Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1737: Implementing human feelings

After coming out of the thunderstorm, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon. Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger went to other people who helped them. Finally, at five o'clock, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from Zhou Chaoshi. Read the full text. [Look at the novel - & three #八&小¥说&网--13800100]

There is not much talk in the phone during the week, but a few simple sentences. The general content is that I helped you once this time. This owes you the human feelings, and it is halfway. I will find another opportunity to report the rest of you. That half of the personal feelings.

Zhao Tiezhu thinks that this week's mixed world is also a person who loves and hates clearly, and he invites Zhou to come out to eat.

After Zhou Heshi hesitated for a long time on the phone, he finally agreed.

There were not many people to eat this time. Zhao Tiezhu was here with him and Li Linger. As for Su Yanni and Cao Ziyi, they had already gone out to visit the night market in Beijing. Su Yanni recently liked to buy baby products and some baby clothes. In fact, the mother-in-law has begun to show signs of flooding, and Cao Ziyi is like a full-time bodyguard with the nanny, taking care of Su Yanni all the way. After all, Su Yanni is pregnant in her stomach, but Zhao’s main vein Zhao Tiezhu’s kind, this is It is absolutely not allowed to make any difference.

Zhao Tiezhu is very happy about this, because if Zhao Yanni is handed over to other people in the Zhao family, Zhao Tiezhu is not at ease, but Cao Ziyi can make Zhao Tiezhu completely relieved, and she also has the ability to take care of Su Yanni completely. Since it is so convenient, Zhao Tiezhu is also happy to have two people stick together for a fascinating enchanting.

Zhou seems to be a man on the other side of the world, and then there is a friend of hiss, about four or five people.

Zhao Tiezhu casually found a hotel with a good grade, and after a private room, it was not long before Zhou Chai came with his friends. {plain text update super fast 13800100--& three #八&小¥说&网--fiction}

Seeing the friends of the Zhou mixed world, Zhao Tiezhu was surprised, because this person, Zhao Tiezhu he knows!


That person turned out to be reluctant, Zhao Tiezhu was barely seen in the **** city of fj.

I barely knew that Zhao Tiezhu was a guest. When I saw Zhao Tiezhu’s surprise, I barely said with a smile. "Iron column, recently, it’s quite good."

"Haha, okay, when did you come to Beijing?" After Zhao Tiezhu was surprised, he quickly recovered his normal heart.

"I came to visit an old classmate." Reluctantly said, "The result was that my old classmate got your news that day. My old classmate said that you should shoot. Then I will think about the relationship between the two of us. Let me The old classmate went to help you say something. Now it seems that this is still very effective!"

"Your old classmate?" Zhao Tiezhu looked puzzled at the stubbornness. This stubborn level is lower than the capital city. It is not even in a grade with Socrata. What kind of students can there be? Help yourself? Zhao Tiezhu did not believe that he would brag, so he asked curiously, "Who is your old classmate?"

"My old classmate, that is a cow." Reluctantly said, while sitting down with the week, and then said, "He, surnamed ancient!"

"Ancient month..." Zhao Tiezhu whispered the first two words, barely nodded and said, "It is him."

"I am going, I said how the central side has heard that the No. 1 head has said that he should punish me lightly. The feeling is that he is involved in it!" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly realized that if there is anything else to let this time If Zhao Tiezhu is puzzled, that is why the No. 1 head will make people punish Zhao Tiezhu lightly. He has never met with the No. 1 head, and he does not submit any feelings. Why is the No. 1 headmaster going to punish himself? ? There must be a reason for this.

It’s always impossible to be too handsome or to say that your protagonist’s aura is too strong?

Now it seems that this is a reluctant one to ask his old classmate Gu Yuehong to talk to the No. 1 head, and it still works! Zhao Tiezhu naturally knows that this is what people let themselves accept.

Nowadays, people in the society, especially those who do business, rarely have the kind of pay for no reason. Many people pay for things, they want to get other things, such as I bribe you, it is probably me. If you want to take your order, for example, if I help you, it is very likely that you will be able to help me with my queen.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu is very clear that he will barely say these things to himself, that is, to let himself implement his own feelings for himself.

Zhao Tiezhu is a person who knows how to report. Since people really help themselves, it doesn't matter if they are such a human being. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu said, "Reluctantly, this time, you helped me a lot, what happened in the future? Although it is absolutely impossible to find me!"

"Haha, what do you say about this, what do we have to do with it? I will help you to help you, but not to let you return me, we are friends, since it is a friend, then there is no need to talk about these virtual things, put yourself in the ground, Suppose you are me, and I have a hard time, will you help me?"

"Yes!" Zhao Tiezhu picked up his eyebrows and said. Although he said that he would not let him return, if he really did not want Zhao Tiezhu to return, he would not mention that he had helped Zhao Tiezhu. The above words were just a matter of words, but in the last sentence. That is the point.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally understands the meaning of the last sentence, so he will answer the meeting. This is even a relatively concealed agreement. If he is forced to meet something, Zhao Tiezhu must absolutely stand up and help.

Zhou Chaoshi’s face with a sinister smile said, “I didn’t expect both of you to know each other, but I didn’t even think of you, but I also helped the iron pillar!”

"Oh, it happened." Reluctantly smiled.

"How come you came together?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I am small with the mixed world." Reluctantly said, "Go back to Beijing, naturally I am looking for a mixed world, just call you to eat, I just met you, so I came over for dinner! Haha."

"That, this evening, we can have a good drink!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and told the waiter to serve.

Not long after, the wine or something, just like the running water was sent up.

A few people eat and drink outside with a chat, and time is over, it is also very fast.

"Catch the world, this time, I need to thank you." Zhao Tiezhu said with a glass of wine, said to the world, "Although we used to be enemies, but now, you are my friend Zhao Tiezhu!"

"Haha, if you don't deny me that I am a man cast aside, then I am willing to be friends with you!" Zhou mixed the smile.

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