Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1738: Past events

"How can I dislike? Haha, and you say that thousands of people cast aside, this is a bit too much, people, who is not young and impulsive, do something bad, in fact, nothing is very happy!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. --&三#八&小¥说&网--(13800100) Free novel

"I am not doing something bad, I have done a lot!" Zhou Chaoshi said with a finger, "I killed people, I sold women and children, I sold drugs, I also built casinos, I also organized women to sell, There is also a lot of bullying, there are many, basically one hand is not counted."

"I am not a savior, what bad things have you done, what do you do with me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Even if you are the worst villain in the world, but since you helped me, then I should thank you. And being a friend, as long as you are not against me, how do I manage the other previous sevens and sevens?"

"Haha, you are much better than those of the Taoist priests!" Zhou mixed the world and said with a smile. "Those birds, I said that I said this to me, my mother, those are things I did before I was twenty, they I have to move out and say it again. To be honest, I have a lot of things. After I was twenty, I slowly did a lot of things. At least until I am this year, I haven’t bullied anyone. You know, there are When people are mad at a certain degree, you will find that life is actually very funless, bullying people, and having a sense of pleasure for a while, but after a long time, it is like that, so now I basically don’t do what I don’t want to do. I saw something, but because the previous reputation was too strong, so until now, everyone still called me the devil, go to their mother!"

"Oh, people, there will always be a process of change. For example, when we are in junior high school, we will like to play. When we are in high school, we will like non-mainstream. When we are in college, we will indulge in picking up girls every time. Everyone has a past. If you don’t mean it is bad now, so you still have to look at the opening. In fact, if you want to have a sense of accomplishment, there is absolutely no need to build on the food. You can do something else. What you want to do is to use the body of God, love you, and slam the entire text for free reading." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What do you like? Looks like my favorite is a woman!" Zhou mixed world's face with a sinister look, said, "It's better than I started today, change a woman one day, change 365 women 365 days a year." How cool should this be!"

"Haha, as long as you have that ability and conditions, you can't miss it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "If there is demand, there will be supply. As long as the women are not unwilling, then you are just three changes a day, but I I have to say that if a man is strong against a woman, it is a very unsatisfactory thing, and it is also a proof that you are incompetent."

"I used to be strong before." There was a trace of recollection in the eyes of Zhou Chaoshi. "That was when I was in junior high school. I liked our school flowers very much. Then, I confessed to her. As a result, she not only refused. I also laughed at the swan meat that I wanted to eat, and even the boyfriend of his son who was the leader of the city. When I was out of school, I also taught me a lesson. I couldn’t stand it, but because the old man is the city. Leadership, so I dare not take revenge. Later, I found out that the city leaders were much smaller than my uncles and aunts. Then I tried to say that they were going to take the shots. It only took a few days, the so-called city. The leader was double-regulated, and then I discovered that many people who are very powerful in your opinion are actually empty shells. Then, I let people make the man who taught me to be disabled. When the face of the school flower was broken, then I took the school to qj. After the event, she didn’t have any noise or trouble, but said that she wanted to be with me, but unfortunately, when I was qj, she was no longer .Female, and her face I feel not so good-looking, so took her to throw into the river. "

“This...” Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhou’s mixed world and wanted to say that you’re really a bit perverted. I just thought that a junior child would be told to eat swan meat when he was confessing to others. A meal is an individual's resentment, and it is not uncommon for a small child to do so after discovering that he has the ability to abuse those who bully him.

"However, that's all the old thing." Zhou Chaoshi's face suddenly showed a smile, and then said, "I can have more products now, at least I will not be qj, a woman who is a woman, haha."

"Oh, this is progress." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Well, I think so too." Zhou mixed the world and said with a smile. "When I was young, I was always bullied. When I grew up and found that I was actually very good, I would have all the people who bullied me before. The death of the dead and the disabled, and later found that this really does not mean much, I will not do these things, but the reputation at that time is already out, I am now a low-key, but no matter who sees To me, I have to change my face first, haha ​​broken the fairy txt download txt!"

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that he could understand the behavior of Zhou Shishi. You think, when you were a child, you were alone, without the care and care of your parents, being bullied by others all day, when one day you discovered that you can actually bully those people. At that time, will you be worse? If you are an individual, then you will definitely!

Zhao Tiezhu thinks that this may be the reason why Zhou’s mixed personality will be distorted. However, Zhou Shijing is only a gun of his own, and his character is not twisted. Zhao Tiezhu does not care. How to use this person seriously is the king.

Several people chatted while drinking, and the event quickly reached 10 o'clock in the evening. Everyone drank and drank almost. After leaving the hotel, they dispersed.

Zhao Tiezhu watched the car of Zhou Chai to leave, then picked up the phone and hit it out.

"The car of the week is going to the direction of xxx. When you are no one, you start, but don't really hurt him. When I get to show up again, let's pretend to fight, you will retreat, know? Zhao Tizhu asked at the end of the phone.

"Know, Tiezhu brother." At the end of the phone, the voice of heaven was heard.

In the car of the week.

"Stubborn, do you think Zhao Tiezhu, how?" Zhou mixed the world asked.

"Not bad, people talk about loyalty, and the development potential is very high, suitable for investment." Reluctantly said.

"I think so too, haha." Zhou mixed the world and said with a smile.

At this moment, the mobile phone of the week was ringing.

It is Zhao Tiezhu’s phone.

"What is it?" asked Zhou Shi.

"You have a tail behind you." Zhao Tiezhu said straightforwardly!

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