Just then, it was a crisp shot.

The blood on the little dog was instantly emptied, but because the distance was close, the walkie-talkie on the little dog had failed, but it was shouting, "25 degrees southeast, no difference!"


It was a burst of gunshots, and the four men instantly opened up and fanned out to the place.

"I went, it was true, and I was hit with a shot!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at himself with only 80% of his blood, and rushed out to the side.

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