Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1658: Shrinking turtle!

"That!" The Japanese who led the team saw Zhao Tiezhu, who rushed out. "He wants to escape, blocking his retreat and destroying him!"

The bursting of the guns sounded, Zhao Tiezhu’s body slammed on the ground, and after successfully attracting everyone’s firepower to himself, Zhao Tiezhu said in the intercom, “kill them.”

The three people who were originally hiding were directly shot at the four people and were shot at a burst.

The firepower of the four people was concentrated on Zhao Tiezhu's body. As a result, they were caught unprepared, and because of Zhao Tiezhu's sudden arrival, the four people had not found a bunker and were directly given the firepower of three people.

The blood volume of the four people was completely cleared.

According to the rules of the game, after the zeroing, the four people are dead, and can only stay in place.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at himself, although he had just used the powerful sixth sense to dodge quickly, but he was also killed by half of the blood. These people are really worthy of the elite. You must know that Zhao Tiezhu was in the rainforest. At the time of the mission, very few people can hit him! Of course, Zhao Tiezhu at that time basically relied on stealth to eat, but now Zhao Tiezhu is much stronger than Zhao Tiezhu at that time. Even so, half of the blood is destroyed, and the strength of these people can be imagined.

"The guns are quite accurate!" Zhao Tiezhu, with his own few people, appeared in front of the small Japanese and Koreans who had been killed by themselves, saying, "Your, can't work!"

"Gossip!" Little Japan roared. Zhao Tiezhu smiled and found a total of five pieces from their bodies. This easily took five points. It seems that the strength of small Japan and South Korea is not so strong. what!

When Zhao Tiezhu ended the battle here, both Lei Zi and Lu Zhi had already exchanged fire with the Japanese and South Korean team several times, and achieved good results. Up yet, one has not been hung, and Paslov There, there is also a feeling of ruining and ruining, Zhao Tiezhu could not help but feel that this small Japanese and small South Korea's fighting power, how so weak?

In the headquarters of the Japanese United, which is the military motorhome, Ichiro Ozawa has received more than half of the news that he has been killed. I am very shocked by this news because of the news of the last competition. Although it is only a virtual confrontation of one country against another country, the strength will not be so disparate. How can the gap be so big when it comes to small group operations? Could it be that the people of Shenzhou have turned into Super Saiyan? But is the Super Saiyan not the character of our Great Japanese Empire?

Ichiro Ozawa is puzzling, and Park Yong-Jun is also very surprised. Both Shenzhou and Russia are in a state of turmoil, and there is no way for them to confront each other. How can this be done? Can it be true that the group is destroyed? It’s a shame to say it. When it was not an allies’ battle last time, South Korea was killed by a group of people. Little Japan was still gloating. I didn’t expect this time to face the danger of a group’s destruction. I was ridiculed by people from other countries, said Ichiro Ozawa. "Not as good as we are, we will bring back the people we are outside, and then let them be around our headquarters, with the focus on machine guns to defend, when we speak. Provoking about the people of China and the Russians, letting them get hot and attacking us, maybe we have a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

"It makes sense!" Park Yongjun nodded in agreement.

As a result, all four or five people outside were transferred back to the headquarters, and the small Japanese and small Korean teams started the shrinking turtle.

After Zhao Tiezhu swayed for a long time outside, he never found any enemies. He contacted Leizi and found that those people had been tormented back. They could not help but feel the shamelessness of this group of people. Then they said, "Let's pack it." In the past, contact Paslov."

Soon, Zhao Tiezhu’s men and horses merged with Paslov’s men and women outside the headquarters of the Japanese side. A few people stood far away and could only see the command headquarters, next to the headquarters. There are four or five soldiers standing, and these people are all looking alert.

"This is an iron barrel!" Zhao Tiezhu said to Paslov. "With the heavy machine gun on the top, we can't get in."

"Then don't fight," Paslov said. "We have collected seven pieces of the brand, what about you?"

"Haha, just, we are also seven!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and escaped the riding block on his body.

"It seems that we have to tie our hands!" Paslov said helplessly.

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to say something, and he heard a scream in the distance.

"Shenzhou people, Russians, there are kinds to come to fight us, you cowards!" Ichiro Ozawa stood on the top of the car, carrying a heavy machine gun in his hand and said, "It is a man, you come to fight us, Haha, don't tell me that you are not a man!"

"Is this man's brain convulsed?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Paslov and asked.

"I think it should be!" Paslov nodded and said.

"Don't you dare to come over?" Ichiro Ozawa laughed. "I know that you guys are shrinking turtles. If you have the courage to come, we will let the Big Japanese Empire and the Republic of Korea let you know what is called a man's discouragement." !"

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly and said, "This is a radical approach."

"Yes!" said Lei Zi. "But it's quite useful, at least I am angry."

"I am angry too." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You don't want to storm?" Paslov looked at Zhao Tiezhu and asked, "Wait for another ten minutes. When time is up, we will win!"

"Oh, we are not used to being shackled and still hiding." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at the people on his side and said, "Brothers, wait for someone who wants to go with them to take their nest?"

The Blue Devils had one of the previous battles being beaten, so there are now nine people including Zhao Tiezhu. These people have laughed and said, "The demon instructor, we listen to you!"

"Well, wait a minute, you all do what I said!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a squint. "We want to give our friendly neighbors a big surprise! But you have to be prepared to sacrifice at any time!" ”

"Ha ha ha, it is not really a fight, even if it is really hit, we have already had the preparation for the country to die, the demon instructor, as you tell, we absolutely do not say anything!" Lu Zhi took the lead.

"Well, then you all come over and listen to me!"

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