Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1927: Exciting (60 more)

Fan Jian, male, 22 years old.

Before Fan Jian went to college, life was like an ink painting, black and white.

When I was young, because of my fat body, Fan Jian was bullied and was bullied. Fan Jian habitually pretended to be a very powerful person in front of the newly-recognized person.

For example, he has a very good family and has a lot of money.

And so on.

After going to college, Fan Jian met Zhao Tiezhu. After some things, life was subverted.

Now, Fan Jian of 22 is one of the executives of Fj Blood Soul Hall. He studied under the Eight Fingers and learned the gun method. On the fists, he was also given the number of counters by Zhao Tiezhu, especially Zhao Tizhu provided to Fan Jian. Pharmacy, let Fan Jian’s military value rise to a very high level, although compared with the real master, Fan Jian can only be abused, and even a casual person can easily abuse Fan Jian. However, the current Fan Jian, playing a few small security guards, is still no problem.

Fan Jian’s identity is placed there. Under normal circumstances, you don’t have to use it yourself.

What is the situation to be hands-on? There is no younger brother around, only people who are more arrogant than him. At this time, Fan Jian needs to start.

It seems to be now.

Fan Jianyi slaps the head of the security captain Xiao Chen and smashes the entire wooden desk into pieces. The Xiao Chen is bleeding from the nose and mouth. The whole person unconsciously twitches on the ground and turns his eyes up. At first glance, shock is over.

Fan Jianxi smiled and was standing next to him. He stood up.

The whole body of fat made Fan Jian stand, and the whole person trembled.

"It’s really awkward to start." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Of course." Fan Jian said, "It hasn't been beaten for a long time. If it weren't for the iron pillar, I wouldn't have to sacrifice my body."

"You are ambiguous in what you said." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I didn't let you contribute to me."

"Hey, aren't they all the same? Anyway, my body is already tarnished by him, so I can only let him suffer a bit." Fan Jian looked at Xiao Chen on the ground and said.

At this time, several security guards rushed over at once, holding batons in their hands and squatting down according to Fan Jian’s head.

Fan Jian is a dodge.

The obese body, in a very limited environment, directly made a very difficult dodge action.

This action, like a flowing water, directly evaded the guards of several security guards, and then Fan Jian did not punch out, but the whole person seemed to be a tank like the security guards.


Several security guards tried to resist, but it was simply blocking the car, not self-reliant!

Fan Jian’s weight, but there is nothing to say, such a heavy body to run again, that energy, it is simply not to say.

All the security guards were directly used by Fan Jian to fly out.

Almost between a few breaths, the entire security room, there are no people standing.

"Not bad." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and touched his clothes, and then found a vacuum camera, said, "The head here is to record this security guard your feet, haha, Sun Ruilian, this time the buddies do not play Die her."

"Iron column brother, you are really savage!" Fan Jian said shyly.

"You think of you as a boast of me." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Just then, from the outside of the security guard, there was some buzzing.

"Give us the gray machine brother!"

"Gray machine brother, let us save you!"

"Fan Jiange, hold on!"

The sound is very mixed, but Zhao Tiezhu also heard some of them.

"It seems that everyone is here!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "This is a good time. Wait for the person responsible for the filming. Remember to follow the whole process!"

“These are all ready!” said Fan Jian. “Those people are professional! You must be sure to take the whole shot!”

"Go out!" Zhao Tiezhu said, turned and walked out of the security room, and Fan Jian was behind Zhao Tiezhu.

When I got out of the security room, Zhao Tiezhu was really shocked. Although many people expected to come over, they couldn’t think of so many people.

There are more than one hundred people standing in front of the security guards, and there are people from around.

Everyone's face has an angry look, and several of them are especially obvious. These people are responsible for talking to the people next to them.

These people are the people arranged by Zhao Tiezhu.

The responsibility of these people is to be responsible for provocation.

When I saw Zhao Tiezhu coming out, the crowd made a burst of cheers.

Then there were several people who drank with Zhao Tiezhu today and greeted them and asked Zhao Tiezhu how.

"Mother's, the people inside use lynching, I grass, if I am not familiar with Fan Jian, it is estimated that this time have to be unloaded by the people!" Zhao Tiezhu shouted.

"I am grass, so mad? Go, brothers go in and learn from them!" someone shouted.

Zhao Tiezhu is shaking his head. "No, Fan Jian has already made a big difference to teach them. Classmates, know why I was invited to this security room?"

“Why?” someone asked immediately.

"When I first came, I heard them say that they were all orders from the headmaster of Sun. That is to say, today in the Great Hall, President Sun promised not to dispose of us. In fact, it is only a plan to slow down. What she really wants is to fight for time. Then, each of them broke down. The students, the principal of this grandchild, obviously want to abuse her authority. Can everyone see such a thing happen?"


Someone called.

"I don't think this kind of thing happens. I want to be free and open before we fj university. Now someone is running, we have to add shackles to us. We are not children, nor are we working hard. Why should we be imprisoned?" And forcing us to do things we don't like?" Zhao Tiezhu continued to shout.

"That is, what age is it, and it is still so wide!" Someone responded.

"Today, the timing is just right. We have so many people. If you have time, you can go to see my granddaughter with me. I want to ask him to ask him what I have done. I need her to arrange for security. My arm, isn't this fj university really a principal of her grandchildren?" Zhao Tiezhu shouted.

"We are all empty!" cried a group of people.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Thank you all, let's go, let's go to the principal's office, look for the headmaster of the grandson, why she wants to die for me! What I did to the country and the people!"

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