Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1736: Visiting thunderstorms

Just after entering the thunderstorm home, Zhao Tiezhu smelled a very strong fragrance, making people feel unconsciously moving.

"Haha, this speed of recovery, very fast!" Thunderstorm smiled and patted Zhao Tiezhu's shoulder, Zhao Tiezhu licked his mouth, his expression was very rich.

"You can do it lightly!" Zhao Tiezhu's master Liu Yunyun frowned and took a thunderstorm's hand and said, "Is the iron column just right, you just don't have a sense of separation, brain damage?"

"This...this is my apprentice, I know it myself!" Thunderstorm shrank his neck and said, "The look of the iron column looks very good, so it doesn't matter! You don't know how to pet the iron column!"

"Cut, there is a way for you to give me a son to come out, but I take the iron column as our son. You said that you have been busy for most of your life and have not given me a man or a woman. Are you not shameful?" Liu Yunyun said dissatisfied.

"This is not just my problem." Thunderstorm grievances said, "It is probably your problem."

"Go, go to the hospital for examination..." Liu Yunyun was talking about it. He saw Zhao Tiezhu, who was snickering, and then his face sank. He said, "You are so old, what do you say in front of the iron column? Column, walk around, wash your hands, prepare to eat!"

"Well, my mother!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"It seems that you said it first, and blame me!" Thunderstorm muttered, followed by Zhao Tiezhu to wash his hands.

Not long after, a few people sat down at the table.

"Linger, recently with the iron column, have you been good?" Thunderstorm asked smirk.

Li Linger blushed and said, "Iron column brothers are recovering recently, and they are basically in bed!"

"Hey? Are you basically in bed?" The look on the thunderstorm's face is even heavier.

“Nothing!” Li Linger said in a hurry. “We haven’t lived in bed!”

"Oh, this is the iron column, you are not right!" Thunderstorm blamed Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You have to take the Linger back and forth, can't just get home and make ornaments?"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "This... Master, this dish you made today is really delicious!"

"Don't fight, tell Master, is there any lack of energy? Don't be shy, your master, I have a few bottles of secret medicine, which are from some old stockades. Useful!" Thunderstorm shook his eyebrows and said.

Zhao Tiezhu said, "Master, I haven’t fallen to the point of taking medicine. It’s you, you seem to be more than fifty. How can you use it? It’s not really old people can’t?”

The thunderstorm stunned and immediately angered. "You can't do it. Your master, I can be amazing, last night...hey!!"

The mouth of the thunderstorm was directly stunned by Liu Yunyun, who was ashamed of his face. Liu Yunyun looked helplessly at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You Master, there is no point!"

"Oh, although Master is not doing the right thing, I still know that Master is the most painful to me!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "If there is no Master on that day, maybe, now I can't sit in front of you, eat what you do." Meals!"

"Hey, iron pillar, grievances you!" Liu Yunyun reached out and touched Zhao Tiezhu’s head and said, "I knew you were seriously injured that day. I was going to see you at Zhao’s house, but your master has never been. Let me go, saying that the Zhao family is unstable now, and it is useless to go."

"Really, the entire Zhao family was not very stable in those days. If you go, you will have to look at me, so there is no need to pull it. Seriously, it is me to see you as a king!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. Now, I can eat, sleep, run, jump, you are old, don’t worry anymore!"

"Yeah, this is true!" Liu Yunyun said, and immediately looked at Li Linger and said, "Linger, the iron column is done for you this time, but there are enough, you can have a good iron column. To live, try to have a big fat boy early, let me be the master of the iron column, and have the opportunity to be a grandmother!"

Li Linger shyly bowed his head and said, "We...we are still early."

"Can't be early!" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly said, "I can't stand it for so long!"

"Iron brother, you... you bad guy!" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu with anger and said, "The people are not casual people."

"Haha, then I am a casual person, so that's fine!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

This meal is full of laughter, Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger screamed from time to time, and the thunderstorm and Liu Yunyun are both as audiences, and from time to time they also help to say a few words, and they are happy at the moment.

After dinner, Li Linger followed Liu Yunyun to clean up the dishes, while Zhao Tiezhu followed the thunderstorm and chatted directly in the living room.

"You are a daddy, this is awkward!" Thunderstorm took over the cigarette that Zhao Tiezhu handed over, and slammed it on his mouth. He said, "The bottom of the bus is paid, and Li Longba is directly under house arrest. This four people have become three people. The Zhou family also has the meaning of easing with you. It is almost only the money and the sun. Although it has recently lost a little, the days after Zhao will be better and better!"

"Well, I think so too. However, Zhao Bao has always been a big worry for my dad. I don't know what kind of tricks this person will play next time." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I always think this person is like a latent person. Like a crocodile in the dark, in an accidental way, he is likely to give you a sly, bite off your piece of meat, and even kill your life."

"Well, however, your father and Zhao Bao have been fighting for so many years, have not eaten any big losses, so you should still have confidence in your Laozi! Right, iron pillar, then, what are you going to do?" Road.

"The next step is to tilt the development center to the southeast." Zhao Tiezhu really has nothing to hide in front of the thunderstorm, and directly tells his plan.

After the thunderstorm was heard, it was silent for a long time, and then said, "The southeastern Pearl River Delta is a piece of fat meat, but it is also the third chaos in the whole of China after Tibet and the territory, where people One is more savvy, and it will often sell you. You are still helping them count the money. So, I will tell you a word for the teacher. In the Pearl River Delta, there must be more than one mind, anyone can believe, but also Don't believe anyone, do you know? Give yourself some more roads!"

"Know!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Have you seen where I have suffered?"

The thunderstorm stunned and immediately laughed. "This, you are right, hahaha!"

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